Chapter 734 Love Needs a Test (40) [One More]

Saturday is here!

Today's Jiang Yijie is still very busy, as an idol star, he does not have weekends.

Endorsements, variety shows, fashion shows, he always has various activities to attend!
And they are all top-notch resources to ensure that they always appear in the public's sight.

This is also the reason why his popularity has continued to rise for a long time!
Many stars just popped up for a while, and they couldn't get good resources in the follow-up, and they gradually became mediocre, let alone be able to rank among the first-line!

As the darling of the company, Jiang Yijie has always had a stack of event announcements for him to choose from, so he doesn't have to worry about anything else!

After Ye Zi had breakfast, she couldn't wait to run to Lin Yifan's castle.

"Yifan, I never expected that I could watch the game live!" Ye Zi was so excited, her eyes sparkled.

"The captain of that team is super handsome. I can meet a real person today. It is said that someone invited him to make a movie. He refused, saying that his dream is to be the strongest in Glory of Kings! How cool!" Ye Zi A look of intoxication.

Lin Yifan looked at her and felt it was funny, "You look at Jiang Yijie every day, but you still think other boys are handsome?"

"He and Uncle Jiang are of two types. Uncle Jiang is the one who is a bit ruffian in the sun, while he is the kind of gentle and handsome senior. It is said that he has just graduated from university." Ye Zi said with reason.

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet, how did you get the admission ticket?" Lin Yifan knew that Ye Zi could not buy it by herself. Based on her understanding of Ye Zi, she is not a person who likes to spend money recklessly, especially, She still owes foreign debts.

"Thanks to Zheng Chao!"

"Zheng Chao?" Lin Yifan was even more surprised.

"One day, I went to buy coffee for a colleague, and on the way back, I accidentally bumped into a man. I didn't pay attention at the time, but later I didn't expect him to find him. I saw that it was Zheng Chao. It was a coincidence. "Ye Zi described the process of meeting Zheng Chao with surprise.

"Later he helped me twice." Ye Zi thought thoughtfully, "He gave me these two tickets yesterday."

"I helped you and even gave you a game ticket." Lin Yifan stared at Ye Zi's small face, "You two seem to have a good relationship?"

"It's strange to say that I was a little concerned about Zheng Chao. After all, there was a period before, but since he helped me, I think he is pretty good." Ye Zi looked frank.

"That's because you are kind-hearted and trust others easily." Lin Yifan put it bluntly, as if she had easily become friends with Song Cui.

Although she is innocent and a little silly, this is what Lin Yifan appreciates about her. She never plays tricks, always treats each other honestly, and says what comes to mind. Such a character is very rare!
"Yifan, are you sure you're okay this afternoon!" Ye Zi asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I'll definitely go see it with you!" Lin Yifan pinched Ye Zi's face, "Ye Zi, you really lost a lot of weight recently!"

"Then did I look better?" Ye Zi asked in surprise.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Lin Yifan didn't mean to be perfunctory to her. Ye Zi, who had lost weight, was quite different from before. While she was much refreshed, her temperament that was hidden before was revealed.

Especially since she joined the company, her taste in dressing has undergone tremendous changes!
(End of this chapter)

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