Chapter 14 Yun Man's Senior

After the Four King Kong turned into zombies, they still kept the bright hair in front of them, which looked very unpleasant.

Ye Li took out the steel chopping knife from the system space, and the Four King Kongs successfully turned into bald heads.


"It is detected that the host has named the zombie, and the host has obtained a super treasure chest. May I ask the host to open it?"


"Get 25 gene points, 25 strength points, 25 speed points, and 25 defense points."

"Congratulations to the host for becoming a Level 4 Awakened."

Ye Li was a little relieved, he thought he had to open the zombie treasure chest tomorrow to become a Level 4 Awakened.

"Senior has a level [-] zombie, how could I have forgotten it." Yun Man muttered.

She secretly let out a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from her forehead. If there were no seniors, she really didn't know what to do.

drop by drop...

At this time, the communication watch in Yunman's hand made a sound again.

After Yunman connected, a virtual screen appeared in front of her eyes, but instead of the very beautiful woman, it was replaced by a very handsome young man.

"Yunman, we're here, come down quickly."

"Okay, Senior Chen Yun."

After hanging up, Yunman was overjoyed, she looked at Ye Li and said:
"Senior, my master is here to pick me up, I have to go down."


Ye Li waved his hand. He just wanted Yunman to lead the way. Now that he is in the East District, it is a good thing for Yunman to return to Annan Base City.

"Senior, what about you?" Yun Man looked at Ye Li curiously.

"Remember, I have nothing to do with you, and where I go has nothing to do with you." Ye Li said slowly.

Yunman felt a little lonely when she heard the words, didn't she just want to ask.

"Senior, I will go down to see Master first, and we will meet again by fate."

After finishing speaking, Yun Man walked out of the room. The moment she left the room, she turned her head to look at Ye Li, only to find that Ye Li was looking at the Four King Kongs.

Yunman walked out a little lonely!
Ye Li looked at the Four King Kongs, and wondered if they retained the abilities in front of them.

After checking the zombies, I found that no male zombies can be synthesized with the Four King Kong.

Without thinking too much, I put Ada and the Four King Kong into the system space.

Ye Li was also about to leave, he wanted to continue looking for zombies to synthesize.


Suddenly, Yunman's cry came.

Ye Li hurriedly ran to follow the voice, although Yunman had nothing to do with him, but he didn't want Yunman to have trouble.

Not long after, Ye Li saw Yunman surrounded by twenty zombies.

Yunman is a level 7 awakener, so he is naturally much stronger than these zombies.

But ever since she saw her classmates being eaten by zombies one by one in the East District, she had already had a shadow in her heart.

"Don't be afraid, Yunman, I'm coming."

Suddenly, a voice came into Ye Li's ears.

Ye Li followed the voice and saw a young man approaching Yun Man.

The young man was very handsome, and looked a year or two older than Yun Man. Ye Li had seen this young man on the virtual screen of the communication list just now.

"Another advanced awakener." Ye Li said to himself.

Although the high-level awakened ones are very different from the first-order evolved ones, it is too simple to deal with these zombies.

It didn't take long for the twenty or so zombies to be killed by the young man.

"Yunman, are you okay?" The young man looked at Yunman with concern.

"Senior Chen Yun, where's the master?" Yun Man asked in shock.

"Teacher Meilin met a protector of the White Lotus Sect. She asked me to come to you first."

Ye Li narrowed his eyes, "The protector of the White Lotus Sect?"

Could it be that the scorpion protector mentioned in the mouth of the Four King Kong just now is not working?

The White Lotus Sect is a cult. After the outbreak of the zombie virus, this cult was established, but it doesn't seem to be a powerful organization.

Ye Li thought it was interesting, so he decided to ask about it.

(End of this chapter)

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