Chapter 99
"Ada, Hongye, Baiwa, give it to me!"

Ye Li also gave them orders.

Ada, Hongye and Baiwa were ejected instantly, and hundreds of zombies fell to the ground in an instant.

Even though these zombies were of some levels, they still couldn't escape the fate of being instantly killed in the face of three fifth-level zombies.

Ye Li started to synthesize, as long as the zombies fell down, he would synthesize.

The synthetic zombies obeyed his orders [-]%.

He made these synthetic zombies pounce on other zombies.

Don't ask how fast his hands are. If there is a keyboard now, he thinks he can click the keyboard thousands of times a second.

After a few minutes, Ye Li had synthesized quite a batch of zombies.

How could the zombies under Shi Yuan's control come in? They had no choice but to be synthesized by Ye Li.

Thousands of people from the White Lotus Sect were stunned when they saw this scene. They dare to swear that they have never been so surprised like today.

Shi Yuan rubbed his eyes even more, he couldn't believe it was true, he really didn't dare, but the facts were right in front of him, he couldn't help but believe it.

In this world, besides the dark race, is there anyone who can control zombies?

Moreover, the level of zombies seems to be increasing and decreasing?

"Master Shi, what's going on?" Bai Shan asked hastily.

Shi Yuan didn't answer, he didn't know how to answer at all.

More and more zombies fell to the ground, and more and more zombies were synthesized by Ye Li.

These tens of thousands of zombies are living targets.

Not long after, Ye Li synthesized all these tens of thousands of zombies.

Tens of thousands of zombies turned into more than 5000 zombies, including men and women, and the levels of zombies ranged from level 4 to level 5.

"This this!"

Shi Yuan was dripping with cold sweat at this moment, he looked at Ye Li in horror.

Ye Limian's jade-like face was full of excitement, thinking that this wave of rewards would be quite fruitful.

But not now, Ye Li nodded slightly, looking at Shi Yuan who was frozen in place.

"Master Shi, do you still think that I must die?" Ye Li said lightly.

Shi Yuan couldn't say a word at this moment, he was shocked besides shocked.

Thousands of members of the White Lotus Sect looked at each other in blank dismay. The situation changed so quickly that they couldn't even think of it.

" are a devil, you are a devil!"

Bai Shan seemed to have gone crazy, and yelled at Ye Li.

"Huh, devil?"

Ye Li's expression turned cold suddenly, "Then I, Ye Li, will show you what a real devil is!"

The sound fell, Ye Li let the zombie army attack!

He asked Ada, Hongye and Baiwa to fight Shiyuan and Baishan.

More than 5000 zombies of different levels attacked the other members of the White Lotus Sect.

The screams kept coming, and Ye Li stood there watching the show.

Ada fights Shi Yuan alone, Hongye and Baiwa fight Baishan.

How could Baishan be the opponent of Hongye and Baiwawa, and he was defeated steadily.

He wanted to escape, he really wanted to escape.

But how could he escape, he was beheaded by Hongye and Baiwawa abruptly.

At this moment, Bai Shan, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, fell on the spot.

Then, Hongye and Baiwa attacked Shi Yuan again.

Shi Yuan was terrified and wanted to escape, but what he was facing were three fifth-tier zombies.

Shi Yuan was beaten to pieces by A Da, Hong Ye and Bai Wa Wa. When he died, he sent out a set of strange signals.

So far, Shi Yuan and Bai Shan have all died.

"Senior, stop hitting, stop hitting!"

At this time, a loud shout suddenly appeared.

Ye Li took a closer look and found that the one who shouted was an ugly ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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