Chapter 454 Excited

Listening to Bo Yanli's words, Song Nainai's smiling eyes flickered for a moment of trance, but soon disappeared.

She got into Bo Yanli's arms and listened to Bo Yanli's heartbeat.

Her white fingertips lightly caught Bo Yanli's cuff.

The smile in Bo Yanli's eyes suddenly grew stronger.

Song Nainai said suddenly: "When the matter of Xie's family is over, we can leave, okay?"

She knew that Bo Yanli had a way to leave.

The system said that she needs to stay in this world for ten years, but since Bo Yanli can come here from her original world, there must be a way to take her away.

This man appeared here as a vampire, and during the day he would turn into a human being who had nothing to do with the vampire.

There are more secrets hidden in Bo Yanli than Song Nainai can imagine.

She looked away and lowered her head.

Song Nainai was a little tired of life here.

Bo Yanli's eyes flickered, and he raised his hand to caress Song Nainai's side face.

"Are you sure?"

Once you leave, all the secrets will be broken.

Everything that the so-called system wants to bury will be exposed to the light of day.

A dark streak flashed across Bo Yanli's eyes.

Song Nainai chuckled: "Don't tell me, you are just like me, you can't leave this small world anymore."

Bo Yanli smiled lowly, neither refuted nor admitted.

If possible, he also wanted Song Nainai to return to the real world, to the dark castle, where there were only him and Song Nainai.

However, he has a secret that he cannot tell.

He managed to stabilize Song Nainai's soul, he was afraid that Song Nainai would disappear in front of him again after knowing the truth.
Under Xie Lin's resolute action, Li's mother surrendered herself and went to jail.

Afterwards, the Xie family followed the clues and found a lot of evidence from the beginning, for example, the account information in Li's mother's bank card, and a transfer in Chen Jianshan's company that suddenly disappeared.

When Lu Chun sent people to search for traces of Li's mother, her employment information, and transfers.

very many.

Seeing it now, Xie Lin felt as if he had been deceived by lard back then, blindly ignoring so many details.

If he had discovered this earlier, wouldn't Song Nainai have to suffer so much.

With the evidence in hand, Xie Lin directly sent Lu Chun, Wang Jianshan and his wife to prison.

With the testimony of witnesses, Lu Chun was convicted of child abduction and trafficking.

Although she is not the direct perpetrator, she is the mastermind of everything.

Li's mother's actions are also treated as the main culprit just like Lu Chun and his wife.

After the facts were confirmed, the police in Shanghai and Hai City issued an announcement together.

But now Song Nainai's apparent identity has passed away, and the information has been canceled.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, only the crimes of Lu Chun, his wife and Li's mother were explained.

Netizens were excited.

There are so many parents in the world who treat others as their own. If their daughter is abandoned by relatives like this, they will definitely want to tear up this so-called relative.

The matter was vigorous and vigorous, and the court held a court session not long after. Under the circumstances of conclusive evidence and clear facts, the three main criminals were sentenced to seven years in prison.

Soon, Xie Lin, Xie Chen, and Xie Gu came to Bo's house again.

After seeing the police report, Song Nainai decided to leave.

She thought that after the truth came to light, it was her fate to be the original owner.

Seeing Xie Lin now, Song Nainai's attitude became much gentler, with a smile on her brow.

Xie Lin looked at Song Nainai lovingly, and felt that her daughter was extremely cute no matter how she looked.

  From the end of last year to this year, I have been jumping between the postgraduate entrance examination and the law examination. In the end, I gave up the postgraduate entrance examination and concentrated on preparing for the law examination. However, this year’s law examination was originally scheduled for 9.11. I don’t know whether to postpone it (the city where I applied for the examination has a high-risk area) .

  I don’t want to read the materials anymore, so I’ll pick up the book and write again after reviewing!
  I made an appointment with the editor for a new book in January, and I haven't started writing it yet, and now I'm starting to prepare!

(End of this chapter)

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