Chapter 49

"Elder Jin, a fourth-order zombie." Bai Wawa looked at the old man and said in amazement.

Elder Jin was startled when he heard the words, and only then noticed the eyes of Ada and Hongye.

"Boy, who are you?" Elder Jin stared at Ye Li and shouted.

He really didn't understand why a human being could control zombies, and there were still two fourth-order zombies.

At first, Bai Wawa told him that someone could control the zombies, but he couldn't believe it now.

"I'm someone you can't afford." Ye Li said slowly.


Elder Jin suddenly burst into laughter, as if he had never heard such a funny joke since he was born.

"Do you really think that two fourth-order zombies can defeat this old man?" Elder Jin looked at Ye Li with great disdain.

"Ada, Hongye, you should know what to do, right?" Ye Li said.

Suddenly, Ada and Hongye flew away, the speed was so fast that it was astonishing.

Elder Jin struck out with a palm, and a red evil light burst out from his palm.

Red, Elder Jin is an A-level gene.

Elder Jin stood with Ada and Hongye, and the scene was filled with ghosts in an instant.


A few seconds later, Elder Jin spat out a mouthful of blood.

Elder Jin retreated tens of meters, staring at Ada and Hongye.

"You can be proud enough to force me to sacrifice the number one artifact of our sect." Elder Jin said coldly.

"Tie the sky rope!"

Elder Jin shouted loudly, and a roulette suddenly appeared on the ground where Ada and Hongye were.

Immediately, two spiritual ropes appeared on the roulette, binding Ada and Hongye tightly, and the whole process took less than a second.

Ye Li was startled, he hadn't expected this rope to bind the sky.


Baiwawa laughed triumphantly. He dared to swear that he had never been so proud.

"Ye Li, Ye Li, now you know the horror of my White Lotus Sect!" Bai Wawa looked at Ye Li and said triumphantly.

Baiwawa didn't expect Elder Jin to bring the treasure from the teaching, which he never thought of anyway.

"Boy, although I don't know why you can control these two fourth-order zombies, but now you are already a dead person." Elder Jin looked at Ye Li and said.

Ye Li thought that he still underestimated the heroes of the world.

He saw that Ada and Hongye could no longer move, and now he could only rely on him.

But... there is no unparalleled road! ! !

Although Ye Li didn't want to reveal that he had the Dragon Slaying Saber so early, but now, he had no choice but to do so.

Immediately, Ye Li took the Dragon Slaying Knife out of the system space.

The Tulong Dao is now repaired to 10%, and the rust has been reduced a lot.

He thought that since the Dragon Slaying Knife is one of the top ten artifacts, those ropes that bind the sky should be able to cut.

"Ye Li, are you stupid, you actually came out with a broken knife, you don't mean to use this broken knife to cut off the rope that binds the sky?" Bai Wawa looked at Ye Li sarcastically.

Elder Jin's face was also full of disdain, he thought Ye Li would be someone, but Ye Li actually wanted to use such a broken knife to chop the sky rope, it was really naive.

Ye Li smiled secretly, thinking that he wouldn't surprise you all later.

He really didn't expect that Elder Jin and Bai Wawa would be so stupid to ask him to cut the sky rope.

He walked slowly to Ada and Hongye.

Then he hit the sky-tying rope on the bodies of Ada and Hongye twice.


The sky-binding rope, which claims to be invulnerable to water and fire, was cut off.

(End of this chapter)

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