The emperor's favorite gentleman is enchanting

Chapter 191 Your identity, I will give it

Chapter 191 Your identity, I will give it (3)
This female ruffian!Thirteen shook his head: Fortunately, my uncle is not here.

There is no doubt that ten 23 dowry is just five steps for a man...

"Okay." The boy answered quickly, raising his head for the first time, with deep eyes.

Thirteen once again sighed: Fortunately, my uncle is not here.

"So good." Rong Qian was overjoyed, and gave the apple to the Marshal.

Just as he was about to go back home, Twelve said, "Miss, Uncle Guo brought a group of people here, saying that he wants to break off the engagement and seek compensation."

Rong Qiannian turned over and got out of the carriage, lacking interest: "That's the Rong family's business, I don't mind my own business."

Twelve also said: "Master Xiang and his wife are not in the mansion, Zhang Qinghou bosses everyone around, and Rong Xiaoba will cry."

At this juncture, it is obvious that the writers are not kind.

"The Wen family lost their two daughters, and the prince went to prison. This country's uncle's house is a princeling party, and trouble is certain. I'm afraid there will be a big trouble. It's best to bring Rong Ruhai back, so as not to kneel at the gate of the palace and get in the way of the East Palace. Dying. It's just." Rong Qiannian rolled her eyes sharply, and asked innocently, "What are you doing to me? It seems that I was kicked out by an old man named Rong."

This man really holds a grudge!

Twelve stood there calmly for a moment: "Marquis Zhang Qing was so angry that he smashed a thousand-year-old vase."

Twelve knows very well that for Rong Qiannian, human feelings are far less real than money.

Sure enough, Rong Qiannian's eyes lit up: "5000 taels." Nodding, she rubbed her chin thoughtfully, "This account has to be settled!"

To cheat people, cheat money, anyone who comes will not be rejected, it is all for one's liking.This is one of the few pleasures for evildoers.

At this time, there was a loud noise in the hall of Xiangfu.


The vase was broken.

Above the high hall, the uncle of the country, Wen Zhentian, is bossy and angry.

Underneath, a group of servants of the Prime Minister's Mansion trembled and knelt down and spoke.

"Uncle Guo calm down."


In order to seek justice, the Rong family was kneeling at the gate of the palace at the moment, these servants turned pale with fright when they saw the Wen family's posture, and were very confused.

Wen Zhentian's tone was cold and arrogant: "If Rong Ruhai doesn't come out again, don't blame the old man for being rude."

Who in this imperial capital doesn't know that Rong Ruhai is kneeling in front of the palace gate, Wen Zhentian went to the prime minister's mansion to look for Rong Ruhai at this moment, one can imagine the ulterior motives.

Slaves, no one dares to speak.

"Father, save talking nonsense with these slaves, I'll just tear down the Prime Minister's Mansion." Zhang Qinghou Wen Jingyu's arrogance was exactly the same as Wen Zhentian's.

As he said that, the little dandy of the Wen family raised a vase and was about to throw it on the ground...

Suddenly, the woman Youyou's voice was lazy: "Three thousand and nine hundred taels."

Wen Jingyu paused with his hands, raised his head, the woman's long hair was flying, and she walked in slowly from the door, with a smile in her eyes: "Mr. Zhangqing is sure."

Wen Jingyu's hands trembled, and his eyelids twitched a few times.

Speaking of who this dandy is afraid of, there is only one Rong Jiu in the entire capital, and she trembles just looking at it.

Rong Qiannian approached and said softly, "Let it go."

The Wen family's little dude was very obedient, and put it down obediently, gently.The action is completely conditioned reflex obedience.

Rong Qiannian stretched out her hand in satisfaction, patted Zhang Qinghou's shoulder, and praised: "Well, you're so good."

Wen Jingyu's feet trembled, and he froze.

Uncle Guo Wenzhen Tianguo's face darkened, and he read Rong Qian coldly: "What are you doing here?"

"My concubine wants to ask?" Rong Qiannian raised her lips and raised her crooked eyes, and asked, "The prince of the East Palace is about to die, so uncle Guo is free?"

In other words, I sprinkled a lot of salt.This person, wherever there is a wound, she likes to poke there.

Wen Zhentian's face turned green, and he tried to pretend to be calm and calm: "As far as I know, the dead princess has severed ties with the Rong family, and I don't need the dead princess to worry about the family affairs between the old man and the right minister."

Rong Qiannian seemed to suddenly realize: "Uncle Guo is very well informed." Turning her eyes, the topic changed, and she said with a smile, "Why didn't anyone tell Uncle Guo, my princess is a meddler. "

This person, do you want to be so upright?Such righteous words?
These words made it clear that she took care of this matter.

Wen Zhentian has been galloping on the battlefield for many years, and he has a smoldering aura of his own, which drives Rong Qiannian: "I would like to advise the deceased princess to be careful." After a pause, he said with ruthlessness, "I set myself on fire."

Yo, personal threats.My old lady never ate this in her previous life.

Rong Qiannian narrowed her eyes, and thought seriously: "Set yourself on fire? Japanese princesses have done a lot of fanning the flames, but it's the first time I've heard this word, so it's new."

Wen Zhentian laughed heavily and snorted coldly.

Obviously, Uncle Guo, who had never confronted Rong Jiu, was very disapproving.

Rong Qiannian was not in a hurry, and said in a persuasive tone, "May I ask how the uncle of the country wants to make this princess set herself on fire?"

"What do you want?" Wen Zhentian cut to the chase.

Wen family military general background, this tongue, this resourcefulness, um, far from it.

Rong Qiannian didn't even bother to play tricks, so she answered very directly: "This princess just wants to let Uncle Guo know two things." She took the main seat consciously, poured a cup of tea, took a sip, Tsk tsk, and continued unhurriedly, "First, every plant and tree in this Prime Minister's mansion has been taken by my princess. If the Prime Minister wants to demolish this Prime Minister's mansion, he must weigh it carefully. Second, It doesn't matter if this Xiangfu is in the way or an eyesore, as long as the surname is Rong, only this princess can bully and beat me, and outsiders can try it, but I have to remind you." Shaking the cup in his hand, he took Looking sideways at Wen Zhentian, "Someone is very defensive."

This is someone, who else, Rong Jiu.

Wen Zhentian's face changed color in an instant. This woman was indeed as the rumors said, shameless, arrogant, and cunning, and she did not act according to common sense.

"In a great country, as an uncle of the country, I am sitting upright, how can I let you cover the sky with one hand." Wen Zhentian spoke eloquently and was filled with righteous indignation.

Very confident, um, hypocritical enough.

It's just... It's very annoying, very angry, Rong Qiannian raised the corner of her mouth and teased: "Really? This princess wants to hear how Uncle Guo can sit upright?"

Wen Zhentian was immediately annoyed, and his thick voice penetrated the main hall: "The eight daughters of the Rong family don't abide by women's morals, and secretly communicated with the servants. They are no longer perfect, and they have damaged the century-old reputation of our literary family. In front of His Majesty, the Rong family has to give this old man an explanation."

Rong Qiannian glanced at Rong Jinxiu who was in the corner, her hair was unkempt, her eyes were loose, and there were bruises all over her arms and neck.

Is this still Rong Xiaoba?Rong Qiannian took another look carefully.

Damn, it's inexplicably annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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