Wanli 1592

Chapter 317

Chapter 317
Originally, Xiao Ruxun felt that what these people did seemed to be justifiable, but after Chen Lin told the whole story, Xiao Ruxun felt that these people have come to this point, and they have nothing to save, just listened to Chen Lin After telling the story, Xiao Ruxun suddenly realized that these people were a huge fortune belonging to him.

I represent Da Ming, and these people are afraid of Da Ming, afraid that Da Ming will punish them, and as Xiao Ruxun, who is in charge of the conquest of the army, if these people are charged with sabotage against the enemy, neither Da Ming nor Siam can stop it. Xiao Ruxun took their lives, that's why they were so afraid of Xiao Ruxun, and asked for their forgiveness by using the excuse of exonerating the Japanese army under the King of Siam.

So, that is to say, these people are afraid of Da Ming, afraid of themselves as the representative of Da Ming, and sometimes, in order to obtain Da Ming's understanding and gain peace of mind, these people will do things that no one can think of , and if he wants to gain a foothold on this land, he cannot do without the help of these people who desperately need to get rid of their crimes and yearn to get rid of their crimes and return to their hometowns.

It seems that the civil resources that I dream of can be relieved to a certain extent from these groups.

Although these people have no fame, they have participated in the establishment and operation of the political system in foreign countries. In terms of experience and ability, they are much better than those fledgling scholars, and the literati in the Ming Dynasty have reached the point where they are today. They have been poisoned by stereotyped essays to the point of disgrace. Real scholars like Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Xun Yu and Xun You, who are able to do serious things when they are fledgling, are very rare in Ming Dynasty.

At least before the Song Dynasty, Chinese scholars still had a certain initial ability value before the ups and downs of the officialdom, just like when playing games, those characters have a certain initial ability value and skills, and they can start doing things when they get started. Because under such an environment and training, although there are few talents and most of them are concentrated in the gentry, these people have really received elite education, and they can start to do things after they become officials. A nerd who doesn't know what to ask.

Although elite education and elite politics have led to the solidification and poor circulation of the upper and lower classes, these people have real talents and practical learning, and the imperial examination has created a system for the country to cultivate talents. It is supposed to mass-produce talents to bring prosperity to the country The move, but because it happened to hit Zhao Guangyi's national policy of Yanwuxiuwen, made this supposedly brilliant glory fade a lot. The culture is indeed prosperous, but the country may not be rich and strong.

The products of these times should have been the driving force behind the unprecedented growth of China, but because of Zhao Guangyi's own selfishness, a real civil service system has been achieved. With the development of the imperial examination system, it was out of control, and the Chinese martial customs before the Song Dynasty were wiped out. Since then, the sword and the article belonging to the Chinese scholar have been separated. The sword has rusted, and the article has become more and more beautiful. .

There is really not a little difference between them and their predecessors who walked the world with their swords.

The custom of good iron but not nails and good men not being soldiers began in the Song Dynasty. Before the Song Dynasty, such powerful scholar groups as the Frontier Poetry School could appear. It is conceivable how violent the scholars were in the army at that time. How tough are the scholars who joined the army, how can the lofty ambition of being a scholar rather than a centurion be imagined by today's weak scholars?

At that time, the outstanding scholars could run the army on horseback and rule the country on horseback. If they disagreed with each other, they would swing their swords. Their robes were stained with blood, they could do things with their hands, and they could fight with their swords. Some of Shiyun's nerds just stayed to the end, and a very small number of talented people became treacherous and cunning after the ups and downs of their careers. They didn't do much, and their methods were more than one.

The souls of the literati in the entire country seem to be crooked.

Not to mention how many of these people are willing to follow Xiao Ruxun, but even if the court kindly asks Xiao Ruxun to choose his staff group, he may not be able to find suitable soldiers who are willing to work hard with him from scratch. In contrast, the enterprising spirit of these descendants of maritime merchants with practical experience is very suitable for the existence of Xiao Ruxun's next development plan.

A great poaching plan slowly took shape in Xiao Ruxun's mind.

"Speaking of which, how does the admiral plan to deal with those Japanese?" Chen Lin deftly bit off the crab claws in his hand and devoured the tender white crab meat: "The King of Siam is also powerful enough, knowing that we just had sex with the Japanese." In one battle, more than 20 of them were killed, and now they dare to ask the Japanese to appear in front of us, are you afraid that we will wipe them all out on a whim?"

"Don't, don't, calm down." Xiao Ruxun said with a smile: "They explained the origin of these Japanese. Before Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the Japanese pirates were in constant wars. Those princes, big and small, merged with each other, and those who won would naturally expand their own strength. Those who lose will die, but when the princes die, there are still people living under them. In order to survive, they have to flee overseas. They fought hard, just like the wolf soldiers we recruited.

Therefore, these Japanese are not the group that is hostile to us, but the remnants of the defeated princes, the unlucky ones who were not accepted by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. It is also a loyal vassal state of Ming Dynasty. We cannot hurt the hearts of the vassal state. Those Japanese people can keep them if they want to, and fight if they want to fight. It has nothing to do with us. "

"Admiral, are those Japanese people so cheap? Many of our brothers died in their hands during the war!"

Chen Lin viciously bit the crab meat in his hand.

Xiao Ruxun smiled, took a sip of wine, ate a piece of crab meat, and said, "Since they are already the army of the Siamese country, don't worry about whether they are Japanese or not. We are here to deal with the gang from the Dongwu country." Barbarians, in order to achieve victory as soon as possible, must unite all forces that can be united.

Siam is the feud of the Dongwu people, and that is our important ally. It is unwise to let Siam be alienated from us for the sake of a few Japanese, Lord Longya, and you must pass on the order that no one can do anything to these Japanese. This is a military order, those who disobey will be dealt with according to the military law! "

(End of this chapter)

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