Chapter 217
Zhihua stood still three steps away, patted the ashes on his body, adjusted his appearance, and then said in a deep voice: "Thank you for your concern, my subordinate, I have been sent away."

Luo Liufeng nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, you did a good job. Now that no one is alive or dead, King Ning might be restless?"

Zhihui thought about the plan he heard last night, and he really didn't like this kind of person who likes to use insidious means.

Obviously they are all the daughters of the first emperor. He has never seen the female emperor, so he will not comment, but he can always see the eldest princess. She is such a good person. Why is King Ning so different!
He shook his head, got rid of the thoughts in his head, and continued: "Speaking of which, Jingxin is a poor person. My subordinate overheard her talking with Wuming outside, and that Wuming... really did something wrong to her. Ever since I adopted her at the age of ten, I guess I haven't done anything good."

Luo Liufeng was stunned, and sighed: "It's true that people can't be judged by appearances, and sea water can't be measured. Wu Ming is friendly and polite in front of others, who doesn't call him a master? I didn't expect that behind him was such a filthy beast in clothes."

It was rare for the painter to curl his lips, obviously hating Wuming deeply, he whispered: "This subordinate will make his own decision, and blinding Wuming with a dagger in one eye, will it affect the plans of the young master and the eldest princess?" ah?"

Luo Liufeng waved his hand: "It's okay, you did a good job, this will make everyone believe that there is indeed an assassin here, but smart people will understand why this assassin is targeting Wu Ming, and why he just stabbed him blind One of his eyes. Where did the pure heart go?"

These things are destined to have no answers, and everyone's attention will be diverted to other places, not involving Yuan Liyue and the Empress.

Luo Liufeng lowered his eyes and took a sip of tea, "Go and rest first, you have worked hard today, and then we just need to wait and see what happens."


After the director left, Luo Liufeng drank a cup of tea before getting up, "It's time to go to the princess's side to see, this is the first play, and the second play hasn't been sung yet."


Yuan Xuening made a good plan, waiting for Wu Ming to die, and the bloody book would ruin Yuan Xiaoming's reputation, but now something went wrong with the plan, Wu Ming didn't die, but Jing Xin disappeared .

Not to mention that everything is messed up, Guanchao Temple is now under martial law, and no one can come in and out casually, so it will be difficult for me to do anything.

As Luo Liufeng expected, she was restless and began to wonder if someone knew about her plan, otherwise why would the assassin come after Wu Ming?
His Highness Ning Wang, who was restless, called his confidant and asked her to go out to inquire about news.

Little did she know that her every move was under Yuan Liyue's nose.

After Yuan Liyue returned to her yard, Luo Liufeng came after a while, and the two sat in the small gazebo outside, shunning everyone away.

Yuan Liyue picked up the sour plum soup that Xie Xia made for herself, took a sip comfortably, and then took turns holding the porcelain cup with both hands against her face to cool down.

Luo Liufeng watched from the side, dumbfounded by her childish behavior.

"Is the princess so hot?"

Yuan Liyue turned to look at him when she heard the words, "Aren't you hot?"

She looked Luo Liufeng up and down, this man was dressed neatly, without any sweat on his body, it seemed that he was really not very hot?
Are you a human?

(End of this chapter)

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