Signing in to Datang: Rebellion at the beginning

Chapter 151 Is the Little Emperor Stupid?

Chapter 151 Is the Little Emperor Stupid?
Wu Meiniang has never doubted Li Ke, even today.

She also believed that Li Ke could do it.

So she didn't ask for specific details.

In the next few days, the news spread quickly.

It is said that the emperor of the Dragon Kingdom will hold a Mid-Autumn Festival literary fair in the capital, and invite people with literary talents from all over the world to participate.

He even publicly invited people with five surnames and seven Wangs.

During this period of time, people with five surnames and Qiwang knew that they had not succeeded in the imperial examination and were exposed, so they waited at home in fear.

Unexpectedly, what was waiting was not the officers and soldiers of the imperial court, but an invitation card.

The patriarchs of these families were a little stunned the moment they saw the invitation!

I don't understand what the emperor of the Dragon Kingdom wants to do.

In the Cui family of Qinghe, the old head of the family looked at the invitation card in his hand and said to dozens of important members of the family in the hall:
"The little emperor of the Dragon Kingdom doesn't know which song to sing, but he knows that our big families are proficient in literature and knowledgeable.

But what kind of literary fair should be held?Isn't it clear that we are going to show our faces in the court and in front of the world? "

Hearing this, a middle-aged man below said:
"Father, what does the emperor want to do? How could he be so stupid as to organize this kind of publicity and enhance our fame and reputation?"

Others are also very puzzled. In the past few months, due to the improvement of papermaking and printing techniques, the cost of books has been greatly reduced, resulting in a lot of books flowing into the market, so that everyone in the Dragon Kingdom can read.

This has already made the aristocratic family lose their huge advantages. In the past few months, not only have they lost their book business, but they are also not respected as before.

Seeing people with five surnames and seven Wangs, they are already aware of the decline of the family, but at this time, Li Ke actually took the initiative to hold some literary conference?

Even though the people of the world have obtained good conditions for studying in these few months, it does not mean that in these few months, there will be many literati comparable to those with five surnames and seven wangs. .

After all, after a few months of reading, can they be compared with those who grew up studying?

So, if he really participated in this literary meeting, wouldn't it be people with five surnames and seven Wangs who would show off the limelight?

In this way, the status and status of people with five surnames and seven wangs will continue to rise, and they will become holy places in the eyes of literati and students.

Not only the Cui family of Qinghe, but also some other aristocratic families were puzzled by Li Ke's mysterious behavior.

However, one thing that is very unified is that they all accepted the invitation.

Because they feel that this time the literary world will be an opportunity for their family to rise again.

They believed that this was a wrong move by the little emperor.

They want to use this opportunity to continue to rise.

Tell everyone in the world!

Even if the book is worthless.

Even if everyone can read.

Even the imperial examination policy implemented by the imperial court made it possible for poor scholars all over the world to study.

But a real literary genius!
A truly learned man!
True elite!
Still in the hands of the aristocratic family.

They want to use this opportunity to announce to the whole world again.

The aristocratic family is still the top noble with the most proficient knowledge!

Forever, it cannot be surpassed!
So they want to shine at the Mid-Autumn Festival Literary Forum held by Li Ke!
Regain the face and status of Wuxing Qiwang.

Ever since, the five surnames and seven Wangs dispatched the most important members of their families to set off quickly and head towards the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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