Wanli 1592

Chapter 272 The Resolute Mother and Son

Chapter 272 The Resolute Mother and Son
Zhu Yijun has nothing to fear, even if the mother and son are officially torn apart, he will not hesitate.

"Mother, let alone whether you can abolish your son, even if you want to abolish your son, who do you choose to take the throne of God? Brother Lu? Mother, you are old, if the emperor is not your son, do you think you are still Can you continue to be your empress dowager in the palace? Or do you want to violate the precepts of the Ming ancestors and once again listen to the government behind the curtain? Mother, those bastards don't even listen to their sons, let alone you?"

Zhu Yijun's words made Empress Dowager Li tremble with anger.

She knew that Zhu Yijun had nothing to fear, because he didn't threaten him, not to mention the martial arts he had acquired, but the only direct blood relative who could threaten his throne. The brat, if he becomes the emperor, he will inevitably be another Zhengde emperor, even more ridiculous than the Zhengde emperor, and the officials will never agree.

And if she wants to guarantee her status and spend her old age in peace, she must let her son be the emperor. If it is someone else's son, how can she be the empress dowager safely?This in itself is an unsolvable proposition. She is guarding against her son, and her son is also guarding against her.

The thing she regrets the most is that she didn't stop Zhu Yijun from indulging her younger brother in time. At first, she thought it was brotherly love. It wasn't until Lu Wang got married that she realized Zhu Yijun's bad intentions, and Zhu Yijun's throne was completely secure.

The officials did not dare to abolish and establish, even though they had many complaints about the emperor, they did not dare to abolish and establish.

How dare she be an old lady?She is an old lady, what dare she do?

What she relies on is nothing more than the prestige of the past, but this prestige will be exhausted with the passage of time, and to a large extent, this prestige comes from being the son of the emperor, not from herself. There is no rule of law and righteousness to govern the country, and the rule of law and righteousness are in the hands of her son. Even now, except for Wang Xijue, the officials don't know about it.

She was indeed helpless against Zhu Yijun.

But this does not mean that she will let Zhu Yijun do whatever he wants, to do what he wants to do, Wang Xijue is right, Zhu Yijun wants to fight against the gentry and scholars in the world, he wants to fight against the entire ruling class of Ming Dynasty, and the people he relies on , is nothing more than a general and tens of thousands of troops.

Zhu Yijun wants to deal with the officials, but behind the officials are all the disciples of Confucius and all the scholars in the world, and what is standing behind the scholars?Standing with the gentry and landlords who control almost two-thirds of the world's land and means of production, and the Shanxi and Jiangnan merchants who control two-thirds of the world's silver and goods, it is not difficult for the emperor to deal with his officials, even if all Beheading was only on the emperor's mind, but what would happen after the emperor beheaded?
Blocking news has always been very difficult. As long as a little news leaks out, it can instantly cause turmoil and unrest in the entire Ming Dynasty. What will the merchants and landlords who have been killed as their spokespersons think?What will the intellectuals who will lose their privileges think?
The foundation of Ming Dynasty’s rule has never been those traffickers. To put it bluntly, they are just a group of pigs who provide taxes to the ruling group at any time. They are stupid and easy to incite. It will become a disaster in the world at once.

The ruling foundation of Ming Dynasty is the powerful landlords and merchants who directly control the fate of these stupid farmers, peasants and traffickers. They are the main force to maintain local stability. They are indeed bloodsuckers of the empire, sucking the blood of the empire. However, they can guarantee the peace of the place, because they will suffer the same loss if there is no peace in the place. In this regard, the interests of the empire and them are the same, so they are the natural allies of the empire.

Don't think that Ming Dynasty can control the world by establishing a powerful regime and army. Taizu and Chengzu can say this, but who would dare to say that after that?The powerful landlords have taken root in the local area for more than a dozen generations, and their ruling foundation is deeper than that of the Ming Dynasty. After the Ming Dynasty dies, they can still be obedient citizens of the new dynasty, and the new dynasty will still share power with them. The only difference is how much money they will hand over. Taxes only.

Do scholars really serve the country and the world?What most of them want is the welfare privilege of exempting taxation for those above Juren. How many scholars in the world have become powerful landlords after becoming Juren?What are they for?Isn't it still for money?

Da Ming has indeed entered a dead end, but countless dynasties have entered such a dead end since ancient times, without exception!There are two solutions, one is reform, the other is to overthrow the old dynasty, but how many changes are successful in ancient and modern times?As for the overthrow of the old dynasty, which country's emperor would overthrow his own regime?

Zhu Yijun felt that his rights had been violated, he wanted to be the only one, he wanted to take back his power, he wanted to use the coercive force of the army to kill those who disobeyed him, but...

My lord, you are fighting to the death with the foundation of your rule!No matter how annoyed and resentful you are, they are your foundation, no matter how corrupt they are, they are also your foundation, you cut off the foundation with a knife, are you ready for a new foundation to continue to maintain your rule?If you kill all the courtiers, who will maintain the normal operation of the government?Who handles government affairs for you?Who will govern the world for you?yourself?Can you do it yourself? !
Do you think that no other emperor wants to do what you do?
Cao Cao wanted to do it, so he put forward the order of meritocracy, Yang Guang wanted to do it, so he created the imperial examination, but did they succeed?
Wang Xijue didn't waste much time talking, but successfully let Queen Mother Li know that the emperor's coup was doomed to fail, and it was too late to control it now, and he could still keep the news hidden. If it was later, everyone would know After this news, when the emperor really takes action, the emperor's mother and son will be the first to bear the brunt, and there will be countless Caotou kings on the side of the Qing emperor, and there will be instant wars all over the world tomorrow.

Don't underestimate the powerful landlords in the whole world!my lord!They are not your obedient citizens!There is no emperor who can control everything!my lord!

Unless you are ready to wipe out all the powerful landlords and merchants in the whole world, unless you are ready to smash and reorganize your world, unless you are ready to make your world blood flow into the sea!Otherwise, my lord!You will fail!The Ming Dynasty will also collapse in such a flame of war!

"Emperor, if you make up your mind to do this, you can, absolutely, but you have to do one thing first, you kill Ai's family, and after you kill Ai's family, you secretly bury them!"

(End of this chapter)

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