Chapter 351 Inference
The first exchange auction ended hastily, and Ning An returned to a quiet state again.

Hundreds of races are still dominated by beasts. Although they can barely be regarded as intelligent creatures, they still drink blood and drink blood, and the strong are respected. This is no matter how rapid the evolution is. It requires thousands of years of survival and accumulation.

Therefore, their living conditions have not changed much, and they are still the same as before, and their communication with each other is extremely rare, so the news spreads slowly.

But after such a long time, the news of the overnight destruction of the Tengu clan has spread among hundreds of clans, which greatly shocked them.

There were changes in the forbidden areas of many races, and the ancestors bred inside were disturbed.

At this moment, the shadow that originally enveloped their hearts once again covered them.

Human race became the word that most often appeared in their mouths.

Especially after they knew that it was Ning'an who had destroyed the Tengu clan, Ning'an who possessed dragon veins, they were even more uproarious.

The human race, the original rulers of the earth and the sky.

Ning'an, is it another peak, another forbidden city?

What about other human races, other territories that exclusively control the dragon veins?
This question lingered in their hearts for a long time accompanied by fear. At this moment, all the alien races that were about to move hibernate again, not daring to make a sound.

The top ten extreme races in the front are as if nothing happened, causing hunting, causing life, as usual born noble, as usual aloof.

But Ning An is undergoing drastic changes and development amidst the tranquility.

Tranquil and intense, the two conflicting adjectives seem so harmonious at this moment.

What is quiet is the heart, and what is developing violently is the city and peace.

After a brief suspension of construction, the tall city walls of the outer city started to be built again, but this time there were many more talisman masters on the construction site.

In addition to engraving the large formation of the city wall, it was also knocked on the outer side of the city wall, dismantled and repaired, and some strange parts were installed from time to time, which made people very curious.

On the east side of the outer city, a huge industrial zone that occupies half of the outer city rises from the ground.

Newly built factories one after another, assembly lines running at full speed, forging machines, furnaces, and workbenches manufactured weapons, armors, and parts one by one, and transported them to Ning'an's warehouse.

There is no waste at the bottom of the industrial park. A steady stream of manpower is digging and reinforcing below, and a vast and hidden underground space is slowly taking shape.

In Longzi Lake, in a huge dock, a several-storey building ship was built. Unfortunately, Fang Fan had just heard the news, and before he even had time to take a look, he was caught by Fang Yunqi who had heard the news. The professor and the professor were dismantled.

After just turning around the lake, they were driven back to the dock and dismantled directly. The two of them looked at the dismantled Loucun, and after thinking about it, they lived in the dock.

According to the heart of Louchuan, with the disassembled Louchuan, research bit by bit, trying to analyze the formation method attached to the heart of Louchuan with runes, and then optimize the manufacturing from the perspective of runes.

In their words, stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade, although they seem to have a lot of research on runes.

But they themselves still feel that the background is a little shallow. It happened that the appearance of the heart of the building boat gave them inspiration, so they simply ran over to study and strengthen the building boat, while accumulating their own background, laying the foundation for the next component manufacturing of the floating city.

Ning'an City was developing rapidly in this peaceful and intense atmosphere, and at this time, a scholar brought a book boy to the gate of the city.

"Stop, ID?"

A spearman in chain mail stood in front of the scholar and said expressionlessly.

"My little brother, the three of us came here just for fame. We want to enter Ning'an City, but we don't have identity documents. I don't know if we can accommodate you."

The scholar put away his fan, put his hands together in a bow, and said slowly.

The gunman took a look at their worn clothes, their dusty appearance, and their expressions softened.

"If you want to join Ning'an, you can of course, register your name, occupation, cultivation level, and specialty on the left, and after the registration is completed, someone will naturally arrange a job for you.

Although it's not good, at least his wealth and life are safe and he has something to eat. "

"Thank you for letting me know."

After finishing speaking, the scholar cupped his hands, and led the two of them to turn around and walk towards the registration place next to them. Seeing this, the spearman stopped paying attention to him, and focused on the people entering the city again.

It was a spearman behind him who made a noise. This spearman looked the same as him from a distance, but if you looked closer, you could find that the pattern on the chain mail and spear on the back was simpler.

"Captain, this scholar doesn't look simple. Not everyone can have this temperament."

The captain stared intently at the front, his lips moved slightly.

"Three Kingdoms can be a scholar, and there are two schoolboys with low backgrounds?
Since I was a child, I have enjoyed dignity and privileges, and what I usually see is either rich or expensive, whether it is a scholar or an official, how can my temperament be bad. "

"That's right, hey, then you think this is a historical celebrity, the probability of a historical celebrity among the scholars is quite high."

"Hey, when you said it, I also felt a little bit. There are few scholars in the first place, but with this kind of temperament, they still have the strength to lead two schoolchildren in the last days.

I saw that although they were dressed in shabby clothes, they were in good spirits. The book boy looked at us a little bit, and this scholar must not be weak. "

The man behind couldn't help scratching his head when he heard it.

If I say YY casually, you can infer so many things?

Big brother, big brother, I can't afford to provoke you.

The more the captain thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and looked back at the scholar for a few more times, and immediately made a decision.

"Go, you go on a trip in person and tell us the news, uh~ Forget it, Mo Xue will also let me know, if the scholar is really strong, I can't bear any accidents. .”


"Go quickly, don't whine about it, armed load running and this, you choose."

"Excessively, do you think I'm the kind of person who will accept threats? Me."


"I tell you, I am this kind of person, I will go!"

After speaking, he left the team and walked towards the city gate. He didn't go far, and went directly to a small house behind the city gate, and patted the table on the window.

Boom boom boom!
"I said who is it, so it's your boy, tell me, what's the matter?"

"Three new refugees have arrived. They are a scholar and two schoolboys. They have a noble and calm demeanor. They seem to be of high status, just like a nobleman on an outing.

Although the clothes are a bit shabby, but the mental state is not bad. Obviously, he can survive in the wild. Surviving in the wild with two bookboys must be at least level [-]. The possibility that the two bookboys are masters cannot be ruled out.

Based on the above understanding, my Sherlock Holmes ●24K clairvoyance ●Captain deduces that the scholar has a certain chance to be a historical celebrity, and even if he is not, he should be included in the watch list based on his strength, over. "

(End of this chapter)

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