Chapter 328 Bad Feng Shui
Although the company is still a long way from the city center, the housing prices nearby have already reached an average price of [-] flat.

If you choose those slightly higher-end properties, the price will be almost [-] times higher.

Wu Shuqing felt nothing when she went out, but now that she thought about it carefully, she still felt that something was wrong.

"Or just buy her something as a reward, the house is a bit too expensive."

Sitting in the co-pilot's seat, Wu Shuqing pondered for a while before speaking suddenly.

After hearing this, Chen Feng didn't show any expression, but Wu Shuyuan pouted slightly.

She should be the busiest person in the company during this period, not only keeping an eye on the changes in the market, but also making some operations according to the changes.

If it is placed in those big financial banks, it stands to reason that so many tasks need at least the cooperation of two parts to complete.

But this time, she did it all by herself from the beginning to the end!
It is not an exaggeration to say that it is useful for breastfeeding!
But since Wu Shuqing said so, what can she say.

I can only nod: "Alright! I want to buy a game console!"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and glanced at the two of them, then shook his head with a smile: "What I promised you at the beginning, it should be regarded as an advance payment of this year's bonus."

If the calculations are made, this investment alone has earned him so much. If calculated according to the commission in the original contract, Wu Shuyuan would have at least 500 million in income, which is more than enough to buy a house.

Seeing what Chen Feng said, Wu Shuqing still frowned, not because she was not satisfied, but because she felt that she had given too much!
You know, the basic salary income of two people without commission is enough to crush many local office workers in Jinhai.

"Okay, where should I go first?" Chen Feng joked again, and then asked curiously.

From the perspective of real estate developers, the commercial street in the city center is the so-called battleground for military strategists. In a small area, except for Yida and Lvguiyuan, which can be called by name, the rest are dominated by Feng's Headed by real estate, there is also a vote of local small entrepreneurs in Jinhai.

Wu Shuyuan's eyes lit up, and she said crisply: "Why don't we go to Yida first, after all, it's where my sister worked before!"

Chen Feng glanced at Wu Shuqing, and Wu Shuqing nodded lightly: "Although Yida's house looks a lot more rigid, it is a big brand after all, and the brand is responsible for it."

There was a sales office of Yida nearby. Chen Feng parked the car and took the two of them in for a walk.

The sales attitude inside is very good. On the one hand, Chen Feng's car is parked at the door of the sales office, and on the other hand, it is because Wu Shuqing and Wu Shuyuan don't look like they can deal with ordinary people. of.

The salesman enthusiastically introduced their house, but Wu Shuyuan came to the two of them with a curious face, full of doubts: "Sister, don't they know you?"

Wu Shuqing rolled her eyes, and said angrily: "There are so many staff members under Yida, and they know every one of them."

"And even if we know each other, it doesn't mean we have a good relationship. After all, there is competition everywhere."

Wu Shuyuan nodded, then frowned and looked at the houses on the sand table that had shrunk countless times.

It may be because she lived in Chen Feng's house for a while, although the little girl has no money, but her eyesight is much higher, so she only looked at it for a while, then she shook her head:

"I don't think so."

"Let's look at other things." Wu Shuqing also shook her head. After the three returned to the car, Wu Shuqing frowned and smiled wryly:
"I used to dream of buying a house of my own company, but now it seems that the house of my company is actually just like that."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Chen Feng with a full face of complaint.

Chen Feng shrugged, and took the two of them to the nearby Green Osmanthus Garden, but the result still disappointed them!
Coming out of the sales department of Green Osmanthus Garden, Wu Shuyuan pouted her lips and muttered behind the two: "I don't think the design level of these big companies is very good!"

Chen Feng shook his head and nodded a little bit. He couldn't say exactly what was wrong, but after thinking about it carefully, the houses of Yida and Lvguiyuan looked beautiful and expensive, but there was such a thing that people couldn't tell. Come the weirdness.

It's okay for people who don't notice this feeling at first, but as long as they notice, this weird feeling will slowly turn into a kind of nausea.

Wu Shuqing frowned again, and after thinking carefully for a while, she suddenly realized:

"No wonder it always feels weird. You said, could it be because their Feng Shui is not good?"

"Do you still know Feng Shui?"

Chen Feng and Wu Shuyuan looked at each other with the same surprise on their expressions!
(End of this chapter)

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