Chapter 444
After Wang Bo left the palace and returned to his own castle, he ordered the housekeeper to pack up his things and leave for a long trip tonight.

The butler was a little puzzled, "Master, I don't understand why you should obey the orders of a king, that's just a human being."

In the heart of the steward, human beings are too fragile, even the king.

He can easily kill the king.

Even if the entire king's human beings come to attack them, he is not afraid, relying on the strength of the master, no, even without the master's action, with the power of hundreds of demons, it should not be too easy to defeat the king.

No matter in terms of strength or strength, they all occupy an absolute advantage.

So the butler really didn't understand why his master would obey the orders of a human being, it wasn't magic.

Wang Bo calmly explained: "I'm not following the orders of a king, I just want to travel around this different world and save some human beings by the way, that's all."

Yes, if Wang Bo is unwilling, even the king can't help him.

However, after finally coming to a different world that has never been added before, Wang Bo always felt that something was missing if he didn't go around and get a taste of the style of the different world.

After all, when he was an otaku, he had dreamed of traveling in another world.

This time it's here, of course you won't miss it.

Even if there is no order from the king, Wang Bo will find time to go outside.

The king's order is just to allow Wang Bo to realize this idea in advance, and in the process of traveling, it can also save some innocent lives, so why not do it.

He is not a cold-blooded animal.

Hearing Wang Bo's words, the butler couldn't help but suddenly realized, and immediately ordered the demons under his command to prepare for the trip.

Soon, a busy afternoon passed.

At night, Wang Bo left his castle in a carriage and led a group of soldiers disguised as humans by demons, heading for the border of the kingdom.

However, before they had gone far, a team chased after them.

"Duke, please wait a moment." The shouting voice came from far to near.

Wang Bo waved his hand to stop the team.

A well-trained team came galloping and stopped beside Wang Bo's team. The leader was the handsome young man I saw in the palace this afternoon...Prince Kit.

Beside him was still the inseparable Chief Guard.

After the prince led the team to catch up with Wang Bo, he reined in his horse and showed a bright smile, "Please allow me to walk with you, Duke."

Wang Bo looked at the team behind him, all cavalry, it seemed that the king had agreed to the prince's request and sent such an elite troop to protect the prince.

Immediately, Wang Bo nodded, and said flatly, "It's my honor, Prince."

Thus, the two teams reunited and set off towards the border together.

Wang Bo's team is all demons. Even though they pretended to be humans, they still dismissed weak humans, so they maintained an arrogant posture along the way, and did not pay attention to the prince's team at all.

The two teams can have redundant exchanges from beginning to end.

But all this fell into the eyes of the chief guard, and what he saw was indeed an unsmiling, well-trained, and forbidden army, which surprised him a bit.

Even the guards of the palace could not do this step.

It seems that the Duke is very good at managing the army.

So he told the prince about this discovery, not to make the prince wary of the duke, but to encourage the prince to learn from the duke how to train troops.If the army of the whole country can be as disciplined as the private army of the duke, then they need not fear those powerful countries.

After hearing the chief guard's instigation, the prince was a little moved. As a prince and the heir to the next king, he knew the importance of the army very well.

So at noon the next day, the prince asked Wang Bo about military issues while eating.

For example, if one's own national strength is weak, how can one defeat the enemy.

Another example is how to turn defeat into victory if one's own army is faced with an overwhelmingly unfavorable situation.

To be honest, these questions made Wang Bo feel confused.

Military question?He doesn't understand.

Wang Bo has always fought alone. He has never formed a clique, let alone trains the army.

Faced with the prince's question of how to win more with less, Wang Bo gave a sixteen-character mantra after thinking twice.

"When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we attack, when the enemy retreats, we pursue!"

These are the famous guerrilla warfare quotes of Taizu back then, and even a person like Wang Bo who is not proficient in military affairs can memorize them.

When he told the prince what he said, the prince was astonished.

Although these sixteen words are simple, they are indeed summed up from the essence of countless wars.

The prince has received an elite education since he was a child. He is proficient in horseback riding, archery, military affairs, literature and art, and fencing. He is not a boastful person.

Because of this, he can understand the meaning of it.

The prince chewed the sixteen-character mantra over and over again, and the more he chewed, the more flavorful it became. He felt that there was countless wisdom contained in the sixteen-character mantra.

This surprised him greatly, and he bowed to Wang Bo, "Duke, it's great to have you in our country."

Yes, such a weak country like theirs is so lucky to have such a wise duke.

Wang Bo was amazed by this, no wonder his father trusted him so much.

He decided that after he ascended the throne, he would be like his father, relying more on this wise duke to govern his country more perfectly.

Wang Bo looked at the excited prince, completely confused why the prince suddenly became excited on his own.

What's wrong with this guy?

In the Duke's memory, there is no information that the prince is a fool.

Wang Bo curled his lips, and decided to ignore the self-excited prince and eat casually.

Putting aside the incident on the road, after three days, everyone finally arrived at the border of the kingdom.

Yes, their country is so small that they can travel from the capital to the border in three days.

Wang Bo estimated that the land of their country is not even as large as a state in the United States, which is tens of thousands of square kilometers, and the population does not even exceed 50. It is a veritable small country.

And in the countries around them, everyone is bigger and stronger than them.

It is not an exaggeration to say that their country is struggling to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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