You can't mess with my baby

Chapter 349 Xiao Han, Don’t Misunderstand [1 More]

Chapter 349 Xiao Han, Don’t Misunderstand

"It's not a big deal, it's just an explanation to the foreigners." After seeing Lin Feng off, Lin Rou comforted Lin's father and Lin's mother.

"So what if someone comes from them?" Lin Fang sneered, who would dare to directly attack his son?

Isn't that tired of life and looking for a smoke?
Faced with his son's domineering words, the two elders suddenly felt that it was great for their son to come back.

In this way, all the men, women and children of their family can rely on them.

"What's more, the confession made by my cousin can't find any faults. A Qu is his nephew, can he really send someone to be convicted?" Lin Fang also knew Lin Feng very well.

After the guy just went out and ate a few pieces of the glutinous rice cakes he made, he took the video and recorded some things in a symbolic way, and then left without saying anything.Before leaving, I have to take two pieces of glutinous rice cakes and leave.

It made the family very speechless and embarrassed.

"Honey, the glutinous rice cakes you made are so delicious, let's continue tomorrow?" Lin Rou didn't enjoy tonight and was eaten up by Lin Feng, the big eater.

I was still a little depressed.

"Okay! I'm tired of taking care of you all at once." Lin Fang pampered Lin Rou's nose, and then the family dispersed.

Xiao Dai shares a room with Yuzu, and Xiao Han shares a room with Lin Qu.

It's not that there are not enough rooms at home, it's just that Lin Rou feels that letting the children live together can enhance their relationship.It's a very good thing.

"Mom, can you find an empty room for me tomorrow?" Lin Qu suddenly thought of something, and before going up the stairs, he turned around and asked Lin Rou.

"Ah? Why?" Isn't it nice to live with my brother?Why live alone?
"Because we have grown up and need privacy." The two live together, and there may not be much privacy at all.

Lin Qu's words also reminded Lin Rou, and she thought for a moment, "There are still a lot of vacant rooms at home, so let's do it!" Since the son has said so, as a mother, there is no reason not to agree.

"Thank you Mom." After thanking her, Lin Qu went upstairs.

A sly smile flashed in Yuzu's eyes, and she followed her upstairs.

"Mom, I also want a room of my own." Seeing that Lin Qu was able to have her own independent room, Lin Dai was very envious, so she also spoke to Lin Rou.

Lin Rou didn't expect that the picture of the Hele family that she had worked so hard to plan would be slapped in the face by two children, and she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

But my own daughter can't get angry.Perhaps children of their age are like this, who value privacy more than anything else.

"Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow! It's too late now, okay?" The other rooms are all decorated as guest rooms, and Lin Rou is unwilling to let her child live in the guest room so early because she is forced to do so. How many points?

"Okay! Thank you, Mom!" Lin Dai also jumped upstairs.

"Dad, does brother think I'm a waste... so he doesn't want to live with me?" The children dispersed and went upstairs to sleep.

Lin Fang was also planning to take his wife back to bed, when he saw Xiao Han who was alone, curled up on the sofa, staring blankly at the floor in front of him.

"Why does Xiaohan think so?" He walked in and his son was about to speak, but the son asked Lin Fang such a question first.

Lin Fang was startled by this question, and asked Xiao Han why he had such a strange idea in some confusion.

"Because I'm so useless. As the son and brother of my father and brother, I'm a Muggle who knows nothing." You can hear how much he has been wronged.

Lin felt relieved, "Dad told you that this is only temporary. Soon you will be able to practice like your brothers and sisters at home. So Xiaohan, don't feel inferior, and your brother wants to live alone because Your brother has grown up. If we fall in love in the future and bring girls back, it seems inappropriate to live with you!" Lin Fang felt that the reason why Lin Qu wanted to live together was probably so that he and Youzi could have a better relationship. many contacts.

"Bring the girl back? Does my brother still want to bring the girl home? Doesn't he already have Sister Yuzu and Sister Huya?" Xiaohan asked incredulously.

If this is the case, then brother is too scumbag!

"Ahem!" Realizing that there was a problem with my speech, "I can't tell you that it was your elder brother's opinion in order to live in the same room with Yuzu so that no one would find out! It's a child's family, and you have to deal with emotional matters. I'm too young to understand." Lin Fang said with a blushing face, and ran away immediately.

Leaving Xiaohan alone to struggle for a long time, when he came to his senses, a clear smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Big brother is the best." Sister Yuzu is such a lovely and gentle person, but she is actually quite capable, and she is also one of the best in their school's rankings.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to attract the attention of that man named Steve, and then let the elder brother unbearably shoot him to death.

In Xiaohan's eyes, the people around him are the best.

Before his father was not around, he didn't dare to hope that he could still practice, so he didn't want to leave too many of his family behind.

So his grades in the culture class are also among the best.Everything I did was to not want to embarrass my brothers and sisters at home.

But no matter what he does, there will always be some voices around him laughing at him, mocking him for being inferior to his brothers and sisters.

This also made Xiaohan fall into a state of despair for a while.

It's different now, now, Dad is back.

As long as he thinks of his father, he feels extremely happy in his heart.

He grinned and went upstairs, this night he could still sleep in the same room as his brother.

After this night, my brother will belong to sister Yuzu.

Lin Qu didn't expect his younger brother's mood to change so much in such a short period of time.

When he saw his younger brother walking in from the outside, he raised his eyes and looked at him.

I feel that this younger brother needs protection more than his younger sister, perhaps because he has no spiritual power, so he looks pitiful.

"Xiaohan, don't misunderstand what happened today, brother just thinks that we have grown up and need our own living space, understand?" Knowing that this brother is sensitive, Lin Qu reminded him.

"I know, brother wants to live with sister Yuzu, I understand." Xiaohan smiled and went to bed.

"Who told you?" Lin Qu asked with a face full of black lines in astonishment, this brother is only about ten years old, where did he learn such precocious words?
(End of this chapter)

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