Chapter 450 450. Dragon

Although Wang Bo was a little surprised when he heard that the Baiju Kingdom was defeated, he was not surprised.

On the battlefield, things are changing rapidly. Whether it is the defeat of the Baiju Kingdom or the defeat of the Xiuna Kingdom, it is a very normal thing.

He was surprised because the Baiju Kingdom was defeated so quickly.

Logically speaking, the strengths of the two countries are similar, so if a war is fought, it is likely to be a protracted war, and it is normal for it to last for a month or two.

This is especially true in wars between two countries.

For example, when Qin Shihuang ruled the world, it took about ten years to wipe out the six countries of Yan and Zhao in the north, Han and Wei in the central plains, Qi in the east and Chu in the south. In the years of war and chaos among the princes, the first centralized and unified country in Chinese history was established.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang took seven years to rule the world.

However, it took Cao Cao 34 years to stabilize the north.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang took about 15 years from cavalry to proclaiming himself emperor to rule the world.

And this is only the East, especially the West.

For example, the Anglo-French War, which can be said to be the most famous war, has been fought for a full hundred years, so it is also called the Hundred Years Anglo-French War.

Even the talented Alexander the Great spent several years stabilizing Greece, and then started his own life, sweeping across the Middle East, occupying the entire territory of Egypt without a single soldier, and smashing the Persian Empire. In the Indus River Basin, the world's four ancient civilizations occupy the third place.

And all this took 13 years.

It can be seen from this that it is normal for wars between countries to last for several months.

Therefore, Wang Bo estimated that it would not be uncommon for the Baiju Kingdom and the Xiuna Kingdom to fight for several months or even several years.Because of the war between the country and the national quality inspection, it is not only military power, but also generals, logistics and many other factors.

It is not easy for a country to defeat another country.

The results of it?
Just as Wang Bo brought back the residents of Baihua Town, the Baiju Kingdom was defeated?
This is too fast.

Wang Bo was so surprised, let alone the young Prince Kit. Hearing the defeat of the Baiju Kingdom, he suddenly yelled, "How is it possible? There are [-] soldiers, and the other arms add up to a full [-] troops, father."

He said in disbelief: "How could the [-] army be defeated in a short period of time."

The king said: "It is reasonable to say that the strength of the White Chrysanthemum Kingdom is astonishing, and it is impossible to defeat it so quickly. However, according to the information I have obtained, the Shuna Empire sent a secret weapon to the battlefield, and won the first battle, completely defeating the White Chrysanthemum Kingdom .”

Prince Kit couldn't help asking, "What's the secret weapon?"

The king said, "Dragon, it's a dragon!"

Prince Kit couldn't help but gasped, "Dragon, there is a dragon in the Shuna Kingdom. Isn't that a legendary creature? Why does it only appear in legendary creatures?"

The king shook his head, "I don't know either."

Wang Bo wasn't surprised at all, this is another world anyway, isn't it normal to have dragons?

What he didn't understand was that the Baiju Kingdom was defeated, and it should be the Baiju Kingdom that was in trouble, why his own country was also in trouble.

And judging by the face of the king, it was not a small trouble.So Wang Bo couldn't help but ask.

The king said with a gloomy face: "A day ago, the envoy of the Shuna Kingdom came to our country and gave us an order to surrender to the Shuna Kingdom immediately, otherwise the dragon will descend on the capital."

Prince Kit was shocked and angry, angry and impatient, and couldn't help saying loudly: "How dare they do this."

The head of the guard said helplessly: "Suwo bluntly, Your Highness, if the Kingdom of Shuna really has a dragon that can defeat a hundred thousand troops, they really dare to do so."

Prince Kit looked angry, but helpless.

Wang Bo was not surprised at all. If any country has a legendary dragon, it will inevitably expand, especially this kind of powerful dragon that can defeat an army of [-].

Regardless of whether the giant dragon defeated the [-] army by itself or assisted the Shuna Kingdom in defeating the [-] army, it can be regarded as a very powerful dragon.

With such a giant dragon as the backing, it is not surprising that the Shona kingdom expands to want to conquer the world.

Not to mention asking their small country to surrender.

After all, with the strength of the Xiuna Kingdom, this country can be defeated by itself. Now with the help of the giant dragon, they have the power to defeat the Baiju Kingdom.

It is completely unrealistic for this small country to resist the Shuna Kingdom.

Wang Bo asked, "Your Majesty, what do you want me to do?"

The king said: "I hope you can go to the kingdom of Zaragoza instead of me, and take my ineffective son to propose to Princess Selina of the kingdom of Zaragoza."

"Father." Prince Kit was bewildered.

The head guard's eyes lit up.

Wang Bo suddenly understood, "Your Majesty, do you want to seek asylum from the Kingdom of Zaragoza through marriage?"

"This is the only way for us to maintain our independence." The king said helplessly. This is a solution he has thought about for a long time. Only by using marriage can he induce the Kingdom of Zaragoza to send troops to protect his country.

Wang Bo said: "The Kingdom of Zaragoza may not necessarily help us in the face of a giant dragon criss-crossing the battlefield."

Wang Guo said confidently: "Don't worry, I've already thought about it, Slant." He took Wang Bo to the desk and opened a map.

All countries near the kingdom are clearly marked on this map.

The king pointed to the south and said, "This is the Kingdom of Zaragoza."

Then he pointed to the north and said, "This is the Shuna Kingdom."

Finally, pointing to a little king in the middle of the two kingdoms, he said, "This is our kingdom."

"There is our country as a buffer between the Kingdom of Zaragoza and the Kingdom of Shuna, and there is no direct conflict. Once we surrender to the Kingdom of Shuna, the Kingdom of Shuna can completely invade the Kingdom of Zaragoza directly through our country."

"The monarch of the Kingdom of Zaragoza is a generation of wise monarchs. I believe he will definitely help us."

Wang Bo immediately understood what the king meant.

To put it bluntly, this is actually a threat.

Through Wang Bo, the king wanted to tell the monarch of the Kingdom of Zaragoza clearly that if you don’t help us, we will directly fall to the Kingdom of Shuna, and then we will send troops to fight you with the Kingdom of Shuna, and ask if you are afraid!
If the Kingdom of Zaragoza does not want to face the forces of the two kingdoms, plus a terrifying dragon, it must send troops to help them fight against the Kingdom of Shuna.

(End of this chapter)

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