Chapter 268

The train from Longguo to the west is basically ready to pass.

However, the princess of the Frankish Empire who married Li Ke still got nothing.

She didn't get any benefit from Li Ke, which made her a little unwilling, but there was nothing she could do.

after all.

Your own plan is just your own plan.

Long Guo didn't say that he would use cutting-edge technology as a condition in exchange for his marriage with her.

So she can only be angry with herself.

The key point is that Li Ke kept her on guard. Only Wu Meiniang knew everything about the steam engine, steel, and gunpowder.

Except for Wu Meiniang, none of Li Ke's women knew anything about it, and they didn't even dare to ask.

So, she got nothing.

Although there were a few times, it was very cryptic to mention information about the gunpowder steam engine and steel to Li Ke.

But before she could say anything, she was interrupted by Li Ke, without giving her any chance.

Seeing that the railway has now been completed.

Li Ke didn't have to worry about her any more.

The reason why he was willing to marry her before was because he was worried that if he did not marry, it would arouse suspicion from Western countries and affect the construction of the railway.

Now that the railway has been repaired, there is no need to worry about it anymore.

After Longguo's train was connected to Western Unicom, Li Ke decided that the first batch of foreign trade products to be transported was grain, after all, grain is the foundation of the people.

The common people have to eat food, and all countries must have a great demand for food.

Although most western countries eat flour, wheat and corn, there is naturally a certain demand for rice and some other vegetables.

When the western countries learned that the first batch of foreign trade products of the Dragon Kingdom was grain, they were shocked and happy.

The shocking thing is is there really so much food in Longguo?
Have reached the point of export?

You know, in ancient times, almost no country would export grain.

After all, ancient food was very precious, and many countries could not satisfy themselves, let alone sell it abroad.

And Long Guo's actions naturally shocked them.

The reason for the surprise is that there are indeed many examples of not getting enough to eat in Western countries.

It is recognized that there is no shortage of food in the Dragon Kingdom.

And the price of the food they sell is not that high.

So this is definitely a good thing for Western countries.

They were able to introduce food and various vegetables and fruits from the Dragon Kingdom.

It can also make people in western countries gradually get rid of the plight of not having enough to eat.

Li Ke's doing this is considered a good deed, and at the same time he made money, killing two birds with one stone.

The sale of grain was immediately recognized by Western countries.

Some of the voices that had questioned the railway also immediately shut up.

After all, such a mutually beneficial thing can be beneficial to the people, and it can get the support of almost everyone.

In addition to things, another winter is coming. Although it is still autumn, countries have begun to worry about the problem of cold resistance in winter.

Obviously, the only country that can produce anthracite is the Dragon Country.

Therefore, all countries still need to buy a large amount of anthracite from Longguo, and Longguo continues to use its railways to various places to quickly transport carloads of anthracite to various places.

At the same time earn certain benefits.

As the people all over the world began to buy what they needed from the Dragon Kingdom, both the people in the East and the West began to regard the Dragon Kingdom as the world's largest country.

Obviously, Longguo has this strength.

It is not too much for Li Ke to call it a thousand years, or even an emperor of all ages.

(End of this chapter)

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