Counterattack of the Reborn Wife

Chapter 262 Follow Her Side

Chapter 262 Follow Her Side

Chu Jia began to return to work in the company. Perhaps with the solid foundation laid by Tang Shi, Chu Jia started working with ease.

Chu Jia's new script had already been written, so she showed it to Chu Junbei. She went to the office and waited for a while, but the secretary said that Chu Junbei had already left.

As soon as Chu Junbei arrived at the office, he saw Chu Jia and quickly changed his mood, "Jiajia, are you still used to it? Tang Shi's resignation was a bit sudden, but there is nothing he can do about it because something happened to his family."

Chu Jia nodded. Tang Shi was always cautious in his work and left a lot of documents. Chu Jia only needed to read through the written handover documents, and there shouldn't be any problem.

"Dad, what did you just go out for?"

"There is an acquaintance downstairs who wants to see me, and he went out and said a few words, it's not something important."

Chu Junbei's acquaintances must be people Chu Jia didn't know, so she didn't ask too many questions, but just handed Chu Junbei the script in her hand.

"Dad, look, can this script be filmed?"

This is a TV play "The Queen of Stars" written by Chu Jia, which tells the story of an actress step by step from a role model to a queen.

More importantly, Chu Jia set a role in it as the actor of the heroine's childhood sweetheart.

A script with a background in the entertainment industry, well, the entertainment industry, naturally there are many handsome men and beautiful women. Instead of looking for old actors, it is better to look for newcomers with potential. The ratings of the idol dramas produced are also quite good.

Although Jiajia Pictures has achieved the current results, it cannot rest on its laurels. If there is a suitable opportunity, it will continue to develop.

"Then I'll talk to you after I finish watching."

Chu Junbei held the script in his hand and thought of a question.

"The baby can't be put in Anyi all the time, when will you pick it up, have you thought about it?"

Chu Jia shook her head, "I always feel that Sheng Chengguang won't let it go so easily!"


Apart from sighing, Chu Junbei really didn't know what to say.

Chu Jia also stopped talking. Compared with following her all day in fear, the baby will be happier now that he is at ease.

Returning to her own office from Chu Junbei's office, Chu Jia was taken aback. The office was full of roses, and there was no room for her feet.

These roses are in full bloom, like roses just plucked from the morning sun, with the smell of dew.

Chu Jia asked the secretary at the door, "Who sent it?"

"It was sent by the flower shop. I asked who sent it, but I didn't leave the name."

Chu Jia probably guessed who gave it to her. Apart from Sheng Chengguang, she really couldn't think of anyone else, so she simply said to the little secretary, "Let the people in the administration department distribute the flowers to each office!"

In the office, having flowers will make people feel good.

Sheng Chengguang is willing to spend money, these flowers are not the kind of small shops on the street.

The people in the administration department quickly distributed the flowers in Chu Jia's office to various departments, and there was naturally some gossip among the company's employees.

Chu Jia didn't bother to care about so much.

The hateful thing is that Sheng Chengguang seemed to be possessed, and sent flowers every day, all of which were not the same. While the female staff in the office were happy with the flowers, they couldn't help but feel a little envious and jealous.

Sheng Chengguang sent flowers for a week in a row, but still didn't show up.

If Chu Jia had followed her temperament in the past, she would have killed her a long time ago.

But ever since she was imprisoned in the secret room by Sheng Chengguang, Chu Jia really wanted to be far away from this plague god...

I don't want to have anything to do with him at all...

Chu Jia didn't know what Sheng Chengguang was planning, but presumably, he would not be so patient. The more this happened, Chu Jia's heart was raised in his throat, and he didn't know that after a week of flower offensives, , What kind of weird tricks will he use?

"Honey, do you like the flowers I sent you?"

Chu Junbei had already approved Chu Jia's script and agreed to shoot it. When she was in a meeting with other departments, she received a WeChat message from Sheng Chengguang.

Without even thinking about it, Chu Jia directly deleted Sheng Chengguang's WeChat.

She really didn't want to have any kind of relationship with Sheng Chengguang, not at all in this life.

Sheng Chengguang didn't send any more WeChat messages. After Chu Jia switched her phone to silent mode, she continued the meeting. The next thing was to select the actors.

"My idea is, go to colleges and universities to recruit some beautiful girls and handsome boys. Isn't it popular now? Let's pack it well."

"Mr. Chu, newcomers have advantages as well as disadvantages. Newcomers save money, but they need to invest a lot of cost. If they become popular, newcomers may have to change jobs. We invested so much in the early stage, but in the end, it's not for nothing. ?”

Chu Jia felt that what the other party said made sense.

"Right now, there are a lot of mature actors who have filmed a lot of scenes, and even played a lot of side roles... I personally think that these are some familiar faces, it is really unnecessary."

"If the movie "The Queen of Stars" can be shot successfully, then... what awaits us will be a new glory!"

After Chu Jia finished speaking, she looked up and saw a man standing outside the office.

He just stood there quietly, like a painting. A long time ago, it seemed that many people looked at him like this.

Chu Jia was extremely angry. Sure enough, after a week of flowers offensive, could she be so impatient?

After the meeting, Chu Jia walked past Sheng Chengguang without looking sideways. She was not at all willing to meet Sheng Chengguang.

Sheng Chengguang did not embarrass Chu Jia in the presence of so many people, but followed him all the way to Chu Jia's office.

"what do you mean?"

When Sheng Chengguang looked at Chu Jia's undisguised anger, his heart skipped a beat.

"Jia Jia, give me one more chance, okay? I know I made a mistake before."

Chu Jia untied the watch on her wrist, revealing the wound, "If I hadn't cut my wrist, how long are you going to imprison me? Sheng Chengguang, I have nothing to do with you a long time ago, I beg you, I beg you, I beg you, don't appear in front of me again, okay? You should do good deeds and do good deeds?"

Chu Jia said a series of words, each word made Sheng Chengguang's heart skip a beat.

Those things really happened, he is powerless to refute!
"Jiajia, I know my tactics last time were very aggressive. I was just afraid of losing you. You don't know how I spent the days when you were not in the imperial capital. Of course, I deserve it, Jiajia. For Qiqi's sake, give me a chance, okay?"

Chu Jia's heart skipped a beat when she heard Sheng Chengguang mention Qiqi. Did he know that Qiqi was by her side?

(End of this chapter)

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