Wanli 1592

Chapter 1291

Chapter 1291
It is a great thing for Xiao Ruxun to join Horqin tribe.

Among the many tribes in Mongolia, Horqin is regarded as one with relatively high status and relatively strong strength. According to the original historical trajectory, this tribe will even become the one that will have a very profound impact on the rule of the Manchu Empire for hundreds of years in the future.

From 1612 AD when Nurhaci sent an envoy to Horqin Tai Jiming An to propose marriage to 1912 AD when the Qing Dynasty collapsed, during the entire 300 years, a total of 110 Qing Dynasty princesses and Princesses married to various tribes of Mongolia, and 24 of them married to the Horqin tribe.

There are also many women from the Horqin tribe who joined the Manchu and Qing royal families to consolidate the Manchu-Mongolian marriage.

Among them, the most famous one was a particularly important woman born in the Horqin tribe in the early years of the Qing Dynasty. She married Huang Taiji and made great contributions to the entry of the Qing Dynasty and the consolidation of the regime.

Her Mongolian surname is Borjigit, and her first name is Bumbutai. She is the concubine of Huang Taiji and the biological mother of Emperor Shunzhi.

In the end of the Qing Dynasty, the relationship between the Horqin tribe and the Manchu royal family was broken bones and tendons, and no one could get rid of each other. A daughter from one side married to another, and a daughter from another side remarried. Back here, the Manchu Qing Dynasty was very proficient in consolidating the political means of winning over the grasslands.

The alliance between Horqin and Manchu began with Weng Guodai and his son. Originally, Horqin and Nurhachi were hostile. Later, Nurhachi's power was too large, and Horqin felt that it was difficult to be hostile. In order to avoid being killed, they chose to actively unite.

The Horqin tribe is not a small tribe without strength, otherwise the Manchu Qing would not have spent a lot of energy and wealth to win over Horqin. Now for Xiao Ruxun, Horqin is also an indispensable helper to achieve his goals in the future, but Xiao Ruxun did not regard them as an alliance See, from the beginning it was vassal.

Weng Guodai himself knew that he was too weak for Xiao Ruxun, and it was not easy to get special care. Otherwise, it would not be impossible for Xiao Ruxun to directly cooperate with Buyan to wipe out the Horqin tribe. On the contrary, the possibility is very high.

Now that Horqin has been protected by Daqin, and Xiao Ruxun has received Horqin's cooperation, he has an extra boost on the grassland, and there will be less trouble when the Northern Expedition launches a full-scale attack in the future.

It is impossible to wipe out all the northern captives. To recruit some honest people, build cities for them to live in, and then build cities on the grassland for the Han people to live in, and vigorously develop the Han people's own animal husbandry. This is Xiao Ruxun's established plan in the future .

To put it bluntly, the biggest disadvantage of the Central Plains dynasty facing the nomads is the lack of mobility. Every dynasty and every generation will face this problem, but there are also some successful methods.

The successful way is to build cities for those nomads to live in. When they get used to living in comfortable houses and don't have to move around, can they return to the life of living in tents?

As the saying goes, those with bare feet are not afraid of those who wear shoes. Although the Central Plains Dynasty with shoes is powerful, they are not afraid of death if they cannot keep up with these bare feet. If you want to make them tame, the best way is to let them wear shoes. Concern, there are altars and jars.

Reducing their mobility at the most fundamental level, let them have the concept of "home" from then on, and the home has become a real thing that cannot be moved away. In this way, their wildness will be destroyed for a long time Cuts were crisp.

The so-called conquest refers to the military, political and economic aspects. After these three aspects of work are completed, the conquest will be completed. The Mongol Empire still exists in name, and the Ming Dynasty has been confronted with it for more than two hundred years and has not completely defeated the Mongol Empire. , Xiao Ruxun wants to make it a complete history.

After both Weng Guodai and Buyan were stabilized, the congratulatory envoy of the Yarkand Khanate also came. Ma Heima Khan did not come in person, but sent an envoy. The envoy was of a high rank. People at the same level gave Xiao Ruxun a gift of five hundred war horses, and the sale was considered a luxury.

War horses are definitely a national strategic resource these days. Xiao Ruxun chooses suitable horse breeding places across the country to raise horses, encourages wealthy households to raise horses, and vigorously promotes horse management. The purpose is to accumulate cavalry forces and facilitate future operations on the grassland. The enemy strikes cleanly and thoroughly.

Back then, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty could only get 20 cavalry with the power of the whole country, while the number of cavalry in the Ming Empire far exceeded that of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. When it was Xiao Ruxun's turn, Xiao Ruxun felt that he had to maintain at least a cavalry force of about [-] for the Northern Expedition. Before and after the war, the standing number of this cavalry unit could not be less than [-].

The Yeerqiang Khanate sent five hundred war horses with a wave of hands. Although the number is not worth mentioning in terms of the overall strategy, as a gift, the value is much better than the gifts from several other larger vassal states. , Naturally, when they send big gifts, what they ask for will not be too little.

All they wanted was commerce.

When Xiao Ruxun met the envoys of the Yarkand Khanate and invited them to dinner, the envoys said that they hoped that Xiao Ruxun would allow exchanges between the two countries, as in the previous Ming Dynasty, and that the two sides would conduct peaceful and friendly trade and each get what they needed. Wouldn’t it be great? ?
Xiao Ruxun didn't have any idea about this. He blocked Jiayuguan and cut off contact with him under very special circumstances. Now that the domestic situation is stable and his throne has been stabilized, it's time to open commercial exchanges so that everyone can feel the prosperity and prosperity of the Great Qin Empire. .

"The country of His Majesty the Great Emperor is prosperous and prosperous, and everyone in our country is very yearning for it. I hope that His Majesty the Great Emperor can satisfy our country's thirst for trade. Everyone in our country is grateful."

Their Chinese translator conveyed the meaning of the messenger to Xiao Ruxun with somewhat crappy pronunciation, but Xiao Ruxun couldn't understand what the messenger was babbling anyway.

"I understand your country's thoughts. Earlier, the civil war had not subsided. In order to ensure national security, I ordered the blockade of Jiayuguan and cut off contact. The road to trade, I think it is possible."

Xiao Ruxun also conveyed his meaning to the messenger, the translator was pleasantly surprised, and quickly translated it to the messenger. The messenger was overjoyed, stood up and bowed to Xiao Ruxun, expressing their joy.

Later, Xiao Ruxun arranged for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the envoys of the Yarkand Khanate to discuss the re-establishment of diplomatic exchanges and commercial trade routes. Such trivial matters did not need to be taken care of by him.

Compared with these trivial matters, he is now more concerned about how far the army's training has gone. Seeing that his birthday is going to be a month away, whether these guys are reliable or not, and whether they can support themselves, that's a big deal. really important.

The military parade has never been for oneself to see, but for outsiders to see. It is more meaningful to let them see the mighty military power of Great Qin than to let them see the prosperity of Great Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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