Super entertainment red envelope

Chapter 799 "Avatar" and "SpongeBob SquarePants"!

Chapter 799 "Avatar" and "SpongeBob SquarePants"!
One animated series and one animated film.

Different from the simple introduction of "SpongeBob SquarePants", "Zootopia" not only announced the main creators, but also announced the invited voice actors.

Although only four have been announced, they are all top Hollywood actors.

There was Julia Boots, Edward Cappdi, Austin Post and Jeffrey Williams.

Except for these four, the rest are all proposed invitations, and the list of proposed invitations will not be announced for the time being. Li Zhifan will just talk about it and tell these people through today's scene that he will go back to find them. I hope they will not hide and disappear. .

This kind of humor is very suitable for the American way of humor, so many foreigners below can't stop laughing.

But for Chinese people, it sounds a bit embarrassing, because in China, no director would ever invite an actor like this.

"About "Zootopia", I want to do it well, because this is the first animation film in the true sense after the integration of Oriental Entertainment, unlike the previous "Coco", it's just my entry into Hollywood animation It is an experiment in the industry, and there is no need to guarantee anything to the shareholders of the Eastern Group, and my identity is more of a free creator."

"This time is different. I am now a shareholder of Oriental Entertainment Group, so I am also responsible for my partners. I am afraid that they will worry, so I also have a live-action movie in my plan!"

With that said, Li Zhifan turned around and directed everyone to look at the big screen.

A faint blue appeared on the big screen, and in the center, a terrifying face suddenly appeared.

At first glance, this face would not be thought of as a human face at all, because it is like the face of a leopard, and it also has these pointed ears. What's even more frightening is that this face is blue!
But as the outline of the face gradually became clearer, everyone saw black hair, and the hairstyle was in the style of dreadlocks, which was even more confusing. In addition, the face, which was all blue at the beginning, gradually turned into a blue leopard pattern.

"What the hell is this?"

"Scary to death!"

"Oh my god! Is this a cartoon?"

"Didn't you mean a live-action movie? Could it be a monster movie?"


Many people below muttered, expressing strangeness and doubts.

Many of them are Americans who are used to watching sci-fi blockbusters, and even they can't guess what type of movie this picture can be related to.

Unlike the previous "SpongeBob SquarePants" and "Zootopia", this movie has no posters, only this pair of giant peak pictures made by computers.

After everyone was surprised enough, Li Zhifan explained: "The name of this movie is "Avatar". I won't reveal the plot. I will only show you the image of the heroine."

"What heroine?"

"This, this, this scary ugly monster, is the heroine?"

"Oh my god! Are you crazy? This wants box office?"

"Yeah! It's the first time I've seen such an ugly heroine!"

"Avatar? What does this mean?"

"I don't know, it must be the heroine's name!"

"Damn, it can't be a relationship between humans and animals, right? I guess the heroine is very likely to be bred by humans and leopards, and then meets the male protagonist...Damn, isn't this the relationship between humans and animals of two generations? Yet?"

"I can guarantee that no one will watch this movie in the United States, and there will be no market!"

"Yes, it's not that Li Zhifan doesn't know enough about American movies. Whether it's hero movies or other sci-fi and fantasy movies, the male lead is always mutated, and the female lead is that beautiful human being. Otherwise, it would be difficult to get the audience to buy tickets. "

"Not only in the United States, but also in China. Nuwa and Bai Niangniang are all monsters, but the characters are all beautiful women, which shows that human beings all over the world think the same."


Everyone's discussion didn't make Li Zhifan show any embarrassment or dissatisfaction, but continued with a smile: "Also let me tell you that the male lead will be played by myself!"


"I starred in it? That's great!"

"What's the matter? He must be worried that the image of the heroine will ruin the movie, so if he plays by himself, at least he can win a lot of fans in the Chinese movie market!"

"That's right!"

"So it is!"

"But in the United States, Li Zhifan is considered an important star! Now when we talk about Chinese stars, 90.00% of the people will say Li Zhifan the first time."

"This is what makes him smart, and his own performance is also a guarantee for the movie's box office, but I'm not too optimistic about the movie itself."

"I think it's better to persuade him to make himself look like a leopard, and choose a beautiful woman as the heroine. I'll be the first to recommend Grace Moretz!"

"Grace Moretz? Is she too young?"

"Don't underestimate her. "Escape from Two Cities" starring her will be released in January next year. I can guarantee that she will be the best actress in Hollywood next year!"


On the stage.

Li Zhifan has not yet finalized the candidate for the heroine, and he has not even started planning the candidate for the whole movie. He just greeted some well-known Hollywood actors in advance and made an appointment to sit down and chat. If they are willing to play supporting roles, And if the salary is reasonable, you will definitely be able to get a suitable role.

The heroine of the original "Avatar" was played by a black man.

But in Li Zhifan's case, it is not necessarily a black person. Instead, he has to go through multiple screenings. It doesn't matter what race you are or what political correctness you have, as long as you fit your image.

The appearance of the heroine is basically unchanged, but the face shape may change with the face shape of the heroine herself.

This is also inevitable, because Li Zhifan did not look for the heroine according to the original face shape, so naturally there is an 80.00% chance that it will not collide with the original face shape.

Although "Avatar" in another world has been filmed for more than two years, Li Zhifan is confident that he can complete the filming in eight months if he has the original version, and it may even be compressed to a shorter time.

And "Avatar" is actually the most important film technology, which is computer synthesis.

And James Cameron is also known as a movie technology madman. He is good at using various computer technologies. Americans make movies, and they don’t even bother to shoot street scenes. All virtual scenes are green screen + CGI post-synthesis.

Of course, people are too lazy to shoot because the post-processing technology is powerful and the computer software is advanced, which is different from making movies in China.

This time, Oriental Entertainment has acquired the best film post-production technical team in the United States, and now it is 2022. It can be said that the production of "Avatar" can be said to be easy, at least it is much easier than two years ago. Compared with the shooting time of the other world In 2005, it was easier and simpler.

""Avatar" is a movie that I will put a lot of effort into making and shooting in the next year. I won't say much to improve myself. I just want to use my final results to communicate with all audiences and serve everyone. Audiences use movies to build a dream world."

Li Zhifan said that he has even considered the filming location, which is in China. As for where in China, he did not disclose, because this work is secret.


The day.

The news that Li Zhifan was going to shoot a movie called "Avatar" was uploaded on the Internet all over the world.

A reporter took a photo of the concept map of the heroine of "Avatar" on the spot. After it was posted on the Internet, it also caused panic and complaints from the public.

But Li Zhifan didn't tell everyone what type of movie it was, what story it was, or even the theme. Everyone's complaints could only be made about the heroine's image design.

Some netizens who supported Li Zhifan said, what if this is a ghost movie?

What if it's "the relationship between humans and ghosts is over" and "the relationship between demons and people"?

Some people even suspect that Li Zhifan's "Avatar" may be based on the story of Nuwa, and this image is likely to be Nuwa. However, this suspicion is more complaining than the concept map of the movie itself, especially Chinese netizens. This man gave flesh.

There are also some netizens who suspect that "Avatar" may be part of "Three-Body Problem".

Perhaps it is an adapted story, such as the enemy of the Trisolaran, or the prequel of the Trisolaran.

Their reason is that Li Zhifan has written such an awesome work as "The Three-Body Problem", so there's no reason why he shouldn't adapt it to film a film and television drama?

Now the first work of Dongfang Entertainment is very likely to be carried out on "Three-Body Problem".

As for what "Avatar" represents, whether it is the name of a person or a race, they don't know, and fans of the Three-Body Problem really hope that Li Zhifan will dig into the story of "The Three-Body Problem" in depth, after all, there are many more. The BUG is not perfect.


This part of doubt lasted only one afternoon, and in the evening Li Zhifan gave the answer on the fast blog: "Avatar" and "Three-Body Problem" have nothing to do with each other, they are two stories.

This time Three-Body fans are most disappointed, but there is still some expectation.

the other side.

The stock price of Eastern Group rose sharply within a day.

This made all the shareholders happy. During Fang Xiao's meeting, the shareholders unanimously approved the investment in "Avatar" and said that they would be willing to invest even if Li Zhifan made a good film of this film.

Because the money earned in the stock market is already several times more than the money they put out for investment. If they can keep the topic, the sense of mystery and the sense of expectation going, then they can use this time difference to make more money up.

But what makes people feel emotional is that "Avatar" has been complained about and rejected, but the hottest discussion is the highest, while "SpongeBob SquarePants" and "Zootopia" have surprisingly low discussions.

Of course, this is compared with "Avatar" and Li Zhifan's previous news.

It seems that these two were not made by Li Zhifan.

Especially "SpongeBob SquarePants", the degree of discussion is not even a fraction of "Avatar", only a few reports by Lin Xing in China, it is written that Li Zhifan will make two animations, one animation film is called "Crazy Zootopia", An animated series called "SpongeBob SquarePants".

Compared with the two movies "Avatar" and "Zootopia", the only ones paying attention to "SpongeBob SquarePants" may be those TV stations around the world.

At present, TV stations in many countries have already broadcast "Peppa Pig". At this time, Li Zhifan is about to launch "SpongeBob SquarePants", which will soon be compared by people in the TV industry, because many foreign TV stations do not know about "Piggy". Page" was also produced by Li Zhifan. They only thought it was produced by an American studio called Page, so they thought that Li Zhifan's "SpongeBob SquarePants" might have a chance to shake the current influence of "Peppa Pig", and it is the same as in cartoons. status in the serial genre.

Especially those who didn't get the rights to broadcast "Peppa Pig" before, it's more like getting "SpongeBob SquarePants" to make a comeback.

However, CCTV knew about the production team of "Peppa Pig", but they kept it a secret for Li Zhifan.

Now that I know that Li Zhifan is going to release "SpongeBob SquarePants", I immediately sent an invitation to Li Zhifan, hoping that "SpongeBob SquarePants" will be the first to be broadcast in China as soon as it is produced.

Li Zhifan naturally agreed. After all, she is Yang Ma, the TV station with the most voice and influence in China, and the mouthpiece of the country. Can this broadcasting right not be given?

However, Li Zhifan also proposed an agreement to distribute the copyright, that is, "SpongeBob SquarePants" will not only be broadcast exclusively on CCTV, but will be distributed by Oriental Entertainment. The price of a single episode will not be too high, ensuring that more TV stations can buy this to promote and broadcast the cartoon series nationwide.

After all, cartoons are not like those super idol dramas and popular IP dramas performed by real people. They will become popular before the filming starts, so the price is destined not to be too high, and the audience will not be too large.

Just look at the popularity of "SpongeBob SquarePants" in the domestic news, and it will be clear.

I believe that if it wasn't for Li Zhifan's production, I'm afraid there wouldn't even be this popularity.


Los Angeles.


Li Zhifan returned to his previous life of two points and one line.

With the cooperation of "Coco" before, Li Zhifan and the animation team of DreamWorks have been relatively compatible, and there is no problem in producing "Zootopia" and "SpongeBob SquarePants" at the same time.

In addition, Li Zhifan has also mastered painting skills and animation production skills now, he is no longer a pure novice before, and the idiot problems he had when he first cooperated were gone.

Even in some key links, he can stand up and help, and what he does is no worse than those old people who have worked for more than ten years.

As for "Avatar", it is still in the stage of meeting every day to talk about plans, even the team has not yet been formed, there is only one script.

Because Dongfang Entertainment's "Hollywood Movie Project" is not the only one with his works, as the second in command, Li Zhifan first let the invited filmmakers form their teams and start their plans, after all, they are guests.

When they are all formed, it is almost done, and it will not be too late for Li Zhifan to get on the horse.

Anyway, he is confident that he will not be inferior to others. Even if the elite soldiers are snatched away by those hired filmmakers, he can still build a team independently to complete the movie "Avatar".

(End of this chapter)

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