Chapter 255
Guo Xiuzhi cried, "Well, I understand, I actually thought the same way, but I'm restless, I'm nervous, if I continue like this, I'll really become insane... blah blah..."

"Alas!" Zhao Mengsheng had no choice but to comfort her personally.


Early the next morning Zhao Tang came to knock on the door.

Zhao Mengsheng opened the door to let her in and scolded in a low voice: "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

Zhao Tang said aggrievedly, "A man who claimed to be your second uncle called and said he had something very important to see you."

Zhao Mengsheng looked surprised, "..."

So did Guo Xiuzhi, she said puzzledly: "What does that old bastard Zhao Dezhu want you for?"

Zhao Mengsheng shook his head, "I can't guess it either. I'll call back first to see."

Zhao Mengsheng came up shortly after going downstairs, and asked anxiously, "Did Ning Yan's partner go to Baiyu a few days ago?"

Guo Xiuzhi shook her head blankly.

Zhao Tang rushed to answer: "Yes, several owners of our restaurant opened a branch in Baiyu, and he and Xi Ming went there for several days a few days ago."

"Then did he study medicine? Is he particularly good at medicine?"

Zhao Tang: "I heard that he graduated from a medical university and also studied Chinese medicine from his grandfather. I don't know if his medical skills are particularly good. But I think his medical skills are not very good, otherwise why don't he become a doctor and do business ?”

Zhao Mengsheng was silent: "..."

Guo Xiuzhi asked him puzzled: "Did Zhao Dezhu ask you to find Han Chenye to see a doctor for him? What's wrong with him?"

"It's not that he's sick, it's that his precious only son, Zhao Zixing, has chronic renal failure. I heard that he was diagnosed with this disease five years ago, and he still doesn't have a child. Hehe, there won't be any in the future. Zhao Dezhu will never be born again. "

Guo Xiuzhi also laughed, "Doesn't he still have a daughter? He is rich, so he is afraid that her son-in-law will not change the child's surname?"

"His son-in-law is also rich, who knows if he will agree? However, I have to behave well this time, maybe I can get a piece of his family's pie."

Guo Xiuzhi: "...that's right."

Guo Xiuzhi knew it was a good thing, but she was worried that she would not be able to leave because she was going to escape here...

No need for Zhao Mengsheng to say, Guo Xiuzhi immediately called Ning Yan and asked Han Chenye if there was a solution for chronic renal failure.

Ning Yan agreed to ask, and quickly replied that Han Chenye was half and only half sure about it, and the other party could show it to him if he wanted, but he couldn't go to Bai Yu, so the other party had to come by himself.

Such an answer surprised the already desperate Zhao Dezhu's family, and rushed over immediately.

Zhao Zixing thought he was very lucky. He thought it would be over soon, but Han Chenye actually told him that if he insisted on five years of treatment, he would not only get better, but also have children like a normal person.

He is 27 this year, and will only be 32 five years later, which is still the golden age of having children.

During this period of time, Zhao Mengsheng has contributed a lot to Zhao Dezhu and his son. In addition to his relationship with Ning Yan's family, Zhao blacksmith Zhao Dezhu thought that he and his dead brother Zhao Carpenter had only one seedling. Zhao Mengsheng was unreliable before, but now It seems that he has repented, and his heart softened, and he wants to give Zhao Mengsheng a blacksmith shop with a good business in his family.

Zhao Mengsheng didn't expect Zhao Dezhu to be so generous and flattered.

Unfortunately, all of Zhao Dezhu's shops are in Baiyu. If he takes over the blacksmith shop, he must return to Baiyu.

Otherwise, he could still ask Zhao Dezhu to take care of it for him, and he would collect money for nothing?
After thinking about it, he decided to go back to Bai Yu, not by himself, but with Zhao Tang.

He could see that Guo Xiuzhi's impostor would eventually go through the roof, and if he continued to hang out with her like this, he would be implicated one day, so it's better to get out now so that he can get rid of it in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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