You can't mess with my baby

Chapter 190 Did I Owe You In My Last Life? 【6 more】

Chapter 190 Did I Owe You In My Last Life? [Six more]

It took Lin Rou a whole night to heal the psychologically traumatized Lin Fang, and she also successfully collapsed on the bed and couldn't get up at all.

The next morning Lin Fang woke up energetically and kissed Lin Rou on the forehead.

"I forgot some things, you should rest at home." Lin Fang put on his clothes and walked out, and the protest of quail came from his ears.

"Lin Fang, what did you do last night? My seniors are all in a hurry." The seniors are anxious to reincarnate, but the vision on the phone in the underworld suddenly becomes dark, and even the voices outside I can't hear you.

Quail and his brothers thought that Lin Fanger would not send them to the underworld.

"I'm not a person with nothing to worry about. There's nothing wrong with sending it a day later." After Lin Fang finished speaking, he left the house.

Accustomed to teleporting to the place he wanted to go, Lin Fang's figure appeared in a direction that caught the owner of the place he arrived at by surprise.

"Ah!" There was a scream, and before Lin Fang could react, he was kicked out.

"Is there any mistake! Won't you tell me first when you come over?" It was Lin Yan, a good boy, who ran to other people's house early in the morning to find fault?Do you feel that no one else has anything to do?

"Eh..." Lin Fang was speechless, the scream just now seemed to be from the color.

How could he forget that Se is now with Lin Yan.

"Sorry, I was too impatient." Lin Fang apologized embarrassedly.

"What's the matter?" At the same time Lin Fang's voice fell, Lin Yan had already appeared in front of Lin Fang in a nightgown.

With a bad temper on his face, it was clearly written as if you don't mess with me.

"I want to find Lu Long's trace, do you have one?" Lin Fang's question made Lin Yan a little surprised.

"Looking for Lu Long? Are you thinking about it? Do you want to become stronger?" Lin Yan immediately changed his attitude when he heard Lin Fang's words.

I also discussed this matter with Lin Fang on the plane back, but Lin Fang said no, saying that his current ability is almost enough.

"My sister is dead." Lin Fang said quietly, uttering this sentence.

Lin Yan looked shocked, "How is that possible! My people reported to me yesterday that your sister went to my hospital the day before yesterday and took away some bags of human blood." died?
What are you kidding?

"I really don't know where to start, Quail, come out and help him tell him." Lin Fang took out the phone in the underworld, pressed the button, and released the quail from the phone in the underworld.

After the quail appeared, he told Lin Yan about everything that happened in the Induction Temple last night in detail.

Lin Yan frowned deeply after hearing this, and looked up at Lin Fang for a while, "According to him, it should have been done by the elder Demon Scorpion of the Demon Realm." Lin Yan unexpectedly guessed who did it all at once, which made Lin Fang Very surprised.

"You know him?" Lin Fang's tone was unbelievable.

"I don't know her well. I've heard of her name, and her ability is higher than that of the ancestor zombie. Even if she is a vegetarian ancestor zombie, she is definitely not an ordinary person, so she should be the elder of the magic scorpion." Lin Yan said to the demon world. I just know a general idea, "According to your current abilities, it is unrealistic to fight against Elder Demon Scorpion, and this Elder Demon Scorpion also has another identity, that is, the sister of the current Demon Emperor and the princess of the Demon Realm." .Her cultivation is unfathomable. According to our current strength, even if you and I combined, we can't beat her."

Lin Fang's words made Lin Fang fall into silence. He looked down at the ground, looking thoughtful.

"So, this great leader, Grandpa Mao, is right. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. Only by working hard to become stronger can we deal with her. And behind her is the entire Demon World, which needs to become even stronger."

"I know." Lin Yan didn't need to remind Lin Fang of this, so he answered, "Then do you have any news about Lu Long?"

Lin Fang still did not forget his original intention of coming to find Lin Yan.

"No! The creature Lulong has long been extinct! There were quite a few of them back then, but they were all killed by those who practiced hundreds of years ago." Otherwise, people in modern society would not have seen the creature dragon.

Historically speaking, the creature dragon was recorded in many ancient books, but because it is gone in modern times, it is defined as a creature that only exists in legends.

In fact, dragons really existed, but Lu Long's cultivation was too weak at that time, so he couldn't even beat human practitioners, and was killed by humans to extinction.

"Then why are we still talking about cultivation?" Lin Fang was a little discouraged. Since he couldn't even find the most basic Lu Long, how could he cultivate.

"Lu Long is gone, but Lu Long's blood can still be obtained." It turned out that Lin Yan was so calm because of this matter.

"Where can I get Lu Long's blood?" Lin Fang was excited, as if he had seen the dawn of his own victory.

"Where to get it is second. The point is, do you have this? If not, you probably don't even have the qualifications to meet the dragon's blood owner." Lin Yan raised his hand and made a gesture of money.

Lin Fang was silent, and hesitated for a moment, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Lin Yan excitedly.

"Brother, don't... I owe you something in my previous life?" Lin Yan instinctively raised his hand to cover his face.

But Lin Fang, this shameless fellow, grabbed his hand and pulled it down, and looked at him with a very pitiful look by the way.

Immediately, Lin Yan lost his temper and looked extremely helpless.

"Okay, okay! I owe you. In the past, according to our identities, we might not be able to get dragon blood from that family. Fortunately, that family has passed down to the current generation and has become a mercenary guy." Otherwise, depending on our identities, we might end up fighting to the death or not." Lin Yan took out his mobile phone while talking, searched in his WeChat, and finally found a person.

Opening the person's profile picture, a detailed message appeared. Lin Fang went over to take a look, and found that there was a message written in it. This information combined with the other party's circle of friends seemed to make Lin Fang see a magic stick.

"Are you sure this guy has dragon's blood? Why do I feel like a magic stick?" Lin Yan clicked on the other party's circle of friends, and there was news about selling that kind of elixir.

Isn't that kind of elixir the one recorded in the history books that is inedible with heavy metals?
Isn't this person afraid of being punished by God for selling this kind of medicine?

"He looks like a magic stick, but the things he made are really effective. Many mortal tyrants will buy from him. And the price is not cheap." Lin Yan still knows this guy very well.

(End of this chapter)

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