Chapter 674
In Luo Liufeng's words, he didn't want to sit on it like a monkey and be looked at by others.

Although with his appearance, he will shine wherever he sits, and he will inevitably be peeped by others, but it is better than a group of people with their heads upturned like gooses.

Luo Liufeng sat down in his own seat, and at this time, almost all the gods and gods had arrived, and they took their seats.

The banquet in Tiangong is set in the Xiangyun Hall, and everyone sits on the floor. The tables are all made of snow-white jade, and there are all kinds of exquisite dishes on them, showing the exquisiteness of money everywhere.

Even the fairy maidservants in Tiangong are wearing snow-like gauze skirts, looking deserted.

On the contrary, the gods from all over the world dressed in all kinds of strange clothes, some wore grass skirts, some were shirtless, and some wore something like a sack, with a bunch of branches stuck on their heads.

From a distance, it really looks like a zoo.

Most of the people were decently dressed though.

The members of the dragon tribe wore white brocade robes with patterns of auspicious clouds embroidered with gold thread, and golden crowns on their heads. All of them had cold expressions, and it seemed that they had been infected by their paralyzed patriarch.

Zhu Yuan walked in the front, and when he sat down, he happened to meet Luo Liufeng, his face smelled bad for a moment, then he nodded stiffly, even though he knew that Li Yue was fine, he still couldn't like this guy when he saw him.

Of course Luo Liufeng doesn't like him either, but after living in the human world for two lifetimes, his edges and temperament have smoothed a lot, and in Tianjun's words, he is much more popular.

So he smiled politely at Zhu Yuan, who made Zhu Yuan look away uncomfortably.

Did this guy take the wrong medicine?Why are you laughing at me like that?Or is he figuring something out?
The thought flashed by, and when he turned his head to look at Luo Liufeng again, there was some thought in his eyes.

But Luo Liufeng didn't look at him again, and after a smile, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the door. Now there is still a big family member who hasn't come.

Feng Clan——Since they came to power at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, don't they like to join in the fun?It's a bit strange that someone is going where, it's late today.

Everyone below thought so. Fortunately, the Feng Clan didn't make people wait too long. After half a quarter of an hour, Yuan Chu and his clansmen arrived late.

Everyone in the Feng Clan has good looks, so delicate that every time people look at them, they feel that the mother god is eccentric.

Therefore, the Feng family has the most in-laws among all ethnic groups.

Most of the clansmen behind Yuanchu were rising stars in the clan, and they were all young and handsome young men and women. This intention can be said to be Sima Zhao's heart.

But the most eye-catching thing is a girl in a red dress next to him. That girl is covered with a veil, and her steps are neither too big nor too small when she walks. The red lotus imprint photographed her, making her skin whiter than snow, and her eyes as black as ink.

The remaining half of the face is hidden under the veil, which is not real, but this half of the beauty alone is enough to make people dream about it.

Facing everyone's probing or astonishing gazes, the girl remained unmoved and kept her eyes on, and followed Yuanchu to salute Tianjun and Luo Liufeng.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Your Majesty is doing well. My little girl came to the Heavenly Palace for the first time. She accidentally got lost. I searched for her for a while, so I came late. Please forgive me."

As he said that, he turned to Luo Liufeng with the girl again, and smiled more cordially, "The god is back, I didn't prepare any expensive gifts, but Lianyi has admired the god for a long time, and personally prepared a gift to give to the god, Lianyi -"

(End of this chapter)

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