Signing in to Datang: Rebellion at the beginning

Chapter 143 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 143 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Li Ke didn't want trash like Li Chengqian and Li Tai to still be alive, that's why he came up with the subtle plan just now.

Now, the plan is successful, and the two of them can kill each other, which is their due retribution.

The mansion was very quiet, and the two princes of the previous dynasty died all of a sudden, and everyone was extremely nervous.

Especially the prefect and the magistrate of Qingshui County.

The two of them knew that next, it was their turn.


No chance.

Liu Zhifu knew very well that almost everyone in the Dragon Kingdom obeyed Li Ke.

How did he resist?

Everyone knows Li Ke's identity. Will the soldiers in this mansion follow the orders of the magistrate to deal with the emperor Li Ke?

That's impossible!

Absolutely no one present dared to oppose Li Ke.

Don't you see, Li Chengqian and Li Tai would rather kill each other there than dare to do anything to Li Ke?

Not to mention Li Ke's aura that everyone fears, but Li Ke's strength is also unfathomable.

Who would dare to fight against Li Ke without knowing his life or death?

Li Ke didn't speak at the moment, but sat on a chair, looking at the prefect lightly!

The magistrate was trembling all over, sweating profusely, he kept swallowing, and didn't dare to look up at Li Ke.

After a long silence, Li Ke finally spoke:

"Prefect Liu!"

That Liu Zhifu's whole body was shaken, his head hit the ground, and he said in a trembling voice:
"The guilty minister... is..."

Li Ke snorted coldly and said, "Criminal? Are you guilty?"

Knowingly ask!

The more he said that, the more frightened the prefect became, and he said:

"The minister is guilty, and the minister is guilty of death..."

Li Ke said lightly: "You do have self-knowledge, so tell me, what crimes do you have?"

"Back... back to Your Majesty... I...colluded with the remnants of the previous dynasty...I forced Princess Changle to marry my son...I disrespected Your Majesty..."

Liu Zhifu said these things with difficulty.

Li Ke asked blankly:
"So how should we deal with it?"

Liu Zhifu was stunned, he secretly raised his head and glanced at Li Ke, Li Ke's eyes were a bit cold.

At the same time, his face is majestic and domineering, and the temperament released from his body makes people fear.

This kind of aura, pressing on Liu Zhifu's body, made him feel no luck at all.


I can only say: "Chen... Your death penalty..."

Li Ke nodded slightly and said:
"You know that it's a capital crime, that's fine. Someone, drag the prefect Liu and his son out, and kill him!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Zhifu immediately slumped on the ground.

At the same time, several yamen servants stood up without hesitation and detained Zhifu Liu and his son.

Although these yamen servants were local officers and soldiers, they naturally wanted to listen to the emperor in front of the emperor.

What's more, Li Ke's order is beyond doubt.

Liu Zhifu and his son kept begging for mercy, but to no avail.

Soon, the two were dragged out by the officers and soldiers, and directly outside the gate of the government office, in front of the pedestrians coming and going on the street, they swung their knives and beheaded their heads.

This scene not only shocked countless people inside the government office, but also surprised the pedestrians outside. They didn't even understand what happened.

Looking at the government office again, Li Ke is sitting there.

Everyone in the entire government office compound was extremely nervous.

Especially officials.

After all, ordinary people will certainly not have any excuses for Li Ke to clean up.

Officials are different, especially the county magistrate of Qingshui County, who has already peed his pants at this moment.

He lay on the ground, not daring to say a word, for fear that Li Ke would turn his attention to him.

He hoped that Li Ke didn't notice him, and then let it go.

Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

It is impossible for Li Ke to forget him!

At this moment, he looked at him, and then said lightly:

"The magistrate of Qingshui County!"

The magistrate of Qingshui County collapsed to the ground.

He knew he was done.

At this moment, I just feel buzzing in my head.

Facing the fear of death, he fainted a little.

Seeing him like this, Li Ke didn't bother to talk nonsense, and said directly:

"The county magistrate of Qingshui County ignored the policies of the Dragon Kingdom, despised the rule of law, colluded with the landowners of Qingshui County, and harmed the people's land. He even made the officers and soldiers under him want to kill me indiscriminately. Death penalty! Come here, drag out, kill! "

The county magistrate of Qingshui County had completely collapsed at this moment, was dragged out by the yamen servants, and beheaded in a daze.

Today, in this hall, apart from the county magistrates of several other counties, there are also the general judge and Tongzhi of the local government office, as well as some other government officials.

Li Ke glanced at these people, then said:
"The magistrate is dead, you still have to do a good job in the work of this government office, and in addition, temporarily send an official to Qingshui County to act as the county magistrate.

Remember, the land distribution policy issued by the imperial court is strictly implemented, and the land is absolutely not allowed to be taken away by the landlords by other means.

After I return to the palace, I will send officials to various places to inspect. If you local officials can't do it, you will be dismissed from office at least, and at worst you will be sentenced to death. "

All the officials present knelt down one after another: "The minister waits to obey the order..."

Li Ke nodded in satisfaction, then stood up:
"This mess, Tongzhi, He Tongju, take care of it!"

The magistrate of the government office and the judge were flattered and said:
"The minister obeys the order..."

Li Ke stopped talking, and said to Li Lizhi: "Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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