Super entertainment red envelope

Chapter 744 The game company is established!

Chapter 744 The game company is established!

Chen Cheng rushed to the capital from Chengdu the next day. To him, a small game programmer, Burnett is a high-level player in the game industry, equivalent to a superstar in the entertainment industry.

So Chen Cheng came to see Burnett with 12 points of sincerity and fear.

However, after seeing Burnett himself, he was stunned again. It turned out that these big names in the industry are just like ordinary people!

Because when he saw Burnett, the guy had just woke up with a hangover, and it was already eleven o'clock at noon.

"This is Burnett?"

Taking advantage of Burnett's inattention, Chen Cheng quietly asked Li Zhifan.


Li Zhifan smiled wryly, "He can drink too much, he drank for four hours yesterday."

While speaking, he glanced at the situation in the room, especially the empty wine bottles on the coffee table, and couldn't help saying: "It seems that he drank a lot after he came back."

Chen Cheng frowned: "No wonder he was kicked out by Sol Online, so can he be a qualified game producer now?"

"Let's talk about it!"

Li Zhifan said, "As long as your private life doesn't interfere with your normal work, it's okay, but if the situation is the opposite...hehe, you have to reconsider."

After washing up, Burnett seemed to be a different person. Although he was not very energetic, he was completely different from the previous hangover after waking up.


Burnett walked to the sofa and sat down, and asked, "Who is this young man?"

"His name is Chen Cheng!"

Li Zhifan glanced at Chen Cheng and motioned him to introduce himself.

If it was a direct meeting like this, Chen Cheng would definitely slip his beard to show his fan affection, but now he won't do that, and said calmly with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Burnett, I am an independent game company. The person in charge of the studio, we are college students starting a business, with a development team of 20 people."

"20 people?"

Burnett obviously felt that the number of people in this team was too small, so he asked Li, "It seems that you invited me to play in China, and you should have something to ask me about games?"


Li Zhifan said bluntly, "We want to make a survival game by ourselves, and we would like to ask you to be the producer. If you agree, we can continue to discuss the following content."


Burnett looked back and forth between Li Zhifan and Chen Cheng, "A team of 20 people?"

"No! This team will be the core technology and management of the company!"

Li Zhifan said, "Their game studio is independent, but it will be acquired by me. After the acquisition, we will recruit more talents. In addition, I know that you posted an announcement on your social platform, saying that you want to form a team of your own. My studio, my idea is this, we cooperate, the game is developed and produced by you and your studio, we participate in the whole process, after the game is launched later, you provide technical support and maintenance support, but mainly by us Come to maintain and operate, and contact you when there are problems that cannot be solved.”

"Oh? Just outsource the R&D studio to me, right?" Burnett asked.

"Yes, that's what it means!" Li Zhifan said.

"I wonder, how much money will I get?" Burnett said.

"You can mention it first, and then we can talk about it!"

Li Zhifan said with a smile that the thinking of Chinese and foreigners is here, especially the Americans, before doing something, they should first consider the quotation thoroughly, while the Chinese said that they can talk slowly in the middle.

Of course, Burnett is also aware of this problem, so he said straightforwardly to Li Zhifan, "I want to earn 20.00% of the game production fee for this business, OK? Now the producers of many large game companies, the price exceeds [-]% , isn’t my request too high?”

"That depends on the budget for making the entire game!"

Li Zhifan spread his hands, "Although money is not a problem for me, the problem is not to waste money. You have already played the game "King of Survival", and you must have witnessed the birth of "King of Survival 2" and other follow-up games , you must be more familiar with the production fee than I am."

It's anyone's guess as to how much it will cost to make this game, because it can't be compared to other similar games, because it's a concept problem, not a demand problem.

For design and development, there are many details in the logic, process, function points, and modules of any business. The range of evaluation results can be large or small under uncertain conditions, which is meaningless. It is irresponsible to just give a quotation Behavior.

For some large-scale projects, the pre-project preparation and demand preparation stages will last for several months.

For a product, there is a process that requires multiple evaluations and then specific implementation, such as planning plan, demand statement, development plan, design plan, schedule plan, etc.

In fact, there are already many very formal and large-scale generation development companies in the world, but these companies still have many risks, especially in project management, so some projects require more investment than building their own teams in order to afford decent generation development team.

In fact, the risk of outsourcing is relatively greater than that of self-owned teams, and the additional costs brought about will sometimes be huge.

In extreme cases, for example, when the development is halfway through, the acting development company quits. Even if a lawsuit is filed, it is not a problem that can be solved in a short time, and it may even be delayed for three to five years.

It's no longer a matter of how much it costs to complete the project.

The real cost of the game is not actually in the design and development. The cost of this part is mainly concentrated in labor, and Li Zhifan already has a development plan. According to the plan and the standard of the team's location, how much will be spent on the construction period plus basic labor? Close your eyes, you can basically figure it out.

So both the high-level executives and Li Zhifan chose to outsource.

Because everyone knows that the most real investment is actually in the operation and promotion of the game. The game is made to be played by people, so to solve the problem of communication and monetization, the cost of many project promotion is N times that of development.

This is not only about spending money, but also requires a team to do a good job in various tasks, such as internal finance, operation and maintenance, external distribution channels, promotion channels, etc.

Even if it is a game supported by Radio and Television, it cannot be expected that this game will be well known by word of mouth.

Those on the rankings of various platforms are all spent on money, just like the application software on mobile phones, many of them burn money until users have a sense of dependence before they dare to talk about revenue.

In addition, from project planning, product planning, design, development, testing, promotion, operation to later data analysis, upgrade and iteration, not one person can control it. Chen Cheng's Orange Elephant game is the core of this project, and it will also be the core of the company after the establishment of the company in the future. At the core of the project, someone needs to be able to handle every link in the project, and they will be tested in the middle, because after all, Orange Elephant Games was just a small game studio before. , This is also the reason why Li Zhifan proposed special talent training to Tao Yanqing.

"This is not good!"

Burnett said, "At the beginning, the development of "King of Survival" alone cost 6000 million yuan, while "King of Survival 2.0" only spent 2500 million yuan because of its experience in development. The game "Battlefield King" followed our trend, and it is said that it only cost less than 800 million, but you can try the effect of this game for yourself, it is really bad."

"As for the budget, let the two of you work together to design it!"

Li Zhifan said, "I'm only responsible for paying the money and planning, and I don't care about the rest!"

"If you have a lot of ideas and models, our early stage speed will be much faster, and naturally we can save a lot of money!"

Burnett spread his hands. He didn't believe that Li Zhifan had any good plans, "But it's hard to say whether your idea can be used, realized, and attract users. We can come up with our own plans and select the final one. the result of."


Li Zhifan thought about it for a while, but he didn't argue. He mainly didn't want to dampen the enthusiasm of the two of them, and appeared to be domineering.

After lunch at noon, Chen Cheng took a step forward and flew back to Chengdu to prepare for the establishment of a new game company. The headquarters of this game company will not be in the capital, because the land price is a project supported by the superiors, and there is no way to get it. Suitable office space and server building place.

On the contrary, Chengdu is a very suitable choice, mainly as the core layer of the new company in the future. All the staff of Orange Elephant Games are familiar with this city, and it is easy for them to find a suitable office environment.

After seeing off Chen Cheng, Li Zhifan still hadn't left Burnett, but found another coffee shop with him to chat alone.

It can be said that Burnett is completely tempted, because he knows that he has encountered a very suitable opportunity, and he has no choice now, and it will not delay his establishment of a personal game studio.

"Burnet! When is your studio going to be established?"

Shaking the spoon in the coffee cup, Li Zhifan asked casually.

"If our project is finalized, then I will go back to China next week to register a studio."

Burnett said, "And we feel that the early recruitment can also start. I still have some contacts in the global game circle. It is no problem to form a team."

"Then do you have enough money?" Li Zhifan asked.

Although Burnett made a lot of money as the producer of several games before, doing it alone means starting to burn his own wallet. Without strong financial resources, even with the current big order, it is very difficult.

"If you don't have enough money, you can take a loan from the bank!"

Burnett said bluntly that in his thinking, even in the thinking of Americans, everything can be borrowed from the bank. Anyway, as long as he accepts this order, he will be able to repay it.

"Then it seems that your personal assets are still not enough!"

Li Zhifan smiled, "Have you ever thought about attracting investment for your upcoming studio?"

"Pull investment?"

Burnett was taken aback, and after looking at Li Zhifan for a long time, he smiled, "Are you planning to invest in me? OK, I agree, but if this is the case, is our partnership considered outsourcing?"

"Why not?"

Li Zhifan said with a smile, "If you want to invest, it's not in the name of Orange Elephant Games, but our country's bank, investing overseas!"

"A bank in your country?"

Burnett's mouth grew slightly, and he felt incredible. How could a country's bank invest in his own studio with an uncertain future?

Li Zhifan's proposal was not made by himself, but by Tao Yanqing.

There are quite a few state-owned banks that SVA invested in. Among those banks that are listed as "state-owned enterprise background, listed companies", but are not the four major banks, but look like state-owned banks on the signboard, it is very likely that one of them is invested by SVA.

Some banks specialize in small and medium-sized financial services, such as small loans, various funds, and insurance businesses.

Some banks specialize in domestic investment, such as investing in real estate, investing in the entertainment industry, investing in domestic 3C technology, IT technology, etc.

Some are dedicated to investing in overseas markets, ranging from foreign minerals, oil, and infrastructure, to overseas consortiums, various retail companies, and websites.

Radio and TV invested in Orange Elephant Games and Burnett's studio through the bank it invested in, so as to achieve the effect of grasping both hands, and only need a small amount of shares, and only invest money without interfering with the company's operations, so as to guarantee this project It can operate stably without splitting in the middle and causing losses.

"If you want, I will take you to meet an investor tonight!"

Li Zhifan said, "Don't worry, the other party only pays the money and does not interfere with the operation of the studio. The command of the studio is still in your hands."

"This... let me think about it!"

Burnett couldn't figure it out at first, and after a detour in his brain, he finally figured out that this kind of shareholding was to bind his studio firmly with this business, so as to avoid mistakes during business development.

But why not let Orange Elephant Games set up its own R&D department and set up a R&D team?
This was something Burnett couldn't figure out.

In fact, this kind of case is also very common. It belongs to the category of split operation. In the future, the two aspects can be operated independently, such as going public, and can seek greater profits.

There is also the "basket" psychology of investors, that is, eggs will not be put in the same basket.

This is very common in the film market, such as companies that specialize in publicity and distribution, companies that specialize in production, companies that specialize in behind-the-scenes and special effects, and even companies that specialize in opening credits. Behind these types of companies, there may be the same An investor casts a wide net to catch more fish, but this investor will never set up a comprehensive film company by himself.

Because this investor is just rich, or has no experience in the industry, or is simply too lazy to run a company himself, but wants to enter every link of this industry and benefit from every link.

Anyway, Li Zhifan understood a little bit and knew the general intention of the above, but he would not say it, because in this matter, as long as Bernie agreed to accept the investment, it would be enough!

(End of this chapter)

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