Chapter 265

And when Chen Feng said that he didn't understand evil spirits, the old and young people who were sitting on the main seat of the sofa became obviously contemptuous.

But it didn't happen right away, but urged:
"Mr. Lu, let's focus on the main point. My master's time is very precious, and I will go to Hong Kong City to help rich man Li with an exorcism in a while."

It was the young man next to the old man who spoke. He didn't speak with a Thai accent, but Hong Kong and Taiwan accents were much thicker!
Father Lu nodded with a dry smile, made a cup of tea for Chen Feng, and then said with a smile:

"Master Deng, don't worry. Now that everyone is here, I don't need to waste my words. I believe that the two of you should have a general understanding of my son's situation, right?"

Chen Feng nodded, the old man also nodded arrogantly, and it was the young man who spoke:
"Of course, isn't it just evil spirits entering the body? My master has several different sets for evil spirits. You can take a look at them in detail."

After the young man finished speaking, he actually took out a leaflet from his pocket and put it in front of Father Lu.

Chen Feng and Jiang Mei looked at each other, in a trance, they felt that everyone was sitting in a noisy vegetable market.

Father Lu was also at a loss for words. He glanced at Chen Feng and found that Chen Feng was expressionless. He still took the flyer from the other party and looked at it carefully.

From the corner of his eye, Chen Feng also saw clearly what was printed on the flyer, it was a good thing he didn't read it, but after seeing it, he almost couldn't hold back his secret laugh!
"Package 88888: Holy water to exorcise evil spirits, the effect of exorcising evil spirits is average, but the effect is slow, the price is [-]!"

"Package 666666: Little ghost exorcising evil spirits, the effect is good, and the effect is quick. After exorcising evil spirits, the little ghost can also attract wealth and treasure. The price is [-]!"

"Package 1888888: Master Deng Pu exorcises evil spirits himself, the effect is excellent, and it works on the spot! Everyone who has used it agrees! The price is [-]!"

"Appendix: If it is in the eyes of evil spirits, it is recommended to use the special package! It includes the exorcism of evil spirits by Master Po Temple himself, as well as the blessing of imp and holy water. Not only will the exorcised person be safe and sound, but also come with a transfer method! 0 Let you luck in the next life! Package price: 3000000!"

Each set meal in Shanghai is accompanied by a variety of red and purple pictures, and it looks dazzling for a while!
Jiang Mei's face twitched, and the image of the original unattainable master was instantly shattered.

Father Lu's face was also a bit ugly, as if he had been ruined by someone, he put the leaflet back on the table helplessly:

"Master... this... isn't it a bit too childish?"

He felt like he was looking at furniture when decorating a new house, and this so-called Thai master was a furniture salesman.

Master Deng Pu didn't speak, but the young man's expression became more arrogant, he patted the table dissatisfied, and shouted:

"Mr. Lu, we have to fly around the world every day. We are very busy! That's why we specially printed these leaflets, so that everyone can choose the package within their ability conveniently and quickly! You are wasting your life!"

"If you want to be cured, choose the package. If you are not cured, please settle the air ticket and labor expenses. My master and I will pretend that we have never been here!"

The young man was extremely excited when he spoke, and Chen Feng didn't even doubt that the young man would rush forward with clenched fists and beat Lu Zihao's father violently!
But if you take a closer look, what the other party said does have some truth.

But some things are fine if you don't pay attention to them, as long as you pay attention to them, they are destined to become worse!

Father Lu's face was also ashen, when had he been yelled at by a young man like this!

But when he thought of Lu Zihao upstairs, he gritted his teeth: "Master Deng, it's not that I don't trust you, it's just that you haven't done anything yet... Just ask me to send money..."

"Worried?" The young man sneered, and his tone became more excited: "If you are worried, you don't have to let my master come!"

"A Zhuan!" Master Deng said dissatisfiedly, and Ah Zhuan immediately closed his mouth and looked at Lu Zihao with a dissatisfied expression.

"Boss Lu is worried, I can understand, it's human nature." When Deng Pu spoke, he had a tone of yin and yang, and he sounded like an old Thai.

Jiang Mei rubbed her face in pain, the image of the master in her mind had been shattered into pieces of glass!
"Then look..." Father Lu said expectantly.

Deng Pu nodded, stroking his beard pretending to be profound, and said with a smile: "I'm just showing off, whether you decide to let me save your son or not, it's still on you."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the cabinet under the coffee table and smiled at the air around him: "Guy, help me see what's in the cabinet?"

Everyone looked at him with puzzled expressions, and Father Lu also looked at a loss.

After a while, Deng Pu laughed, nodded to Father Lu in a very noble manner, and said with a smile:
"I can't see that Mr. Lu actually likes Maojian from Bozhou? Also, did you forget to sign that contract? It has expired."

The rest of the people listened to Deng Pu's inexplicable words, but Father Lu's eyes suddenly widened, his face was full of horror!

(End of this chapter)

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