29 Chapter 39

The vehicle drove all the way to Lingjia Town, when the bus in front stopped suddenly.Zhao Chuan looked at the darkening sky outside and thought it was time to find a place to rest.

"Hey, wake up!"

Shaking Xu Lan awake, who was still on her lap, she waved her hand, "Let me be there for 5 minutes... Ah!" She suddenly woke up, and a scream pierced the dusk sky.

"You, you, you bastard! She's only 13 years old!"

He Min was the first to rush over. She looked nervously at Zhao Chuan and Xu Lan who was blushing.With complicated thoughts, he thought about dirty things, and was so angry that he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Mom, it's not what you think, we..."

"Don't be afraid, Lanlan, did he do something to you? Tell mom, I'll fight him today!"

He Min was like a crazy lioness at this moment, unable to hear a word at all.Seeing this situation, Xu Lan felt anxious, just like all children in the rebellious period, she simply broke the jar and said, "That's what we are, what's the matter?"

"You! You!" He Min pointed to Zhao Chuan and then to his daughter, his chest heaving and falling.Thinking of this fucking world, my daughter also needs a strong arm to protect her, but... how could she be so casual... You know, he even snapped off his mother's hand not long ago!How could his men shoot you with a shotgun...

In the end, I became anxious, stomped my feet and sat back on the bus, feeling sullen in my stomach.

Zhao Chuan was even more wronged and almost killed himself on the steering wheel.Casting a glance at Xu Lan, he said, "Just destroy me. Fortunately, there is no law to punish me now."

Xu Lan blushed, remembering that she slept on the lap of a strange man, she was so ashamed.Taking a furtive look at the place where he lay down just now, his face was so hot that he could fry an egg.

"Sister Lan, what's wrong with your mother? It can't be..."

A few little girls gathered around outside the car window. I wanted to ask if Zhao Chuan bullied her and wanted to avenge her, but then I thought that all the girls on my side were no match for Zhao Chuan, so I could only say the rest of the words. Swallow it back.

"Xu Lan, you explain this to your mother yourself. When I come back later, I still have an unhappy face, so just get out!"

Zhao Chuan was also annoyed, he worked tirelessly to save people, but in the end he didn't get a single word of kindness, and everyone didn't even say thank you!It's okay for the little girl to be ignorant, even the mother is also ignorant.

I love it, anyway, I don't want to fight the world with an army of women!Zhao Chuan also wished that he would be full of anger when he came back, so he could go into battle lightly.

After getting out of the car, Zhao Chuan quickly inspected the surrounding area. A few sporadic zombies broke their necks and let them fend for themselves.Lingjia Town is not going to go in, God knows how many zombies are waiting for him.

There is a dirt road not far to the northwest of the expressway. From the map, this road can also pass through Weiyuan County.Zhao Chuan accelerated and ran forward for a while, and stopped at a two-story private house.

This kind of small second floor built in the countryside is mostly made of red bricks, and the outer layer is not tiled, which looks rustic.

There lived a family of 5 on the small second floor...it should have been 6, and one of them had turned into a bone, scattered in the bedroom on the second floor.It can be seen that he (she) had struggled at the time, but lost his life soon after being eaten by five zombies.

Twist the necks of four of the zombies, leaving one tied up with a rope.Zhao Chuan is not a nanny. Among the 14 rescued people, someone must stand up first, and only if he dares to kill zombies can he stand firm in the last days.

A pot was confiscated in the kitchen, and 6 briquettes were brought out, so that we could have some cooked food at night.Just put these things in the sackcloth bag, resist the zombies tied up like rice dumplings, and return to the highway before dark.

"Which of you can cook?"

There is no need to count on these little sisters. Zhao Chuan himself didn't know how to cook when he was in college, at most he knew how to fry an egg and fried rice.This job can only be seen by the other three.

Li Ji was the first to say no, his boy eats three meals a day, he is only a little better than Zhao Chuan, he can also order noodles besides fried rice with eggs.Fortunately, both Lin Wu and He Min are good at it, so I leave it to them.

Zhao Chuan called all 13 little girls over. They looked at the zombies under Zhao Chuan's feet and they didn't dare to approach them. They stood 5 meters away and pushed each other, and they seemed to be getting more and more backward.

"Whoever dares to kill it will be able to eat tonight, and everyone else's food intake will be halved." Zhao Chuan took out a large wrench from the car, which was at least longer than a dagger and safer to use.

Throwing the big wrench in front of the girl, walked over and broke the rope with one blow.When the zombies regained their freedom, the first target was naturally Zhao Chuan.

However, he chose the wrong object, and Zhao Chuan kicked it away for more than 3 meters.Several girls were so frightened that they screamed again and again, the ones who were a little better knew how to back off, and the two who were the least courageous immediately hugged each other and cried.

Zhao Chuan didn't go to rescue them, he lit a cigarette and watched the farce with great interest, "Don't dare to do it, just wait to be eaten by it."

"What's so scary about zombies? It's up to me!" Xu Lan bent down to pick up the big wrench on the ground, circled around the zombie, eager to try at the back of the zombie's head.

"I forgot to remind you, if you are scratched and bitten by a zombie, or if its black blood gets on your wound, you will become like it too!"

The wrench that had been swung down turned abruptly and hit the zombie's back.Xu Lan exerted so much strength that Zhao Chuan could hear a muffled sound standing 4 meters away.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Xu Lan jumped two steps away, holding a big wrench in his hand, feeling a little bit like a pumpkin with nowhere to eat to the zombies in front of him.

"It's not too late to say it just now!" Zhao Chuan teased, seeing that Xu Lan almost fell when she jumped away, it was only then that she remembered that she had a limping leg.Leg wounds are prone to infection.

If Xu Lan knows this idea, he will definitely jump over and bite a piece of Zhao Chuan's flesh.Knowing that it is easy to be infected and not stopping it, I really trained the little girl as a death row prisoner.

But Xu Lan is not stupid, seeing the zombie walking slowly, he led the zombie to the bus bit by bit. "Mom! Hurry up and throw down some thick clothes!"

Zhao Chuan slapped his forehead, he was a bit clever, but he didn't know how to divide time, who would wear thick clothes in this weather?Besides, there is no one on the bus!
But Zhao Chuan underestimated a woman who is the boss of a gangster. Maternal love is great. She asked Xu Lan to persevere, rushed into the bus and took off the cloth covers from every seat, and rushed out of the bus in a big bag.

It is inconvenient to only have one hand to move, she and her daughter cooperated.First put the zombie down, then covered the zombie's head with a large bag of cloth, then Xu Lan raised the big wrench and smashed it down hard.

Bang... The zombie's hands and feet waved wildly.

Bang... The zombie's limbs could only twitch and tremble.

Bang... There is already black blood flowing on the highway, and the zombies are dead.The reason why the body is still moving is because of the impact of the big wrench.

"Okay! Both of you are full tonight!" Zhao Chuan said loudly, biting his cigarette butt.

The rest of the girls all cast envious looks at them. They would have known that the zombies moved so slowly.But who told you not to cherish the opportunity?

There are no vegetables in the supermarket, so I can only cook some salty porridge for now.Because Zhao Chuan didn't say what to do at night, so He Min beat more than 20 eggs into the pot.Lin Wu looked at it speechlessly, but thinking that eggs are easy to break, and they will go bad after a long time, so he didn't stop it.

"dinner's ready!"

Following Lin Wu's yin and yang roar, more than a dozen girls surrounded him chattering.Zhao Chuan coughed lightly from behind, "It seems prestige is not enough, they forgot the rules so quickly. '

After leaving the girls, Zhao Chuan stood next to the pot and looked around, and another problem came up—there was no bowl for rice!The spatulas were brought along together, but we can't all hold the spatulas, you can eat one by one.

"Listen up! If you want to survive in such a world, besides courage, physical fitness is the most important thing. Everyone has it, run 20 laps back and forth, and the top three get half a bag of instant noodles."

"20 laps! Isn't this killing people?" These girls didn't have enough to eat for several days, and they only ate a bag of biscuits at noon, and they all begged for a few less laps.

Zhao Chuan was not soft-hearted about this matter, he knocked on the iron pot and said: "If you have the strength to beg me, you might as well keep it and run. Look, there are still smart people! Lin Wu, you are in charge of supervising and counting."

Everyone saw that there was already a girl running.Someone took the lead, and the rest didn't dare to complain anymore, and ran behind.

Xu Lan and He Min both killed zombies, so they don't need to do the same.Pulling it over, he looked at the egg porridge in the pot and swallowed his saliva.But Zhao Chuan didn't give them food, so I haven't thought of a way to pretend it! 'How about opening a few packs of instant noodles in barrels?Who will eat the instant noodles?You can't go back on your word. '

In the end, there is a compromise, the instant noodles are opened, but the noodles inside are set aside.Zhao Chuan also pointed to these dough cakes and said, "Look! There is no shortage of food in the car, as long as someone can kill zombies, they will be able to manage their fill."

But very few people responded to him, only 12 of the remaining 4 girls were nodding, and the rest were holding instant noodle boxes and sucking porridge.

They don't want to eat enough?no!They don't have a lot of food, this box, they can't go hungry anymore!
(End of this chapter)

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