Super entertainment red envelope

Chapter 249 Invitation to the Spring Festival Gala!

Chapter 249 Invitation to the Spring Festival Gala!

Zhai Long was taken aback for a moment, but in the next second, he showed a gloating expression, "Who hit it?"

"I do not know!"

Li Zhifan shook his head, pretending that he didn't know anything.

"Hehe! Young people still have to keep a low profile, otherwise this will be a lesson for the past. When you become famous one day, don't be like this kind of person."

"I see!"

Li Zhifan nodded, and stood on the sidelines with Zhai Long, feeling like watching fire from the other side.

Suddenly, someone in the reporter group discovered Zhai Long, and a loud cry pierced the sky: "Brother Long! It's Brother Long!"

"Li Zhifan?"

Another sharp-eyed reporter spotted Li Zhifan and immediately waved to him.

Zhai Long and Li Zhifan waved their hands at the same time, with faint smiles on their faces, completely opposite to the "rescue" scene on the side.

"Brother Long! Can we interview you for a few words?"

The reporters who couldn't get in shouted again, "Zhifan come too!"

Zhai Long laughed and looked at Li Zhifan stretching out his hand: "Let's go together!"

The two walked towards the reporter back and forth. When the security guards saw Zhai Long and Li Zhifan, they all politely stepped out of the way.

"Brother Long, are you playing the leading role this time? Who is the leading role, you or Feng Yi?"

"Zhifan, what are you acting in this play?"

"I haven't seen your makeup poster before, so did you join as a cameo or secretly?"

"Brother Long, what do you think of the recent drug abuse chaos in the entertainment industry? Do you have such friends around you?"

"Brother Long, what do you think about Director Wang being arrested?"

"You two, it seems that Feng Yi had an accident just now, is there any love between the two of you?"

"How is Feng Yi's behavior in the crew? Seeing that the two of you didn't come forward just now, do you have a bad relationship?"


The reporters asked a bunch of questions, and I don't know if they were thought up long ago, or they came up on the spur of the moment.

As for how to answer the reporter's questions, Zhai Long has his own skills, and he is very good at using words to promote and demote whomever he wants.

Li Zhifan on the side was naturally the object of Zhai Long's praise, and he even said several words in praise of Li Zhifan's professionalism, but to Feng Yi, he only said three words: "I don't know!"

Although Li Zhifan didn't master Zhai Long's kung fu, he also knew that talking too much would lead to failure.

So he implicitly skipped a lot of things and handed over the right to speak to Zhai Long, which also showed the humble and prudent attitude of the younger generation.

Over there, Feng Yi was sent to the nanny's car and sent to the hospital. His manager came over and saw the reporters surrounding Zhai Long and Li Zhifan, not only made him even more depressed.

There was a good publicity opportunity, but this happened.

And when the reporters saw her appear, they all asked Feng Yi if he offended anyone on the set, who did it just now, why did the ordinary beating scene last for nearly 10 minutes, and whether the director had a grudge against Feng Yi. ?

Some reporters even directly exposed the intention of this scene, saying that Feng Yi took so long to pretend to be in front of reporters, and he was lying on the ground and couldn't get up just now, so he was suspected of acting.

Feng Yi's agent was furious and shouted angrily: "Enough, my Yiyi is not acting, he was really injured, and the injury was not serious. This time we will definitely find out the result, and we must not let this matter go. This kind of bully behavior, the director and photographers are already watching the replay, if the murderer is found, we will announce the result as soon as possible!"

The reporters looked at each other in blank dismay, still not convinced by the result.

At this time, someone yelled, "Feng Yi was sent to the hospital? Let's go there quickly!"

Feng Yi's manager panicked all of a sudden: "No, everyone, please give my family Yiyi a stable environment for rest and treatment, and don't bother him!"

But the reporters don't listen to this!
They all turned their heads and ran out, walking two-thirds of the way at once.

With one third left, I still want to continue interviewing Li Zhifan and Zhai Long.


After Feng Yi was beaten, the crew did not stop working.

One is that the two parties signed a provisional agreement, and the other is that many of Feng Yi's scenes are done by substitutes, Wen and Wu... as long as they don't show their faces, they are basically substitutes.

So the crew continued filming with doubles.

Feng Yi's agent didn't stay on the set any longer, and rushed to the hospital in a hurry.

Taking advantage of the moment of rest, Zhu Keping found Li Zhifan, and asked with a half-smile, "Did you do it?"


Li Zhifan pretended to "don't care about me", "Why did Director Zhu suspect me? The video result came out?"

"Come on!" Zhu Keping smiled, "If you can hide it from others, you can hide it from me? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this matter, and this time you can be regarded as speaking for me and the whole crew. .”

"Director Zhu, don't talk nonsense!" Li Zhifan shook his head with a wry smile.

"All right, all right, I won't say anything!"

Zhu Keping waved his hand, still smiling, "However, you have a couple of troubles, a few cameras, but none of them were captured, and I asked a few people to secretly take pictures with their mobile phones, but they didn't find anything. It seems that Feng Yi is going to be tough this time. It's a shame to swallow this dumb!"

"They suspect me too?"

Li Zhifan asked.

He can't trust Zhu Keping completely, so he pays attention to the words and tone of his speech. What if he records it?

"Then I don't know. Now that they have gone to the hospital, even if they have any doubts, they probably won't know until later!" Zhu Keping said.

Li Zhifan chuckled: "Director Zhu, don't ask me, I really don't know!"

Zhu Keping looked at Li Zhifan suspiciously, and smiled after a while: "You don't believe me, okay! Then I'll doubt others!"

The scene where Li Zhifan acts as a stand-in still has to be filmed.

Because this is an important scene in "Passerby".

So the crew rushed to shoot such a scene before dark, but the shooting location was moved to the house.

As soon as he came up, Li Zhifan was brought in front of the assistant director by the director of production as a small person on the set.

The assistant director looked at Li Zhifan carefully. Since he was a stand-in, his height and body type must be in line with each other.

After the assistant director confirmed that he could, he brought Li Zhifan to the director.

After the director passed this level, the filming officially started.

What needs a double is nothing more than hanging wires and playing.

Martial arts instructors and action instructors surrounded Li Zhifan and taught him such a move and a half, and his image in the film and television is not a group performer who knows kung fu, so he has to act like he is concentrating on learning.

A scene is over.

It's already eight o'clock in the evening.

After the crew finished work, they began to put out lunch boxes.

Zhai Long invited Li Zhifan to his nanny's car to have dinner together, and Li Zhifan did not refuse.

Just as he got into the car, Zhao Yiduo ran over.

"Zhifan! The Spring Festival Gala sent you an invitation!"

(End of this chapter)

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