Wanli 1592

Chapter 671 Crusade against Dongwu survivors

Chapter 671 Crusade against Dongwu survivors

It is too short of population. With a population of less than 200 million in Myanmar, it is impossible to develop too many areas.

Xiao Ruxun didn't want to waste the precious Han people's labor to do the rough work of opening up mountains and wasteland, so he could only target those Dongyu survivors who had always been restless.

It's just that since ancient times, marching and fighting against countries have required reasons, and Xiao Ruxun is no exception. They also need reasons. They didn't exist before, but now they do. Those missionaries are Xiao Ruxun's reasons.

Before Xiao Ruxun left, he had discussed the whole set of countermeasures with Yuan Huang, and Yuan Huang only needed to dispatch troops and generals according to Xiao Ruxun's arrangement before leaving.

Of course, there is one more thing to do before that.

"All the generals are here, and you all know the reason why I called you here, so I won't say anything more. The survivors of the Dongwu Kingdom rebelled, killed the Franji people we sent over, and harassed our border defense Garrison, dare!
Before Xiaohou left, he ordered that once the rebels of the Dongwu Kingdom rebel, they must do their best to eliminate them, so that no one will slip through the net, so as to avoid future troubles. Now our army has a total strength of [-], [-] of which are stationed in Luzon, and [-] of them are in Luzon. Thousands of soldiers and horses followed Xiao Hou to the north to fight against the northern captives. Excluding the navy, our army can only use [-] troops, which is too small. "

With Yuan Huang's order, the generals of the four battalions of the infantry began to get excited, because once the army was expanded, the main target of the expansion would be their four battalions of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu.

In their view, the cavalry army is limited to the number of horses and the terrain of the Zhennan Army. Three thousand cavalry troops are enough. The two cavalry battalions do not need to increase their troops. The artillery battalion has its own system and has its own reserve artillery , and the infantry and cavalry are trained separately, so it doesn't matter.

Therefore, this military expansion is mainly to expand the four major battalions of the infantry.

Sure enough, Yuan Huang ordered directly.

"The four battalions of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu will complete the task of expanding the army to 1 within seven days. After seven days, there will be a military parade in the morning. I want to see [-] soldiers capable of fighting! Let's see if you really put your heart into your usual training. !"

Yuan Huang gave an order, and the eight main generals of the four battalions agreed in unison.

"The last general takes orders!"

"The two battalions of the cavalry, the wolf and the wild lion each expanded their troops to [-]. By then, I need to see [-] cavalry!"

The generals of the infantry were stunned for a moment, and looked at the four main generals of the cavalry. Seeing the excited faces of the four generals of the cavalry, it was obvious that they had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Sir, do we have so many war horses?"

Zhao Hu asked suspiciously: "I usually ask them for some war horses for the cavalry battalion, and they are all very stingy."

Yuan Huang smiled slightly: "At that time there were not many rich war horses, but now there are. The day before yesterday, the first batch of [-] war horses ordered by Xiaohou and the Arab merchants has arrived, and there will be more war horses coming in the future, Xiaohou Decided to buy at least [-] war horses to expand the cavalry."

The infantry generals looked at each other and gasped.

Ten thousand horses!How much silver is that?

It's just that everyone still doesn't understand, does Myanmar need so many cavalry?
"The Pao Battalion went north with Xiaohou for one thousand, and one thousand troops were stationed in Luzon, and there were three thousand left. We will expand the army to five thousand within seven days. There must be no mistakes!"

Shi Ke, deputy general of the artillery battalion, took the order with his fists folded.

"As ordered!"

Well, the artillery battalion has also expanded, which means...

The Zhennan Army has expanded its army in an all-round way, and it is about to fight a hearty battle.

"We don't expand the army for three years, and we can't wait for three years to become combat effective. In the past, the generals were asked to train more reserves. Do the generals keep it in mind?"

The generals clasped their fists together.

"Dare not to be wrong!"

Yuan Huang nodded.

"Okay! The [-] troops have been expanded to [-]. I don't want to see the army's combat effectiveness drop sharply. What we are about to face is Dongwu survivors with a strength of [-] and a population of millions. It will be smaller than the regular army of the Dongwu Kingdom that we dealt with back then, and our army will be larger than before, but Xiao Hou cannot participate in this battle, will the generals have the confidence to win this battle?"

All the generals cupped their fists and shouted in unison: "Yes!"

"Okay! Raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while. Da Ming and Xiaohou need you now! You must be worthy of Daming's military salary, Xiaohou's care and training, the country, and your people! Seven days later, early in the morning, in the west of Nan'an City Military parade on the school ground, let's go!"

"As ordered!"

The generals clasped their fists in salute, and then slowly withdrew from the Zhennanhou Mansion.

Looking at the backs of the generals leaving, Yuan Huang didn't have much worry in his heart.

Although Xiao Ruxun did not command this battle, the strength of Burma Township has far surpassed that of the Dongwu survivors. In Yuan Huang's view, those Dongwu survivors are clowns whose weapons and armaments are far inferior to well-trained townships in terms of organization and combat effectiveness. South Army.

Combining all the circumstances, the Zhennan Army's military strength is crushing to the survivors of Dongwu, and there is no possibility of missing them. Once the war starts, it must be overwhelming and destroy them soon.

What's more, the Zhennan Army has been planning this battle for a long time. They have made detailed investigations and demonstrations of their terrain and garrison and the troops they can mobilize. They have almost considered which army to attack and which direction can defeat them the fastest. , Therefore, this battle is determined to win.

The only thing we need to worry about now is the arrangement of prisoners after the war. Although we have already planned how to arrange these prisoners, how to squeeze their labor force to the maximum and send them to death, it still takes a lot of trouble in actual operation. .

But these are not the most important issues anymore. The most important thing is that this battle has become a foregone conclusion. They must be eliminated to eliminate the last hidden danger in Burma Town.

After three years of sharpening his sword, once he shines his sword, with Xiao Ruxun's unparalleled trust and ambition on his shoulders, Yuan Huang can't allow himself to make any mistakes, he must master everything and plan well.

He even felt that his current situation was a bit similar to that of Zhuge Liang back then, except that Xiao Ruxun was much more powerful than Liu Chan, but now that he is not here, isn't he the Zhuge Liang who has an overview of military and political power?
He had never imagined before that he could become a character like Zhuge Wuhou like today, commanding tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to fight against the enemy, realize his ideal of life value, and fulfill his promise to the people he trusts.

This feeling is really special!
Yuan Huang silently opened the box on the table in front of him. In the box were neatly arranged the seven jade charms of the army. They were the tokens of dispatching troops left by Xiao Ruxun to Yuan Huang, and they were a symbol of military power.

He trusts me so much and trusts me so much, how can I not do my best for him?
I am sixty years old, and I have no other wish in this life, just to leave a strong mark in the history books, and to be worthy of his entrustment.

This battle must be successful!
(End of this chapter)

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