Quick-wearing male god skin is sweet

Chapter 484 The actor is my brainless fan 20

Chapter 484 The actor is my brainless fan 20
The two posted the video at the same time and @ each other's account.

Yan Ge also explained that the technical department gave Minghua's "only" social account an official certification mark.

In less than 10 minutes, Minghua's fans have accumulated nearly 5, the number of views has increased by [-] times per minute, and the number of comments has been constantly refreshed.

Rhythms can be roughly divided into three categories.

One is—"Hey, my husband is finally willing to socialize! I licked the screen until I lost my tongue."

The second is——"Fuck! The actor Minghua has connected to the Internet? The signal must be 5G! We don't want 2G men!"

The third is - "What is the origin of this woman, Yan Ge? She took all of Ming Hua's blood!"

The "first blood" here refers to Hua's first public social account; the first public "intimate" behavior with the opposite sex.

Then...Yan Ge once again likes to mention trending searches.

But this time the public opinion storm is mixed.

In the topic named #颜歌应什么来源#, No.1 is the negative comment on Yan Ge, No.2 is the objective comment, and the rest is a mixture of good and bad.

"We all like to tell the truth": "I don't judge her character, but I really think Yan Ge's drama is a bit too much... What's the heat from outsiders?

Is she afraid that her company will go bankrupt?Shooting various marketing videos and using an assistant's angle...and a private account...It's really a good show!
And the video she and my husband took, it looks like my husband has been "kidnapped"!Is it amazing to be rich?It is impossible to play speed replay in this life.Don't buy hot searches here. "

"The sun and the moon are not as good as your eyebrows and eyes": I feel that this topic is so hostile.Anyone who gets a bad comment will be angry, right?Retweeting is routine, right?
You can’t think that if you are a public figure, you must be judged by the public and cannot be refuted, otherwise you will just use unqualified, unreasonable and brainless remarks to harden the temper of black people, right?

You are preconceived and professed to be righteous and publish various conspiracy theories based on your preconceived ideas, which is really speechless. "

"Nothing": "To be honest, this woman's frequent hot searches really make people feel a little disgusted... Excessive marketing methods are counterproductive, but I still like her face."


At this moment, Yan Ge, who is busy reviewing the video clips of the interview, has no idea that the Internet is already excited because of her.

However, just because she doesn't know it doesn't mean no one knows it.

The assistant listed several papers to deal with the public opinion turmoil, thinking to show it to Yan Ge after she finished her work.

As a result, a new hot search word that suddenly rushed to the list suppressed all the heat on Yan Ge's topic!
After clicking on the topic, Minghua, whose profile picture was a pure black picture, posted a Weibo.

"The social account was voluntarily opened on Sufang, and the finger dance was also my suggestion. I also took Ms. Yan Ge to shoot the video with me. There is no such thing as a kidnapping. Netizens who persuaded such conspiracy theories delete itself.

I also don't understand why the current network environment has become a mess.How could he be said to be a drama star because of his ability to be popular?It's incredible. "

After reading this Weibo post, the assistant looked at Minghua who was drinking coffee in shock, and the exclamation mark flashed wildly in his heart!

She was not the only one who was astonished.

There are also Minghua's assistant, Minghua's company team, and his niece Mingyue.

(End of this chapter)

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