Wanli 1592

Chapter 398

Chapter 398
All of a sudden, the European continent was turbulent. With the arrival of the Chinese in Genoa, the European continent, which seemed to have been calm for a short time, began to be uneasy again. The two sides that were engaged in fierce wars——Spain and the United Kingdom seemed to have heard some news. No one knew what the idea was, but Spain's offense became sharper, the British's defensive counterattack became more intense, and the war became more ferocious.

But at this moment, Chen Longzheng is still living in the VIP residence next to the Governor's Mansion, and he is not very clear about the turmoil in the outside world. His main troubles are not here, but in terms of food. These days, he is still not used to eating. The food here, except for the slightly edible noodles, the rest of the food, especially the meat food, is difficult to eat.

The beef and mutton must be fishy, ​​just like the taste of those Europeans. Haven't they learned to use spices for cooking?Even the grilled meat is not half-baked, but also has a strong smell. Chen Longzheng feels like throwing up after eating it. There is no way. Except for noodles, Chen Longzheng spends his days with bread and jam these days. These things are sour and sweet Delicious, barely edible.

Chen Longzheng also learned about the issue of spices from the side of Matteo Ricci, and learned that these things are now monopolized by Spain, an old maritime power. Of course, Genoa has spices, but the spices are too expensive, and these nobles themselves are usually reluctant. No, it is only taken out to support the facade when holding banquets, and such things are eaten at other times, which is considered the highest standard of entertainment.

Chen Long is beginning to regret that he didn't bring more domestic seasonings. Now there are pots, spoons and chefs, but the spices and seasonings are used up, and the rice and wheat are all eaten. There are only some leftovers on board. Potatoes and corn. It wasn't until Chen Longzheng really lost his appetite for noodles and jam bread that he had no choice but to recall the chef on board from the ship's port and asked him to take the blame and come over to save his life.

Knowing the crux of Chen Longzheng's problem, the two back-of-the-box chefs searched all over Genoa, and finally found an ingredient that could solve the problem in their current state-eggs!
Steamed eggs, poached eggs, and scrambled eggs with potatoes. These three dishes are the strategies he came up with to solve the problem. Unfortunately, this chef can’t make a simple case. He is a stir-fry master, so he can’t accurately use European flour to make food, although there is nothing wrong with it. Seasoning, but steamed eggs and poached eggs are not used, as long as there is oil in the pan, as for scrambled eggs with potatoes, he found meat sauce similar to fish sauce from the kitchens of those European chefs to season. After the hot stir-frying, there is actually a different taste.

With the bread, Chen Longzheng ate a delicious meal, it was like a whirlwind!In fact, Matteo Ricci was also captured by Chinese food. After staying in China for so many years, he was further captured by Xiao Ruxun, a big foodie who improved Chinese food after he arrived in Myanmar. He has long been a prisoner of food. These days, he eats bread, jam and barbecue. It is also quite tormenting, so hurry up and satisfy your cravings together, the moment he eats the stir-fried vegetables, he feels like returning to his hometown.

It’s funny to say, at this time in Europe there was no cooking, only stews and grilled food, but they had pots, iron pots similar to those in China, where did the pots come from?Also from China.

This matter started from the Song Dynasty. Since the Song Dynasty, the Chinese began to use iron pots to stew and cook vegetables. After the rapid popularization of iron pots, the Song Dynasty merchant ships that went to sea would also use iron pots to cook on board. Some Arab merchants boarded the Song Dynasty. On the sea boat, he saw the black thing and was very surprised, so he asked what it was, and the Song man replied that it was a cooking pot.

Arabs don’t know what cooking is, but they know pots. At that time, except for the Chinese, people in the world basically used clay pots and casseroles for cooking. Iron pots are well heated, and they have a large volume and are not easy to break, so they cook quickly. It has been welcomed all over the world. In addition to silk porcelain and tea, Chinese iron pots are also best-selling products in the world, and the people of Song Dynasty made a lot of money because of this.

This thing is worthless in China, but how valuable is it abroad?

European folks are unimaginable. The monarchs of some countries and some wealthy lords have made wills and passed down the iron pot as an important inheritance...

Naturally, it has become popular in China, because China's technology is leading, but the nomads in the north are not so lucky. They don't know how to make iron pots, but iron pots are very important cooking utensils, and they are used in daily life. The Central Plains Dynasty is worried about them. Iron pots are melted to make weapons, so they are not sold, but this thing is extremely rare among nomads. If the pot is broken, they are not willing to throw it away. They use cowhide to mend it and continue to make do with it. Divide the skillet in half.

So sometimes they go south to rob, and it’s fine if they fail. If they succeed, the first choice is not people and money, but iron pots. Let the horse run back cheerfully with the pot on its back!For them, that pot is really more important than money!
So Chen Longzheng's two chefs carried iron pots from the port to the Governor's Mansion, and the pots on their backs received unanimous attention from the whole people.

Wow, wok!I saw it at the lord's house, but baby!Don't even touch it, this is an authentic Chinese iron pot!How much is it worth!
If they could understand European languages, they would know what the whispering Europeans were talking about.

There are pots, but they don’t have the skills and skills of cooking. So when the governor of Genoa heard that Chen Long was looking for Chinese chefs to cook Chinese dishes, he was very interested, and hurried over to see Chinese food, and happened to bump into Chen Long Having dinner with Matteo Ricci.

It was still the same, poached eggs, steamed eggs, scrambled eggs with potatoes, and barley rice. The governor of Genoa expressed his amazement at the food he had never seen before, and Chen Longzheng handed him a pair of bowls and chopsticks for him to enjoy together. The governor stared at the chopsticks in his hand in a daze, not knowing how to use them. Chen Longzheng taught him how to use chopsticks to pick up vegetables with a wry smile. The governor took a chopstick of potato chips and put them in his mouth. After chewing, a new world opened up the gate.

After Chinese calligraphy became popular among the European upper class, Chinese cooking became popular again among the European upper class.

When they realize that Chinese people use an iron pot to fry food in a completely different way from them, and after they really taste the simple Chinese stir-fry, they are instantly conquered by the delicious taste.

(End of this chapter)

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