Wanli 1592

Chapter 487

Chapter 487
On November 25, the [-]th year of Wanli, Nanyang, Luzon Island.

On an open field about forty miles north of Manila, the Ming army was cleaning the battlefield.

"Lord Hou, Lord Hou!"

Chen Longzheng ran to Xiao Ruxun who was checking the spoils with a volume of statistics report in his hand.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"The statistics are out!"

Xiao Ruxun reached out and took the roll of statistics report.

"According to statistics, our army killed 67 people and injured more than 5 people in this battle. More than [-] thieves died, [-] were captured, and less than [-] escaped."

Xiao Ruxun nodded.

"These people still have a bit of combat power. When they are attacked by us, they can fight back, retreat, and fight persistently. If they put their energy on dealing with the Spaniards, how can the Spaniards be able to fight back?" A foothold here? To put it bluntly, there are still infighting, and the Spaniards took advantage of it."

Xiao Ruxun returned the statistical report to Chen Longzheng.

After a period of waiting and preparation, Xiao Ruxun led his army to re-land on Luzon Island on the evening of November [-]th. After marching for more than a day, he successfully arrived at the battlefield where the two major powers fought in Luzon Island, and witnessed their tragic After the decisive battle, when they were both wounded, they suddenly led the army to attack.

First, thousands of guns were fired, and then the two exhausted forces were wiped out in one fell swoop, and they reaped the benefits. They killed more than 4 people by fighting each other, and more than 1 were killed by the artillery fire and sneak attacks of the Ming army. , and then more than 6000 people really lost the strength to escape, so they were captured, and the remaining less than [-] ran away abruptly.

Xiao Ruxun didn't order to pursue them. Letting these people go back and sending a message of panic is more useful than killing them.

"The timing of this battle is really just right, let them kill each other until they are exhausted, and then we will suddenly kill them and wipe them all out in one fell swoop. In this way, we will have no opponents on the entire Luzon Island. There is no more force to resist."

Xiao Ruxun nodded, with a playful smile on his face.

"We have lost [-] to [-] strong men, and the total population of this big island seems to be only a few hundred thousand. This time, we don't have to worry about it, Tilong, go and arrange a messenger to go back, so that our King of Luzon can come back Well, we can start preparing His Royal Highness for his palace and residence."

"What about the remaining tribes? Follow the old path of the Spaniards?"

"Of course it's not just that. Let's go around their tribe, declare our status, and then support those who obey, tax and serve, and kill those who oppose it. No one will be left. Such a good geomantic treasure land should be let Our Chinese people live here, grasping this key point in Nanyang, how can we let these barbarians occupy this place?"

Chen Longzheng asked with some surprise: "What does Hou Ye mean... plan to immigrate to fill this place?"

"Why not? Land mergers in the Ming Dynasty are increasing, and more and more farmers are losing their land. However, there is only so much land. Although Myanmar is big, there will be a day when it will not be able to accommodate refugees. Then Luzon Island is an excellent place to come from." , such fertile soil and superior conditions can even become my China's granary and fruit warehouse."

After hearing Xiao Ruxun's words, Chen Longzheng still frowned.

"Lord Hou, the desires of landlords and gentry are hard to satisfy. They can annex as much land as they want. Expanding land overseas is just a stopgap measure, not a cure for the symptoms."

Xiao Ruxun narrowed her eyes and looked towards the north.

"The symptoms must be treated, and the root must be treated even more. But treating the symptoms does not prevent the root cause. How can you give up such an important land to others? This is also an act for the benefit of future generations. If you give up here, future generations may blame you and me. As for the root, It’s not time to deal with them, but when the time comes, I will always make them spit out all their capital and profits.”

Chen Longzheng didn't quite understand Xiao Ruxun's thoughts, but Xiao Ruxun had never let him down. He was willing to believe that Xiao Ruxun had the best way to deal with these problems in his heart, so he didn't say any more.

In this regard, Chen Longzheng and Xiao Ruxun split up into two groups. Xiao Ruxun led elite soldiers and began to "visit" those tribes one by one, accompanied by some missionaries who could communicate with the local aborigines at any time.

If the other party is willing to accept the rule of Ming Dynasty and pay taxes to the "King of Luzon", then hello, hello, hello everyone, send a banner of "good people" to this tribe, and declare that this tribe is covered by my surname Xiao.

If the other party is unwilling and shows hostility...

So sorry.

Guns were fired, and the sound of killing was loud. All those who dared to resist were killed, and the rest were captured as slaves for mining and logging to build the local area. After more than ten days, half of the tribes in Luzon Island were shot by Xiao Ruxun. It was bombarded again. Unlike the Spaniards' negotiations, Xiao Ruxun advocated the policy of adding gold dollars with a big stick.

Those who cooperate with me will benefit greatly, and those who do not cooperate with me will be killed directly and will not be given a way to survive.

Those who are wise and willing to cooperate, the leaders were conferred official positions and became nobles, and then sent people to assist the Ming army in managing those disobedient captives, let obedient ones be supervisors, and supervised the disobedient work. On the logging site, on the construction site of the city, you can see good people and natives waving whips everywhere.

In this way, the natives of the good people were accepted by Xiao Ruxun as part of the ruling class, who were responsible for managing the captives who rebelled against the natives, while the Ming army was in a higher position, they were supervisors, not executors. Surveillance aside, the specific management is all handed over to the good people and natives.

In order to claim credit for the new master and declare their sense of current affairs, the good natives treated the rebellious natives as cruelly as possible, just like the Allied forces who treated their compatriots cruelly from the standpoint of the Spaniards, the new alliance Forces are also established again.

Three days later, "King of Luzon" Hendry, dressed in luxurious local costumes, held a grand enthronement ceremony in Manila, accompanied by Xiao Ruxun and the allied forces, and officially became the King of Luzon recognized by Xiao Ruxun and the allied forces. Own "power".

He can live in the most magnificent palace in Manila, enjoy the best treatment and the most money, get the most women's service and enough food and wine, or he can leave Manila to enjoy it in the nearby leisure and entertainment places specially built for him. Hunting and all kinds of entertainment.

All in all, apart from dealing with government affairs and controlling the army, he can do anything and enjoy whatever he wants. The new colonial government will have a special appropriation for Hendry's enjoyment. Naturally, there is another important point——

He will have no offspring, not a single one.

(End of this chapter)

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