Chapter 398

And that's just the economic benefit it can bring.

The impact of the establishment of a shipping system is by no means strictly limited to the economic sphere.

On the contrary, this complete shipping system will play a political and military role far beyond the economic one.

Why do you say that?

Because once the shipping is completed, most of the problems of north-south communication and east-west communication will be solved.

In the middle, it couldn't be easier to use the huge carrying capacity as a bargaining chip to make some political exchanges, attract some people, and unite some people.

In addition to this, the more direct problem is the mobilization of troops.

If the goods can be transported, the people will naturally be transported.

The range of shipping is equal to the range of Ning'an's army division mobilization.

With the route opened, Ning'an can easily carry out ultra-long-distance supplies as long as there are no other powerful fleets to compete with it.

What does this mean?

This means that the entire shipping area, where the fleet has been, is within the attack range of Ning'an's army.

The cannon directly puts you in the face, and the military significance of this naturally goes without saying.

Therefore, the opening of shipping and dominance of the water surface means that Ning'an's radiating range of influence has expanded, which means that Fang Fan's right to speak has expanded, and Fang Fan has full confidence in speaking.

I'm just looking at you, what's the matter, don't you agree? ! !

"It seems that this Xiantian Flood Dragon not only wants to kill, but also rushes to kill. If we let others take the lead, then we will be in big trouble."

Fang Fan pondered for a moment and then suddenly said.

"Master Mingjian."

Sun Ce continued.

"As far as my subordinates know, there is a rather large lake dozens of miles away from Jianye.

The lake is connected to the Yangtze River, and there is a group of dragons living there, and it is suspected that there are congenital dragons. "

"Oh, you have done a lot of homework."

"My lord, we have been looking for traces of the dragon ever since we got the blueprint of the dragon battlefield.

However, the deterrent effect of the fourth and fifth-order dragons we hunted is not satisfactory, and the innate dragons are not something we can hunt and kill. They can't go up or down.

Guarding the golden mountain but gaining nothing, I have been thinking about this dragon warship, and it has faintly become an obsession of my subordinates, alas. "

Sun Ce shook his head with a wry smile.

"That's it, Lichou."


"Send a letter to Xu Shu and Xiao Yuan respectively.

Start investigating all the dragons we know so far, I want details.

And make hunting plans according to the situation, sort them according to the difficulty of hunting and submit them to me. "


"Wait, there's one more thing."

Fang Fan suddenly remembered something, and suddenly stopped.

"Notify Su Li, tell him about this, and ask him to make a batch of weapons and equipment for the innate level, and a batch of weapons and equipment for the innate dragon."

"Yes, my lord."

Not long after Ye Lichou left, several communications soldiers left the army, and Ye Lichou also returned to Fang Fan's side.

Naturally, Ye Lichou didn't need to do such a small matter as delivering a message. Fang Fan didn't bother to talk to the messenger by himself, so he just let him convey it.

After dealing with these, Fang Fan put aside the matter of the Jiaolong battlefield for the time being, and refocused on the matter in front of him.

"Bo Fu, I forgot to ask you something. Where is Jianye's dragon vein?"

Sun Ce didn't look surprised when he heard the words, he was clearly prepared.

"My lord, Jianye's dragon vein is a water dragon, not on land, but on an island in the middle of the Yangtze River."

"Jiangxin Island?"

Fang Fan said with a slight frown, a little surprised in his heart.

Island again?
"Yes, this island is shaped like a dragon's head. In terms of Feng Shui, it means that the dragon comes out of the water."

"Is it far from here?"

"There is a distance, about two hours away."

"so far?"


"That's okay, let's not rush to Jianye, let's go to the land of dragon veins first."

After thinking for a while, Fang Fan said, for him, a hundred Jianye can't compare to a dragon vein.

As long as the dragon veins are in hand, Jianye will have nothing to lose.

But if there is a problem with the dragon vein, so what if Jianye is completely swallowed?

Penny wise and pound-foolish.

"Yes, please come with me, my lord."

Sun Ce nodded, without further ado, he stepped forward to lead the way, so the army deflected a small amount and bypassed Jianye.

And this action in the army instantly alarmed the surrounding spies.

After discovering that Fang Fan's army was turning around and tending to head towards the land of dragon veins, the spies immediately became nervous and immediately sent the news back.

Xi'an, in a mountain range.

Towering trees stand on this mountain range, like tall and straight sentinels quietly looking into the distance.

There are twisted and thick old vines like pythons all over the big trees.

In the mountains, the light is blocked by big trees and vines, covering the sky and the sun, making the mountains darker.

In this deep mountain forest, from time to time, a long howl that shakes the heavens and the earth resounds, frightening all beasts and announcing their existence.

This is the highest peak in Shaanxi, and it is rumored that it is the location of the Kyushu dragon vein.

This mountain range is steep, rugged, and extremely deep.

It is not known how many poisonous snakes and beasts are hidden in it.

This is a real primitive mountain forest, where there are few people and the strong are respected. It obeys the bloody forest law. It seems to come from ancient times, full of wild atmosphere.

Then, in this wild area, traces of the human beings appeared.

People in black costumes shuttled silently through the quiet mountain forest, and from time to time someone fell to the ground with a blue face.

If you look carefully, you will find the slight scar on his neck.

At this moment, there was an angry low shout.

"Trash, how many times have I told you that the whole body should be wrapped tightly so that half an inch of skin cannot be exposed, and that the whole body must be wrapped with spiritual power, otherwise you will not even know how to die."

No one around spoke, everyone pulled into their clothes tremblingly, regardless of sweat, wrapped themselves tightly, only showing a pair of dark eyes.

"What happened?"

A majestic voice sounded, and the cursing man quickly turned around and saluted the man in black behind him.

"Reporting to my lord, another person was poisoned to death."

"The body was buried on the spot, and the others stepped up their protection."

"Yes, my lord."

The man in black turned and left after speaking, and came to a rather thin man in black.

The man in black pulled back the mask on his face, revealing his rather old face.

The old man was still holding a small compass in his hand, muttering something, looking up at the sky from time to time, opening the map from time to time, calculating inch by inch.

The majestic man coming from behind also pulled off his mask, revealing a dark and majestic face. It was Cao Cao.

"how much longer?"

(End of this chapter)

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