Chapter 409 409. Ishida Corporation
Kaneki Ken lives here because the housing prices here are very cheap.

He used to get up very early every day, take the subway, transfer several times, and go to the university.

But now, in order to work to pay off his debts, Kaneki Ken has already given up going to school and is working hard every day. The school also sent him several letters telling him that if his attendance rate is not enough, he will repeat the grade.

But would Kaneki Ken, who was already overwhelmed by himself, care?
Now, Wang Bo has replaced Jin Muyan, so of course he doesn't want to live in this kind of place.He has already made a decision to repeat the old tricks and sell some gems in exchange for a large sum of money.

After paying off Yakuza's debts, he moved to a more prosperous area in Tokyo.

For example, Minato, Shinjuku, Shibuya, all of these are fine.

Of course, Wang Bo knows that the housing prices in these areas are absolutely high. For ordinary people, it should be an astronomical figure, but for Wang Bo, as long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem.

After all, he is really rich.

For Wang Bo, the operation of exchanging gems for money has long been beyond his proficiency.

After all, he has done this kind of thing several times.

So this time, Wang Bo still did it very smoothly. In less than one morning, he sold several expensive gemstones in exchange for 100 billion yen.

100 billion yen sounds exaggerated, but if converted into US dollars, 100 billion yen is less than 100 million U.S. dollars. It can be seen that this [-] billion yen is not an exaggeration.

If Wang Bo is willing, exchanging tens of billions of yen is nothing, but money is enough for Wang Bo to spend.

After that, Wang Bo went to the bank, withdrew 3000 million yen in cash, and came to Shinjuku with the suitcase.

As for the group of Yakuza who had been following Wang Bo secretly, they were left behind by Wang Bo as early as when Wang Bo went out.


Shinjuku is one of the three sub-capitals of Tokyo. The well-known Kabukicho is in this area, and it is also the base of various Yakuza and urban legends.

At least the Yakuza organization that Wang Bo borrowed money from is stationed here, and its name is... Ishida Group!
According to Kaneki Ken's information, there are too many Yakuza organizations in Tokyo, and the Ishida group is just an inconspicuous small organization among these organizations.

The number of people is only about a hundred, but because it is a small organization, in order to support itself and strengthen itself, it will use unscrupulous means and often use some despicable means.

But they are very intelligent and often take advantage of legal loopholes.

For example, the means to deal with Kaneki Ken is one of the means they often use.Although the efficiency is a little lower, at least there is no legal responsibility.

It is precisely because of this kind of caution that they have escaped many crises and survived safely until now.

After Wang Bo came to Shinjuku by train, he took a taxi and arrived in front of an old-looking office building, which is the home of the Ishida-gumi.

Wang Bo walked in carrying the suitcase and took the elevator to the twelfth floor of the office building.At the end of the corridor, there is a security door with the brand of Ishida Co., Ltd. on it.

The so-called Ishida Co., Ltd. is the Ishida Group.

Wang Bo raised his hand and knocked on the door, the sound of bang bang echoed in the corridor.

After a while, a Japanese with dyed yellow hair opened the door and was a little surprised to see Wang Bo, "Kaneki, why are you bastard here?"

"I'll pay back the money." Wang Bo said calmly.

"Repay the money?" The blond-haired man became more and more surprised. He lowered his head and saw the box in Wang Bo's hand, and he stretched out his hand to snatch it.

This guy is called Inoue Shinichi, and he is one of the thugs of the Ishida-gumi. He often puts pressure on Wang Bo, and he will punch and kick him if he doesn't like it. In Kaneki Ken's eyes, this guy is a complete jerk.

When the opponent snatched the box, Wang Bo raised his hand to press his shoulder and pushed it lightly.

Inoue Shinichi felt a tyrannical force coming, he couldn't help but staggered back, his body lost his balance, and he sat down on the ground.

The intense pain made Shinichi Inoue let out a scream.

Wang Bo walked in. It was a very simple office with only one desk, a sofa and coffee table, and a row of bookcases in the corner.

In addition, there is a printer, several computers, and a water dispenser.

Who would have thought that this seemingly simple place is actually the office of the Ishida Group.It was here that Kaneki Ken borrowed a huge sum of money and stepped into the trap without looking back.

If he hadn't been accidentally replaced by Wang Bo, he would have committed suicide by now.

Wang Bo looked around and found that Shinichi Inoue was the only person in this simple office, so he couldn't help asking, "I'm here to find your boss, where is he?"

"Kaneki!" Inoue Shinichi endured the pain and got up from the ground, raised his fist, and threw it at Wang Bo's head, "You bastard, you want to die... Poof!"

Wang Bo turned his body sideways to avoid Shinichi Inoue's attack, and at the same time slapped Shinichi Inoue on the stomach.

Inoue Shinichi flew up like a cannonball, hit the wall with a slamming sound, and then fell to the ground, his brain was dizzy, and he didn't understand what happened at all.

Wang Bo stepped forward and pulled Shinichi Inoue up, "I'm here to find Ishida, where is he?"

Inoue Shinichi came back to his senses and wanted to resist, Wang Bo punched this guy in the stomach, the huge impact almost shattered Inoue Shinichi's intestines.

The other party opened his mouth involuntarily and spit out a large amount of acid water.The severe pain distorted his facial features.

"I'm asking you again, where is Ishida?"

Shinichi Inoue was discouraged this time, and said tremblingly, "Boss Ishida, Boss Ishida took someone out."

"Then let him come back." Wang Bo said bluntly.

Inoue Shino nodded repeatedly.

Wang Bo let go of his hand, let the guy fall to the ground, carried his suitcase to the sofa and sat down.

After a while, Inoue Shinichi got up, ran outside and made a phone call.

"Boss, come back quickly, that boy Jin Mu has brought money to pay back the money."

"Yes, boss, to hold him steady."

"No... no problem."

After a while, Inoue Shinichi walked in and said to Wang Bo: "Our boss will wait for you, he will be back soon."

Wang Bo asked, "How long?"

"Half an hour."

"Yes." Wang Bo nodded, anyway, he has nothing to do now.

Inoue Shinichi stood aside tremblingly, looking at Wang Bo sitting on the sofa with an uneasy expression, he was puzzled why Kaneki Ken, who had been bullied by him in the past, became so fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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