Chapter 726 Tianma
"Well, I'll give you some luck to practice, now you look so weak, tsk tsk tsk."

Lu Bu looked at Gao Shun with arrogance and disdain, but Gao Shun's expression remained the same as usual, obviously he was used to Lu Bu's appearance.

"Speaking of which, God is pretty good, if I save someone, give me luck.

Well, this day is indeed the day of our human race. I wanted to split it to see, but now I suddenly feel a little embarrassed. "

Lu Bu rubbed his teeth, and said with some regret.

Gao Shun's expression remained unchanged, but his heart moved slightly.

"The gods of the human race? This is not necessarily the case. The benefit of saving the human race is probably the luck of the human race, right?"

Gao Shun wanted to tell Lu Bu his guess, but when he heard Lu Bu's last words, he immediately shut up.

Forget it, let this day go, it is still a child.

"Hey, Shun, why do I feel like you're going to say something to me?"

"No, let's hurry."

"Really not?"


Gao Shun didn't change his face. Although Lu Bu was a little puzzled, he scratched his head and didn't ask any more questions.

"By the way, speaking of this luck, it's quite useful, not to mention that it can be used for cultivation. Last time I used a little for Fang Tian's painting halberd, and now it's much more powerful.

I gave Chitu some food last time, and Chitu's speed has also increased a lot, and I will give it to you later when the luck arrives."

Lu Bu said casually while riding on the red rabbit, his eyes fluttered on Gao Shun.

At least Gao Shun, who was following beside him, suddenly felt a wave of malice.

"I feel like you're thinking of something bad."

"No, no, really no, how is it possible."

Lu Bu waved his hands again and again, Gao Shun just looked at him silently.


Not to mention that the hired Lu Bu led the camp to the Hulun Buir Prairie. At the other end of the Daxing'an Mountains, a young general was carefully spying on the valley in front of him.

The young general was wearing white armor and a white robe, holding a bright silver gun in his hand, with a fair face, like a handsome boy of seventeen or eighteen years old.

The young general in white robe looked at the white horses in the valley with fiery eyes. The white horses were tall and handsome, and each of them was a first-class horse in the world. The wings on the top make it more glorious and more handsome.

This is Pegasus.

The young general in white robe looked at these Pegasus horses enviously, and he couldn't help but imagine that he was riding a Pegasus horse, and then leading a team of all Pegasus horses, Bai Ma Yicong, galloping and charging in the sky.

The pure white team drew a line in the sky, allowing Bai Ma Yi, who has the world's fastest speed, to soar in the sky from the shackles of the earth.

White is justice, the horse is the only one, and the white horse is the only justice.

War horses of other colors are heretics, all burned to death, ho ho ho!

A certain young general in white robe who had been seriously affected by Gongsun Zan for too long looked at the white celestial horse below and became more and more envious.

White, horse, fast!
But at this moment, another person ran up eagerly from behind. Although he had deliberately lowered his voice, he still attracted the attention of the five heavenly horses in the valley, and they took a few steps to run up and spread their wings to soar into the sky.

Seeing this, the young general in white robe's expression changed drastically, and he jumped out suddenly. A white wind fluttered its wings on his back, causing the young general in white robe to rush out.


And when Tianma saw the familiar figure behind him, he panicked, flapping his wings again and again, bursting out at extreme speed, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Tianma successfully escaped from the innate hands of the young general in white robe with his proud speed, which made the young general in white robe more happy but also a little helpless.

Recalling that someone else had disturbed Tianma just now, the face of the young general in white robe turned black instantly, and strands of jet-black aura lingered all over his body, making the pawn who had just run up shrink his head, and hastily raised the token in his hand.

"Urgent report from the general."

After seeing the token clearly, the young general in white robe could only helplessly complain about his bad luck, turned his head to look in the direction where Tianma left, and thought viciously.

Next time, next time I must catch you.

Turning around, he walked forward and turned over to get on his horse.

But as soon as he approached and was about to go up, the BMW with orchid marks on its ears, dragon scales on some parts of its body, and four scale swirls on its belly glanced at him, and then walked away with small steps. .

just go, go
The young general in white robe looked at Yulan Bailongju who seemed to be jealous and fell silent.

"So not only didn't I even snatch the daughter-in-law, but I also ran away with my daughter-in-law??!"

The aura of the young general in white robe suddenly became unstable, faintly turning black again.

Seeing this, the messenger next to him gritted his teeth and said hastily.

"The general told you to go back immediately, there is a war going on."


Hearing this, the young general in white robe frowned slightly on his handsome face.

"Urgent call for war? Okay, then I'll take a step first."

As soon as the words fell, the young general in white robe ignored his Magnolia White Dragon Colt, and directly flew into the sky with a bright silver gun in his hand.

And before he disappeared from the sight of the messenger, a horse pulled a white line across the ground, and instantly appeared under the crotch of the young general in white robes, and then one person and one horse disappeared from sight.

The messenger withdrew his eyes and looked at the dozen or so deployments left by the young general in white robe.

One of them looked at him and shrugged his shoulders, and the messenger simply joined them on horseback, and after a while, a group of white horses also left here.

After everyone left, a white figure appeared behind the mountain. A head with a one-horn poked its head to look around. After seeing that there was no one there, he walked out gracefully from behind the mountain.

With white feathers on their backs, they were the five Pegasus horses who had just escaped, and now they came back again, chewing tender grass gracefully by the pond at the bottom of the small valley.


Fang Fan, who was training on the Panlong chariot, suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the north with a little bit of surprise.

"Hey, it's so deadly."

Dian Wei, Long Xiang, and Shi Yongben were a little strange, but when they followed the Panlong chariot forward, they also noticed the majestic death energy occupying the sky one by one, which was shocking.

"The death energy of this scale is no longer something that can be brought together by one or two legions.

I'm afraid something has happened here, Longxiang, speed up, go to Lingzhi! "


The dragon elephant let out a high-pitched elephant moo, and its footsteps quickened immediately, and the Panlong chariot whizzed past from the sky.

Lingzhi is a small city-level territory, the core city of Gongsun Zan's forces, and the only city.

Maybe it was influenced by Fang Fan, or maybe it was forced by the form, the major forces of this human race basically narrowed their sphere of influence.

Change the original city-town-village structure into a giant city structure, and arm the giant city to the teeth, so as to add a bit of vitality to the decline of the human race in the future.

After all, the principle that only when the fist is clenched is strength is universal no matter ancient or modern.

(End of this chapter)

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