Wanli 1592

Chapter 214 Ming Army General Attack

Chapter 214 Ming Army General Attack
The spiritual pillar that supported the Japanese army in Busan to persist in defending the city of Busan under the extreme shortage of water, food and ordnance was broken, and all of this ceased to exist. The [-] troops of the Ming army lined up, and the black army was like a black cloud over the city. , with murderous aura, hundreds of cannons aimed their black muzzles at the place where Wacheng is located, symbolizing the determination of the Ming army that they will never withdraw easily this time. This is like a boulder crushing a camel, completely destroying their will to fight.

From the surrender of the first Wacheng Kaesong to the surrender of the penultimate Wacheng Kaesong, it took only half a day, and the entire Busan Wacheng system was completely destroyed. Only two Wachengs remained without surrender, and one belonged to Ishida Mitsunari, one belonged to Ukita Hide's family, and the two Japanese castles were next to each other, and all the surrounding Japanese castles surrendered. They did not take any action, and they could not make any efforts to stop it.

Xiao Ruxun ordered the army to surround the last two Japanese cities, and at the same time ordered the army to start accepting the surrender, counting the Japanese pirates who surrendered with the army. A rough calculation shows that there are 3 Japanese soldiers who surrendered, and 5 civilian husbands followed. Surrendered, the last two Japanese cities together still have a maximum of 5000 soldiers and [-] civilian husbands. Considering the number of abnormal deaths, they add up to no more than [-] people.

"It's finally time for this war to end."

Yuan Huang stood beside Xiao Ruxun, watching the main force of the Ming army gradually encircling the two Japanese cities, he sighed sincerely.

From the dispatch of troops on October [-]th to today, the second day of February, within one winter, the Ming army completely wiped out those ferocious enemies, and the final moment will come. The old man on the anti-Japanese frontline witnessed with his own eyes the end of the feud between Ming Dynasty and Japan.

"A new war will start soon. I will never give the Japanese a chance to breathe. Mr. Yuan, is there any news from Mr. Song?"

Now that the war has been fought, Song Yingchang has fulfilled his promise and did not intervene in the frontline battles. He has been dispatching food and supplies for Xiao Ruxun in the rear, so that the wounded soldiers can rest assured to recuperate, and new soldiers have been transferred from various places to supplement the strength of the Ming army. The combat force under him has been maintained at about 4 people, which relieved Xiao Ruxun of countless worries. It can be said that without Song Yingchang's full support, Xiao Ruxun could not concentrate all his energy on a decisive battle with the Japanese army.

For the next thing, Xiao Ruxun could not avoid Song Yingchang to make his own decision. He had to reach a consensus with Song Yingchang, so that he would support the Ming army to continue their expedition to Japan, capture the Iwami area, and even fight a bloody battle with the Japanese army to consolidate vested interests. It is meaningless for those Qingliu in the middle to support him and see the benefits brought about by this war. He must win the support of the enlightened faction inside the civil service system.

And they have enough interests to convince them that they support their own military operations and withstand the pressure of the anti-war faction in North Korea and China for themselves.

Xiao Ruxun heard some rumors. From the exchange of letters with Song Yingchang, Xiao Ruxun learned that with the passage of time and the clarification of the war situation, the anti-war forces in the DPRK and China became stronger and stronger. They believed that Daming had fulfilled his mission. They should eliminate the Japanese pirates in Busan on the spot, and then the teacher will be good. They don't know anything about Xiao Ruxun's manipulation of the Japanese coup and killing Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and they will not be interested.

They won't understand the importance of three points to Japan. At most, they will be interested in Iwami Yinshan, and that is also Xiao Ruxun's biggest bargaining chip-the biggest bargaining chip supported by the emperor.

All this needs to be realized through Song Yingchang.

Therefore, it is necessary to take down the last two Japanese cities before Song Yingchang arrives in Busan, and wipe out the Japanese pirates inside.

"Song Jinglue is on the way, and he can arrive at the barracks at night at most. Ji Xin, we don't have much time."

Yuan Huang knew Xiao Ruxun's plan, and he was a staunch supporter.

"I see." Xiao Ruxun nodded, and then called Wu Weizhong and Ma Gui.

"Wu Zongbing, Ma Zongbing, let's start!"

Xiao Ruxun gave the order for a general attack. Even if it is a strong attack, Xiao Ruxun must take these two Japanese cities!For this reason, Xiao Ruxun mobilized five hundred artillery pieces of various types, and he wanted to use the firepower to make the Japanese doubt their lives and destroy their last will.

Big artillery tactics have become very common in the Korean Ming army. The rate of firearm equipment in the Korean Ming army has also ranked first in the Ming army in the country. The ability to master firearms and technology is also the highest in the country. The cooperation between firearms and cold weapons Tactics are also very proficient, this army can be used as a template for the Ming Army of the whole country, so that the Ming Army of the whole country can follow suit to carry out military reforms - if Xiao Ruxun has this power.

The age of firearms has arrived, and the era of big artillery is gradually approaching. No one can go against the times.

Yes, all of this is irreversible.


With a shout, the roar of the artillery resounded throughout the world. Outside the range of the Japanese army's attack, the Ming army's artillery roared loudly, and the shells with killing intentions either fell into the Japanese city or fell into the Japanese city. outside the city, but in any case, these shells carried out the killing intent of the Ming army very well.

Two quarters of an hour later, the gunfire ceased, and the whole of Busan fell into silence.

Not long after, the sky-shattering shouts of killing sounded.

It was Li Rusong and his [-] Jurchen Liaodong Allied Forces who attacked Ishida Mitsunari's stalwart Japanese city. They were so eager to fight that they dismounted and fought as the vanguard of the army. Liu Ting’s troops of the Sichuan Army in North Korea for a week were too slow. They had just arrived when Xiao Ruxun had already led the army to a decisive victory. Now the desire to fight is definitely not under Li Rusong.

The two armies each had 5000 troops. As the vanguards, they attacked Wacheng respectively. The sound of killing was loud all of a sudden. Regardless of the casualties, Li Rusong and Liu Chen, who were eager to fight, each led their own combined forces to launch a desperate charge to the target. at all costs.

Not to mention Li Rusong's troops, Han soldiers and Jurchen soldiers are united together, Liu Ting's troops are the real "United Nations Army", Xiao Ruxun only saw yellow and black skinned Southeast Asians, and also black blacks all over their bodies Soldiers, as well as white soldiers with obvious Caucasian characteristics, really deserve the title of "United Nations Army". The complicated weapons used by this army, the complicated language used, and the fierce combat effectiveness all made the Ming army proud. look sideways.

They were looking forward to the fighting power of this mixed force. As the main person in charge of the first show, Liu Ting made full preparations for this battle. Xiao Ruxun provided him with everything he might need. Liu Ting thanked him with a fist. Then he rushed to the Japanese city without fear of death.

(End of this chapter)

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