I really don't want to be a star

Chapter 623 "What happened!"

Chapter 623 "What happened!"

"Hey! After your grandpa woke up, he had to go and reason about everything he said. With your grandpa's temper, he had to fight. Your father was afraid that your grandpa's anger would go wrong, so he tried his best to stop him. Then your grandpa never gave up. Your father has a good face, saying he is afraid of getting into trouble," Mama Liu continued with a sigh.

Hearing this, Liu Xu couldn't help being stunned, and secretly sighed that his old man was still that irritable old man, but Dad Liu did the right thing. With the behavior of that family, the past of Grandpa Liu Xu would only increase his troubles. Even if the two families fight, there will be no result in theory, but even so, Liu Xu still feels that his father is a little too rational.

However, as his son, Liu Xu didn't like to comment on this matter, but that's fine, if something really happened, then Liu Xu would probably go crazy.

"What happened later?" Liu Xu looked at Mama Liu and asked curiously.

"Although your father won't let you go to the theory, naturally he won't let your sister Jingjing go back to that house. She has been bullied by that family, so let her live in our house," Liu Ma continued, hearing Liu Xu, who said this, couldn't help but nodded. This is also an impossible solution.

"Sister Jingjing, didn't you think about the divorce?" Liu Xu couldn't help frowning and asked at this time that Yu Blin would leave this kind of thing on others.

"Hey! Listen to me! Although you haven't been in touch with Jingjing for long, you can see something about her personality. To put it mildly, she is kind, tolerant, and to put it mildly, she is just It’s a little weak, the beast begged for mercy halfway, your sister Jingjing softened her heart and followed her back, but the dog can’t stop eating shit, it’s only been half a month..." At this time, Mama Liu said with a sigh.

Although Mama Liu didn't finish speaking, Liu Xu who heard this didn't know what she wanted to say. At this time, he was a little speechless towards this cousin, and he hated her for nothing.

"Your Auntie Hong has the same temper as your grandfather. She has a good temper and a hot temper. I don't know who told her about it. After knowing it, she just called the door, but the family didn't pay attention to it. They even called your Aunt Hong kicked out."

"After coming back, your Aunt Hong became more angry and regretful the more she thought about it, and then she became seriously ill. In order not to worry Jingjing, I took care of her," Mama Liu continued.

"Then why didn't Aunt Hong come over this time?" Liu Xu asked with a frown.

"Hey! What else is there? She wants to save face. She thinks that she has hurt Jingjing, so she has no face to see her now. Every time she comes to our house, she secretly sees Jingjing and her mother and then goes back. At first Jingjing Jing didn't know yet, and then blocked her specifically, but it was useless, she ran away when she saw Jingjing, let alone come to Shanghai together now," said Liu Ma with a headache at this time, for this strange sister-in-law, she was shocked for a while. It's gone.

Liu Xu, who heard this, was also a little dumbfounded. What else can there be between this mother and daughter?Even if you feel guilty, you don't have to.

"But through this incident, your sister Jingjing finally figured it out and decided to divorce that bastard. The bastard didn't agree at first, but after seeing your sister Jingjing being so determined, he agreed, but he put forward conditions , is to let your sister Jingjing go out of the house!" At this time, Mama Liu continued.

"Why!" Before Liu Ma finished speaking, Liu Xu said directly, not because he cared about the money, but because of his breath!

"That's why, but that bastard actually threatened Xiaodie, saying that if you Jingjing sister doesn't leave the house cleanly, then Xiaodie won't let go."

"After hearing this, your elder sister Jingjing wanted to agree, but I and your father stopped me. It was the fault of that beast. If you want to file a lawsuit, you should file a lawsuit, but who knew that the beast would run away from time to time? Your sister's unit went to pester Nao Teng, and even slandered her in her unit..."

After hearing this, Liu Xu finally knew the purpose of Mama Liu's trip. It turned out that they were hiding from that scumbag.

"When your father and I learned about this, we asked your sister and her school to take a two-month leave of absence. We planned to take her to Shanghai to relax and come back to have a look. Then, when the lawyer is ready, we will go back directly Go to court!" At this moment, Mama Liu continued, and upon hearing this, Liu Xu nodded in thought.

"Son, you don't need to ask more about this matter. Let's wait for the court session. The lawyer told Mom that we will win this case. After all, your sister has the medical report." Seeing Liu Xu's expression, Liu's mother glanced Knowing what he was thinking, he couldn't help but followed up.

"Mom, you misunderstood. I was thinking about Aunt Hong. I'm worried about leaving her in my hometown," Liu Xu said with a smile at this moment.

"No way!" Mama Liu asked uncertainly at this time, but after she finished speaking, she became a little unconfident, thinking that it was not impossible to disturb Honggu with the behavior of that family
"Son, wait a minute. I'll make a phone call." At this moment, Mama Liu hurried out. Seeing this scene, Liu Xu couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.


"Where is your grandpa?" At this time, Father Liu came in with a big bag and a small bag and asked. Hearing this, Liu Xu quickly stepped forward to help take it down.

"We're all resting upstairs. After all, we've been in the car all morning," Liu Xu couldn't help but said with a smile. Father Liu couldn't help nodding when he heard this.

"By the way, Dad, you should go and have a rest too, and leave it to me," Liu Xu couldn't help but said with a smile at this time.

"No, I'll help you," Father Liu shook his head and said after hearing this. Obviously, he still lacks trust in Liu Xu's craftsmanship. Liu Xu couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this. But I can't stop my father's "good intentions".

It was not too early after looking at the time, and Liu Xu had no ink stains, so he took the vegetables he bought to wash. At this moment, Dad Liu came over and said, "I will wash these, and you go and prepare the ingredients. Then cut it."

Liu Xu knew that it was his old man who was testing him, but he didn't say anything. After preparing the oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, sugar, etc., Liu Xu touched the familiar kitchen knife and couldn't help but start cutting meat stand up.

Seeing Liu Xu's action of chopping vegetables, Liu's father who was on the side was really surprised. It was indeed beyond his expectations. It didn't take long for him to really believe that his son might have really learned a few tricks, so he couldn't help thinking Nod there.

This time Liu Xu didn't keep it, he not only made the "Kung Pao Chicken", "Sweet and Sour Fish",

He also made his specialty "mutton with sauce", "yipin chicken" and so on.

"It seems that I haven't written these dishes, how could you?" At this time, Dad Liu looked at the mutton with sauce, and said with a frown.

"I've done a lot, so I thought about creating something myself. I learned these from the recipes I bought, and then I improved it myself," Liu Xu couldn't help explaining with a smile at this time.

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Liu's father was a little skeptical, but he didn't have a better explanation, he only thought that Liu Xu was a genius.

Seeing that his father didn't ask the question, Liu Xu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's rare for you two to appear in the kitchen together," Mama Liu, who came in from the door at this time, couldn't help smiling when she saw this harmonious scene.

(End of this chapter)

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