My wife is a squeamish bag

Chapter 303 2 Why Did The Lady Didn't Give You Food?

Chapter 303 Why Erlang Niang Didn't Give You Food

Du Dongyun gathered the wheat grains into a pile in two or three strokes. An Beibei saw it and hurriedly accelerated the cleaning speed of the first round.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing for Du Dongyun to catch up with the second round of sweeping.

As a result, Du Dongyun did not start the second round of cleaning, but started a round of cleaning from the other side.

Although they were all cleaned in one round, they were in place in one round, and An Beibei couldn't help covering her face.

Seeing that Du Dongyun happened to look over, she stuck out her tongue and said in embarrassment: "Sister Yun, I'm sorry, my hands and feet are a bit clumsy."

Du Dongyun smiled heartily and said, "Hey, what's the matter, it seems that you haven't done these rough jobs before, how can you compare with those of us who are used to it, it's normal to do it slowly."

In the end, Du Dongyun solved a big circle, and An Beibei's help can only be said to be better than nothing.

"Okay, Beibei, take a break, I'll do the rest."

After sweeping up the wheat grains, Du Dongyun took out the dustpan and put them into the basket.

Because there was only one dustpan, An Beibei knew that she couldn't help much, so she simply stood aside.

At this moment, the sky is getting darker and darker, and the dark clouds are getting closer.

He Miao's father next door couldn't hold back anymore and was about to start harvesting wheat.

Seeing her standing at the side, he hurriedly greeted her, "It's from Erlang's family, come and help uncle."

An Beibei's hair was full of black lines, and this man was too rude.

But right now, everyone is busy, and it's not appropriate for her to stand by the side, so she has to go forward.

"I just saw that you were too slow to sweep, why don't you come and collect the piles!"

When He Miao's father saw her coming, he quickly handed over the wooden rake in his hand.

An Beibei tugged on the wooden rake, wanting to cry but not crying.

I had no choice but to imitate Du Dongyun's appearance just now and move in.

This thing looks very simple, but it actually requires some skills, and it gets more and more difficult as you go to the back.

Others waved it with a wooden rake, and there was only a thin layer left on the stone slab. For An Beibei, it was thick and thin.

While He Miao's father was cleaning quickly, he still didn't forget to give her pointers.

"Erlang's family, when pulling the wooden rake, you should use even force. You can see that you are obviously useless in the end."

"Uncle He, it's not that I don't use my strength, but that there are more and more piles behind, and the puller can't move it!"

"Oh, your strength is too weak! Why didn't Erlang Niang give you food?"

Amber is so angry!

Although He Miao's father didn't blame him in his tone, he felt uncomfortable even if he was pulled to help and complained wildly.

Just as he was about to leave the picker and leave, He Miao's father shouted: "Oops! It's raining, Erlang's family, don't be stunned, hurry up, don't hold back your strength, and uncle will fix it for you later!" Two big buns!"

An Beibei couldn't laugh or cry when she heard it, she looked down, and sure enough, a huge raindrop fell on the stone slab.

Looking at it like this, the rain must be a big deal, so I had to continue to wave the wooden rake and work hard to collect the piles.

If you can't pull it, then push it.

At this time, He Miao's father didn't care about cleaning, so he hurriedly used a dustpan to put all the piles of wheat grains into a basket.

Taking advantage of the gap, he glanced at An Beibei, and immediately lost his composure.

"Oh, what about Erlang's daughter-in-law, if you push so hard, you will crush the wheat grains below!"

An Beibei's head was full of black lines.

How come there are so many ways to gather a wheat pile?

"Come, come, come and help Uncle pretend, and I'll do it together."

An Beibei had no choice but to take the dustpan, and when it was full of wheat grains, she had to pick it up and pour it into the basket.

Then, she staggered, almost losing her waist!

Why is a dustpan of wheat so heavy?

Obviously, it doesn't take much effort for them to carry it.

"Babe, let me do it."

Du Dongyun had finished harvesting the wheat, and carried the baskets to the eaves in front of the ancestral hall to shelter from the rain.

Others picked one after another.

As soon as Du Dongyun took over, An Beibei had to pick up the extra broom on the ground and clean it vigorously. Although it was still in the way of painting big characters, she could take as much as she could in the current situation.

Fortunately, after a while, several other families came to help after harvesting their own wheat, and An Beibei was completely pushed aside, but she was happy and relaxed.

As soon as He Miao's family finished harvesting the wheat, the sky became dark, and the bean-sized raindrops dropped faster and faster, with more and more drops, and it rained heavily after a while.

Everyone had to squeeze under the eaves of the ancestral hall to shelter from the rain while chatting.

"Erlang's family, why can't you even do such a simple job as stacking?"

He Miao's father had a naughty temperament, and he brought up this matter again as soon as he stopped.

An Beibei really wanted to throw the wooden rake to him, and said angrily: "Who said I can't do it? It's obviously because you, the wooden rake, don't work well!"

"Nonsense! Why doesn't this work for me? I only did it last year."

"Who said, sister-in-law Yun's is much easier to use than yours."

Du Dongyun smiled and said, "Brother He Miao made the one in my house. Uncle He, why don't you let Brother He Miao do it? He is good at carpentry."

"Joke, can that kid compare to his old man?"

He Miao's father was very unconvinced.

"Anyway, his wooden rake is better than yours!"

An Beibei said unceremoniously.

"Tell me, what's wrong with me?"

"Your angle is wrong! Look, your baffle is too far forward. If you want to push and pull it clean, you have to lean forward hard. People are exhausted."

"Then...then tell me, how can I make it work?"

"Adjust this. Also, yours is too heavy. The upper part of the board can be thinner and the lower part thicker. Anyway, the upper part is useless. It can also be changed into a gear. In this way, the weight can be reduced. can also be used."

After Abbey Barabara finished speaking, the two started to dismantle it.

At this time, everyone gathered around and greeted her enthusiastically, "From Erlang's family, how do you change the wooden rake in my house?"

By the time the family finished reading, the rain had stopped.

An Beibei hurriedly bid farewell to the crowd, and rushed home on non-slip embroidered shoes tied with straw ropes.

Because the rain came and went quickly, the ground was not particularly slippery, but some rocky slopes were most prone to moss, and slipped away for a long time with one foot, and almost fell her.

After finally getting up and standing up, I found mud was everywhere on the sleeves of my hands and the leg of my trousers.

She hates Da Chu's rainy days!
"Bei Bei, I found you!"

Qi Yingxue's voice came from behind, she turned her head, and it was indeed her.

"Yingxue, why are you here?"

Qi Yingxue cast a reproachful glance at her and said, "Still talking! You didn't come back even though it was raining heavily, and my sister-in-law went to the field with her coir raincoat on her back to search but couldn't find it. Everyone was in a hurry. I was thinking of you and Yun. My sister-in-law is familiar, and I am planning to go to her house to look for it!"

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I went to the field, and then went to the drying yard, but I helped everyone harvest the wheat when it was about to rain. No, I rushed back as soon as the rain stopped."

"You, go back and talk to your mother yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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