Signing in to Datang: Rebellion at the beginning

Chapter 135 Your trick is childish

Chapter 135 Your trick is childish
The white-clothed ghost fluttered down, right in front of the black-armored ghost soldiers, but its body did not completely land on the ground, but stopped a foot from the ground.

It looks like it is floating on the ground.

This scene frightened the oncoming black-armored ghost soldiers.

They are dressed in black armor with strange masks, and they travel at night to create a variety of terrifying atmospheres, which has a terrifying effect.

But the fluttering figure in white clothes in front of him was obviously much more terrifying.

He just floated there like that, the white clothes on his body fluttered without wind, weird and scary.

Especially the feet do not touch the ground, the body is floating, which is very visually impactful.

Those black-armored ghost soldiers froze in fright, shrinking back one by one, and even began to retreat slightly trembling.

At the same time, the white figure fluttered forward slightly, with its long hair fluttering, it was extremely scary.

Those black-armored ghost soldiers were completely frightened, they all thought they had encountered a real ghost, they turned around and ran away in fright, scattered like birds and beasts, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When the black-armored ghost soldiers had all run away, the white shadow lifted his hair and saw that it was Li Ke.

He was wearing white clothes today, and he deliberately put his hair over his face just now, and with lightness kung fu, he fell quietly from the roof, and that scene happened just now.

At this moment, he raised his feet separately, and there was a thin steel rod one foot long on the soles of both feet.

The reason why he can hang a foot in the air is because he stepped on the steel rod, and combined with lightness kung fu, he became stable.

The steel rods are so thin that they are barely noticeable at night.

Therefore, there is such an effect.

"Heh, who wouldn't play tricks?"

He sneered, and then chased after the fleeing black-armored ghost soldiers.

He wants to see the details of these people.

Those black-armored ghost soldiers scattered like birds and beasts at first, but after they left the city, they all hit up and headed towards Yimen.

Soon, they arrived outside a small house.

After these black-armored ghost soldiers entered the house, Li Ke also quickly climbed over the courtyard wall with light work and entered the house.

The house is very big, with a huge yard inside.

At this moment, those black-armored ghost soldiers are all gathered in the yard.

In the hall, a figure came out suspiciously, looked at those black-armored ghost soldiers, frowned and reprimanded:
"Why did you come back so early?"

That person was none other than Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian was very puzzled. Although his subordinates were not really his personal guards, they were just pretending to scare people.

However, he completely carried out his orders, but he didn't expect to come back so early today. Obviously, this did not conform to the usual situation.

Moreover, these black-armored ghost soldiers looked very flustered, which made Li Chengqian a little puzzled. After his voice fell, a leader of the black-armored ghost soldiers immediately stood up and said:

"Your Highness, we... we encountered a strange thing."

Hearing this, Li Chengqian frowned and said:

"What else is weirder than you?"

The leader of the black armor Guiping said:
"When we went out to scare people, we suddenly saw a ghost falling from the sky, floating in the air, and approaching us. We were all terrified at that time.

Moreover, it is certain that it is really a ghost, otherwise how could it be floating down from the sky, and how could it be several feet off the ground? "

Although there are some exaggerated ingredients, it is similar.

As soon as these words came out, Li Chengqian's expression changed slightly, he looked at these people and said:

"Are you sure you read it right?"

Everyone nodded, indicating that what the leader said was not false at all.

Now Li Chengqian's expression is also ugly:
"Could it be that there are ghosts in this world? And you pretended to be ghost soldiers, and attracted some unclean things?"

In any case, these black-armored ghost soldiers were really frightened, and the ghost image was extremely frightening in their eyes.

It is obviously impossible for them to continue to play tricks.

After all, I have seen real ghosts.

Li Chengqian has a big head, and he came up with the idea of ​​using people to pretend to be his personal guards, known as ghost soldiers.

As Li Ke thought, it was to create panic and let everyone know that he, Li Chengqian, had a ghost army from hell.

Originally, this plan was implemented well, and it has almost achieved the expected effect.

As long as the Liugui Kingdom lends him a [-] army at that time, he will continue to pack the [-] army into ghost soldiers, and use this gimmick to conquer the Dragon Kingdom.

At that time, it will definitely have a very good effect.

After all, people are in awe of ghosts and gods. No matter how powerful his army is, as long as others think that his army is a ghost soldier, they will definitely be afraid of them, and good results will be achieved.

However, his sister ran away at night because she didn't want to help him.

While worrying about how to use other prices to exchange with Liugui Kingdom, I heard these ghost soldiers say that they met real ghosts.

For a while, Li Chengqian was in trouble and didn't know what to do.

At this time, on the courtyard wall, Li Ke sneered and said:
"Li Chengqian, these tricks of yours are too naive, aren't they?"

(End of this chapter)

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