Chapter 540 Doomsday! (13)

"My lord, no matter how large the population or scale of a city, the range it can radiate is limited.

Why don't we spread out a network with the city as the core, the town as the node, and the village as the foundation, as before, and firmly hold the whole of Henan in our hands?
Only in this way can we make perfect use of the mines, forests, and spiritual fields in Henan without waste. "

After thinking about it, Li Mo raised his own question.

"As the population of a city increases, governance will become more complicated, and more and more problems will arise.

Although we have the means and ability to solve these problems now, it is not worth it.

After all, some things are not whether they can be done, but whether they are worth doing. "

"I am very clear about your doubts. I just have such an idea now, and the specifics have not yet been determined. Anyway, before the million level, Ning'an can continuously increase the population, right?"


"Then we still have time to discuss. Besides, whether it is gathering or dispersing, it needs construction and grassroots officials, right?"


"Then reserve in these two areas must be done and strengthened, because talents are the foundation of a territory, and only a sufficient base can support a territory with so many workshops, so many industries, and so many troops. From this huge level."

"Yes, there is no controversy on this, it is beyond doubt."

Li Yan and Li Mo both nodded and said.

"Okay, you can listen to my thoughts on the basis that there is no problem with the general direction."

Fang Fan smiled gently and continued.

"Villages, towns, and cities form a network to cover the land and rule by it. This is a practice from ancient times to the present. It is a system that has been perfected by countless sages and great men for thousands of years. The foundation of its birth lies in ——The human race is the overlord, ruling the entire land, so this system is needed.”

"In addition to this, there is a crucial point that the carrying capacity of the land is limited, and one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. That is because the ecological chain of a mountain cannot support two top hunter tigers. If you force it, you can only starve to death. any other possibility.

The same is true for people, people need to eat, hunting and survival in ancient times, which created the tribal era.

With the birth of slash-and-burn farming and domesticated livestock, tribes converged into cities.

With the increase in food production and the development of transportation, the gathering place of the human race is getting bigger and bigger.

Chang'an, with a population of one million people transported by horse-drawn carriages in ancient times, is now a city of tens of millions transported by automobiles and trains in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Do you dare to imagine 100 million people living together in a city in the tribal era?
In the feudal era, do you dare to imagine 1000 million people living together in a city?
Facts have proved that the scale of the city is constantly expanding with the increase of productivity and the complexity and refinement of production. Do you think there is a problem with this? "

The two shook their heads.

"no problem."

"Okay, then let's take a look at the current situation.

First of all, do you think that for now, the human race is the overlord in the entire natural environment and the entire ecological chain? "

This is a heavy question, Li Yang fell silent after hearing this, Li Yan and Li Mo's lips squirmed, but they didn't make a sound for a long time.

After a while, Fang Fan continued.

"What is an overlord?
The overlord is, even if it is the most powerful predator in nature, the human race only needs to use the most common weapon, a submachine gun.

There is nothing that can't be solved by a single person and a submachine gun. If there is, then it will be called overlord.

Although I don't want to say it with my pathetic self-confidence, I still have to admit that the human race is no longer the overlord of the earth, and it can even be said to be in danger.

As far as the current situation is concerned, no matter which one of the ten top races is enough to affect the life and death of the human race.

The absolute peak, the absolute peak, and the human race has no absolute peak. "

The atmosphere in the room became more depressing, and the depressing people felt tight in their chests, but Fang Fan continued.

"Once the ten great peaks are conceived and born, the birth and death of Ning'an and the continuation of our human race will only be in the thought of others.

If you are in a good mood, you can kill the human race to relieve boredom. If you are in a bad mood, you can have dinner after killing the human race.

Of course, there may be a few kept in cages to show their status, to watch, and to be classified as first-class protected animals. "

The corner of Fang Fan's mouth was curved with a trace of sarcasm, his words were like a knife, piercing into his heart, and the knife saw blood.

"Okay, let's not talk about those that are too depressing. We are more ostrich, we are more short-sighted, and we can't see the peak. After all, they are too high, maybe they can't see us?
Let's talk about the congenital mutant beasts in the mountains and forests, the kind of congenital mutant beasts that do not form a race and rely on blood or chance.

There are a lot of such mutant beasts, there are six or seven in the Qinling Mountains alone, there must also be in the Yangtze River, and there are countless in the sea.

They are just innate, um, I can kill them at will, but to what extent has their strength reached?

Ordinary people can already be ignored, and the scattered army can't do anything about them.

What could threaten them?
For the time being, there are only two, the middle-level generals and the third-tier ten-thousand-thousand army of relatives.

The army soul summoned in this way can barely reach the sixth-order innate level, and then it can compete with the innate mutant beasts.

Maybe the army is stronger, or the generals are stronger and can kill sixth-order mutant beasts.

Regardless of the legion, how many generals are there?

I can tell you that, including the emperor star and the first sequence, there are a total of 360 five contractable stars, one radish and one pit.

There can only be 360 ​​five generals in the world at the same time, how many?
If it is based on the kind of village, town, and city, is it enough?answer me. "

Li Mo opened his mouth and found that his lips were dry and sticky.

"not enough."

"Yes, it's not enough. Then why do we implement it? Could it be that the world becomes a place where demons run rampant, and such things as destroying a city and devouring a country become a part of daily life?"


Li Yang's face was ferocious, he gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words.

"Yeah, no, but how many places can Ning'an protect if he is strong and spread out?

Don't say anything else, let's just talk about it now, what if a congenital-level mutant beast attacks Jianye?Who will stop?
I can only go, but before I arrive, what will Jianye face?
Tens of thousands dead or only tens of thousands left?

Either way is not the result we want to see and face.

What's more, what a congenital or a legion guardian is facing is only the lowest congenital mutant beast.

Their existence at most guarantees the basic security. If, as in fantasy novels, mutant beasts call for friends, the city will also be destroyed, and the human race will be turned into blood. There is no luck at all. "

Fang Fan's cold words echoed in their ears, giving them a blow to the head who were somewhat proud and swollen.

Yes, they are the first city of the human race, and they are the most powerful territory of the human race.

But this has never been a struggle among human races, this has never been a struggle for hegemony among the Three Kingdoms, here is
Doomsday! !
(End of this chapter)

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