The coquettish skills of the world boss are full

Chapter 173 Dedicate My Heart For You 37

Chapter 173 Dedicate My Heart For You 37
Rong Yingying had never seen such a beautiful man.

When she bumped into him, the whole world was darkened because of this man.

The man looked at her indifferently and said a few words to her, Rong Yingying felt that her soul was taken away.

Until the man left, she was still immersed in the man's beauty.

My roommates said she was possessed by a demon.

Rong Yingying held her face and thought, he is a devil.

Later, when she found out that he was a teacher of western history at school and had a cohabitation relationship with a girl, she suddenly felt sad.

Although I knew this was destined to be a secret love that ended without a problem, I couldn't control my sad mood.

She saw the man again in the shop where she worked, and rushed over before she regained consciousness.

There was no way, she couldn't hold back, she clearly thought about it so she shouldn't go any further.

She asked the man if he was in love with the girl.

The man didn't answer directly, and she felt a little rippling in her heart.

But what happened next was far beyond her imagination.

The teacher responded positively, and even had sex with a handsome exchange student.

While she was completely heartbroken, she couldn't help but wonder more about the relationship between these three people.

Unexpectedly, she herself was also involved.

When it was all over, she gave men and girls her most sincere wishes.

Watching them leave, the girl's sense of happiness almost infects everyone around her.

No matter what she said, the man would look at her tenderly, his eyes never leaving.

Rong Yingying looked at their backs, finally sighed, and smiled again.

It's time for her to start a new life.

But how should she get rid of Fu Zhao.

Once again blocked by Fu Zhao at the door of the classroom, Rong Yingying felt a headache from her classmates' gossip and ambiguous eyes, "What on earth do you want?"

"Where is Lance, where is Yaoyao, is Yaoyao okay?" Fu Zhao gritted his teeth.

Damn it, it really restored that blood race's ability, and now it disappeared without a trace with Yaoyao!
Rong Yingying taunted Fu Zhao at first, then turned to coping, and finally wanted to kneel down for him when she saw Fu Zhao.

"Don't you have anything else to do?! Stop staring at him!" Rong Yingying couldn't help cursing.

Fu Zhao looked at her heartbroken, "Why are you scolding me again?"

"Hitting you is light." Rong Yingying said.

Fu Zhao was a little lost.

This was the first time he had fought against the blood race, and the young man couldn't accept such a complete loss.

"Teacher didn't even think about killing you to take revenge after recovering your abilities. You are still looking for death everywhere. You don't know what to do." Rong Yingying said while tugging at Fu Zhao's ear.

"Besides, between Teacher and Yaoyao, you don't need to worry about it, well, they are fine, what are you?"

Fu Zhao gave her a sad look.

Rong Yingying felt that she had scolded harshly again.

Patted the boy's shoulder, "Forget it, I don't know where they went, so don't bother me anymore, goodbye."

Rong Yingying walked away with her schoolbag on her back.

She thought she had spoken clearly.

In the end, he was blocked by Fu Zhao again the next day, and he kicked him, "I said you just don't have a long memory, do you! Why are you looking for me again!"

Fu Zhao recovered from being kicked, rubbed his head and sighed, "I'm used to it, I'll come to you after class."

Rong Yingying froze for a moment, "What kind of broken habit are you doing?"

Fu Zhao looked at her with a wry smile.

Rong Yingying gave him a disgusted look, "Okay, let's go, I'll treat you to dinner, don't block me anymore, young master."

Fu Zhao groaned and followed behind her.

After one meal, there will be a second meal, and a third meal
From then on, Fu Zhao followed Rong Yingying for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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