Traveling to Xianwu

Chapter 882 Innate Realm

Chapter 882 Innate Realm
Whether it's a qi trainer practicing qi to cultivate immortals or a martial arts practitioner practicing internal strength, the essence is to cultivate the essence, qi and spirit of the human body as the core.It's just that the vast majority of people in the martial arts don't delve into this, but just rigidly refine and transform qi according to some esoteric or superficial luck routes to accumulate true qi and internal force.

However, when Shen Chengping's internal strength is practiced, he is about to open up the 360 ​​five positive acupoints of the human body, and reach the limit of the infinite circulation of internal force, so he has to start to study the core principles of the operation of essence, qi, and spirit, so as to make preparations for deeper cultivation. Prepare.

The ancients said that there are three talents in heaven, earth and man. The sky has three treasures: the sun, the moon, and the stars;

If one of the three treasures of essence, qi, and spirit is missing, one will die, and the three treasures are divided into innate and acquired.The innate three treasures are primordial essence, primordial qi, and primordial spirit, and the acquired three treasures are consciousness, breath, and sympathetic essence.Congenital and acquired mutual cooperation is not easy to distinguish, and it is even more difficult to separate.

Practicing qi in the world is all about cultivating the acquired qi. Until the cultivation reaches a certain limit, the quantity and quality of the internal force cannot be further increased, reaching a level very close to the purity of the innate vitality, that is, the state of acquired perfection. , Acquired qi, you can take advantage of the trend to sense the trace of innate vitality in the human body, enter the cultivation based on innate vitality, absorb the innate qi in nature, transform the acquired internal force into innate qi, enter the so-called innate realm, and reach the innate realm , all acquired internal energy is transformed into innate true energy.

According to Shen Chengping's knowledge, Wudang Zhang Sanfeng is the most famous person who has entered the Xiantian realm for more than a hundred years. He has even reached a higher realm. Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu, this mysterious kung fu is developed step by step, forming a self-contained system from acquired to innate.

In fact, if Shen Chengping was to choose the secret book he wanted most at this time, he would rather choose the Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu. At least the route from acquired to innate for Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu is clear and clear. But there is no clear description.

Zixia's first layer of purple qi is long, and the training is to transform the internal force into a kind of pure and flexible energy. If you can understand "focusing on the softness of the qi, can you be like a baby?" This profound principle of extreme softness can transform the internal force into the most yin and soft true energy; Zixia's second layer of Ziyang is in the sky, and it is practiced to transform the internal force into a masculine and violent force, which can also be transformed into The true qi of the most yang and the most rigid, and finally realize the essence of the transformation of yin and yang, and the combination of hardness and softness, is the third layer of purple qi that transforms into gang, and achieves Xuanmen gang qi.

Shen Chengping was able to successfully break through the second level of Zixia Kungfu and enter the third level through comprehending the essence of Taijiquan, which is the principle of yin and yang transformation and mutual generation. It's just that Zixia Kungfu pays more attention to his own original The nature change and quality increase of internal strength and true qi are not good enough for entering the innate.

That's why Shen Chengping is going to take out all the secrets of internal strength that he has obtained for study and reference, hoping to find a clear path from acquired to innate.But it's a pity that most of these kung fus are gone only when the two veins of Ren and Du are opened up. That is to say, after opening up the 360 ​​five positive acupuncture points, the whole body's internal force circulates infinitely, and it is only a half-step into Xiantian, such as Feng Qingyang, who cannot distinguish Xiantian vitality, but can never truly enter Xiantian.

After thinking about it, Shen Chengping thinks that accumulating internal strength and preparing to open up the big acupoints should not be rushed, and can only be done step by step, but the perception of innate vitality can also start. It will be a matter of course to enter the innate realm, which can further improve the quality of internal force and speed up the speed of opening acupuncture points, especially when Shen Chengping is still young, although the innate energy in his body is not as good as that of a newborn baby, it is also better than many people who can only open up acupuncture points at the age of 50 or [-]. I don't know how strong the old man with meridians is, and the probability of being able to realize it is also higher.

In the days that followed, Shen Chengping put aside all his mundane affairs, only cultivated his mind and nature every day, kept a vegetarian diet, or accompanied Yue Lingshan and Yuan Zilin to travel in the mountains and rivers, or watched the wind and moon, or recited poems and paintings... another month passed like this, When he felt that all the murderous anger and utilitarian plots accumulated before had disappeared, his mind was pure and innocent, and his spirit was peaceful and quiet, then he slowly settled down to practice.

I don't know how long it has passed, but he only feels that the dense purple energy in himself is becoming more and more majestic, as if he wants to break through the shackles of his body's meridians and rush out of the body, but he is hindered by all kinds of tangible and invisible obstacles, and he can't do it at all. Even so, The sense of pressure on the meridians is also increasing.At this time, Shen Chengping made the best use of the situation, pulling the ubiquitous purple air in the meridians to focus on the Weilu point between the end of the spine and the anus.

According to the medical classics of Danjing, the coccyx is the big acupoint of the bone marrow of the master's body.As the dense purple qi gathered more and more, Shen Chengping only felt warmth in his tail and surrounding meridians. After a while, the Weilu acupoint seemed to be melted by the heat, and the dense purple qi actually got some kind of "tonic" in it ", the warmth is not weak but strong, and it spreads to the surrounding meridians, expanding the branches of the Governor Vessel and the Ren Vessel that are connected to the tail.

Shen Chengping knew that from now on, with the accumulated warming and tempering of the dense purple qi, his bone marrow would become more and more pure and solid, his hematopoietic function would become stronger and stronger, and his internal strength would increase a lot accordingly, and he would become more and more He is full of inspiration, and his whole body is indescribably light, comfortable, and full of vitality.

The first time I comprehended it, I had such a harvest, which made Shen Chengping even happier. I knew that it was thanks to my research on Huashan Zhongdao Zang, and my accumulation, that I was able to comprehend a new realm so easily, and even improved my internal strength. As long as it continues, even the time to open up the body's main acupoints can be shortened by ten years, and as long as the acupoints are opened, it will be a matter of course to enter the innate state.

Now that he has a head start, Shen Chengping is also concentrating on martial arts. Even after the expansion of Huashan faction's influence, he did not participate deeply in important matters such as the joint development of escort agencies, restaurants, inns and other industries in Guanzhong with the Shen family. In his free time, he either meditates or practices martial arts and swordsmanship. He puts a lot of effort into swordsmanship. He not only learns the Huashan School and the Five Sacred Mountains swordsmanship in Siguo Yami Cave, but also learns the swordsmanship from the Demon Sect. He has carefully studied the secrets of swordsmanship, and even through comprehension of Taijiquan scriptures, he has turned Taijiquan into a perfect circle, and the continuous artistic conception has been integrated into his own swordsmanship. Recently, he always feels that his own swordsmanship seems to be about to make a breakthrough. But it seemed that there was a layer of tulle, which made him unable to touch it, and made him finally make up his mind.

On this day, Shen Chengping came to a hidden cave behind Siguo Cliff, and said loudly: "Uncle Feng Tai, Shen Chengping is asking to see you, and I hope to see you!"

This stone cave is Feng Qingyang's secluded place. Now he is leaning against the bluestone in the stone room and taking a nap. He shouted outside, but he was stunned for a moment, and then he sighed and said: "I didn't expect that he came to the door, anyway, let me see how diligent this kid has been in the past two years!" One of the long bamboo sticks walked out of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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