Chapter 470 Seeing Ran Xiaoyu Again

Tina seemed to be very satisfied with everyone's fighting spirit, she clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention, and then said: "Okay, the interview manager and the project copywriter will trouble you to take the elevator and enter the third floor, where someone will take you to the interview venue."

"For the interview of the celebrity assistant, please go to the twelfth floor, there is also someone waiting there."

"The interview chief assistant stands there and waits, I will take you to the interview in person."

After Tina finished speaking, the crowd immediately moved into action. The interviewers who had already found their targets rushed towards the elevator one by one, as if they were afraid that they would walk too slowly and it would not be their turn to interview!
However, the hall became quite empty due to the departure of everyone. For a while, there were only ten people left including Chen Feng.

Standing in a group of handsome men and women in suits and leather shoes, Chen Feng, who was wearing casual clothes, looked more like a melon-eating crowd who strayed into the interview venue.

However, Tina still took a serious look at Chen Feng, led everyone into the elevator, and directly pressed the third floor of No.30.

After getting out of the elevator, Tina took everyone to an office and sat down, took out a bunch of cards from the drawer and handed them to everyone, and said with a smile: "Everyone, because we need an all-round talent, so this In the next interview, ten of you will be inspected by three examiners together."

"You still have five minutes to prepare."

After Tina finished speaking, she walked out of the office, while Chen Feng looked at the card in his hand curiously, with a 7 written on it.

Looking at the cards in the hands of the rest, there are also various numbers written on them.

The rest of them frowned because of Tina's words.

Accepting interviews together means that everyone has very few opportunities to perform, and maybe some people may be excluded if they don't even have time to perform.

So not only do you have to answer the various questions of the examiner, but is it possible to answer quickly?Do you want to try your best to let the examiner notice yourself?

"Everyone, I suggest that during the interview later, if the examiner asks questions, we will take turns answering them according to the serial numbers on the cards in our hands."

The woman holding the No. [-] hand card said very sincerely: "Try to give everyone a chance to show themselves, otherwise, everyone will not be reconciled."

"I agree." No. 2 was also a woman, and she agreed without hesitation.

Number three was a man in a suit with a straight body. He didn't speak, but just nodded, giving off a particularly calm feeling.

Number four is also a woman, but she sneered: "I don't think it's necessary, the Eight Immortals crossing the sea is fine!"

"I agree with number four." The man on number six immediately agreed, and besides him, number nine also nodded.

Number one frowned and looked at each other with some dissatisfaction: "Although we are rivals in the company, we might be friends after leaving the company, so I don't think it is necessary to be so radical!"

"no need?"

No. 2 is still full of sneers: "Sister, it's better to be realistic, the assistant to the general manager has a monthly subsidy of 50 yuan, and after adding various dividends, the annual salary is at least [-] yuan. !"

"The annual salary of 50 makes me not radical?"

No. [-] was so angry that his face turned red obviously, and he simply lowered his head and stopped talking.

Number four, like a victor, smiled triumphantly, his eyes gliding over the rest of the people, and then he spoke like a warning:
"Everyone, I advise you to save your energy for a while. This position must be mine. After all, you will never know how much I can pay for this job!"

But in the face of her warning, everyone didn't bother to answer. They all lowered their heads and looked at the resume in their hands, wondering what they were thinking.

Number Four laughed again before sitting down.

At the same time as she sat down, the door of the office was pushed open, and a man in a light blue suit walked in with his head held high.

The eyes of several women in the office lit up when they saw each other, and number four was so excited that he almost jumped at him.

The man glanced across the crowd, nodded lightly, and then walked to the central interviewer's seat and sat down.

Following him was Ran Xiaoyu, who was wearing a small maroon suit and had gold-rimmed eyes sandwiched between his face.

Today's Ran Xiaoyu is less innocent and agile than last night, but has a strong feeling on the contrary.

Ran Xiaoyu obviously also saw Chen Feng sitting in the crowd, his body stiffened slightly, then he turned his gaze away, walked quickly to the seat next to the man and sat down.

The last one following behind them was a middle-aged man in the same suit and leather shoes. After he entered, he closed the door first, and glanced across the crowd indifferently.

Seeing that Chen Feng was only wearing casual clothes, the middle-aged man snorted dissatisfiedly, and then walked to the last interviewer's seat and sat down!
With the sound of the stool being dragged, like the ringing of a boxing bell, except for Chen Feng, the other nine people sat upright with serious faces!
(End of this chapter)

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