Chapter 208 Transferring the Old House

After Chen Weimin finished speaking, Chen Feng also said something with a smile in his heart.

Zhang Lian also rolled her eyes, staring at the dishes on the table in a daze.

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere on the table, Chen Weimin quickly greeted him warmly:
"Eat the vegetables! Let's eat the vegetables first, please don't move your chopsticks, Lianmei!"

As he spoke, he winked at Wu Chunhua.

Wu Chunhua was also very sensible and picked up a chopsticks dish for the two of them, and said curiously:

"That's right, Lianmei, what is your family doing? Are all the little BMWs on?"

"I didn't do anything. My son bought it."

Zhang Lian didn't want to say it at first, but after thinking about it, she decided not to miss this opportunity to show off her son.

After hearing this flower, Chen Weimin and Wu Chunhua rolled their eyes together.

"I remember that Xiaofeng... doesn't he work in a company? Started his own business?" Chen Weimin glanced at Chen Feng, feeling somewhat disapproving.

He also knew what Chen Feng was doing in Jinhai, how could he be able to afford a BMW in just one or two years?
"No, it's just a promotion." Chen Feng responded casually, lowering his head and moving his chopsticks.

"What I said before, I just said that this kid Chen Feng will definitely be promising in the future, right?"

Wu Chunhua suddenly yelled, and nodded with a smile on her face: "Sure enough, Xiaofeng didn't let me down!"

"That's right, this kid has been smart since he was a child." Chen Weimin also smiled happily, as if Chen Feng was his own son.

Chen Weiguo and Zhang Lian rolled their eyes at the same time. When they were young, the most common sentence these two people said was to call Chen Feng an idiot, right?
"Hey, seeing Xiaofeng being so promising, I'm relieved. After all, you guys know about my family. It's impossible to be as promising as Xiaofeng in the future."

After Chen Weimin finished speaking, he wiped the corners of his eyes, waiting for Chen Weiguo's comfort.

It's just that he waited until the corners of his eyes were a little red, and he didn't wait for anyone's comforting voice.

He put down his hands and looked at Chen Weiguo and Zhang Lian suspiciously.

He can understand Chen Weiguo's hard-heartedness, but even Zhang Lian, who is so warm-hearted, doesn't care about him, which is a bit unacceptable to him.

"Guo Wei!" Chen Weimin called out dissatisfied.

Chen Weiguo nodded to show that he was listening to him again, he picked up a large intestine with chopsticks and put it on Chen Feng's plate: "Try this."

"I don't want to eat." Chen Feng pinched him back in disgust, Zhang Lian gave Chen Feng a dissatisfied look:
"Who did you learn to be a picky eater? Didn't you like to eat very much before?"

"I don't want to eat today." Chen Feng said weakly.

Chen Weimin glanced at Wu Chunhua, and after the husband and wife looked at each other, they both saw the bitterness in each other's eyes.

They feel like they're at the dinner table, like the extra one.

"Weiguo, you have to help brother!" He picked up the wine glass and drank it down, then looked at Chen Weiguo with red eyes.

Chen Weiguo remained expressionless, and even his voice didn't fluctuate:
"You say, if I can help, I won't just sit idly by."

"It's enough to have your words." Chen Weimin laughed again, and after giving Wu Chunhua a smug expression, he said:
"Erniu will definitely not be as sensible as Xiaofeng in the future, so I thought, this old house of ours, can you give us Erniu?"

"After all, Er Niu is the younger brother. You don't want to see him not even getting a wife in the future, do you?"

After Chen Weimin finished speaking, he wiped the corners of his eyes that had no tears at all, and glanced at Chen Weiguo quietly.

He found that the expression on Chen Weiguo's face was very strange, as if he was thinking seriously about what he said.

This discovery made him feel hot, and he hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, looking like Chen Feng:
"Xiaofeng, I'm begging you as an uncle. Don't you think you love Erniu? And you don't usually come back, so why don't you give the old house to our Erniu?"

"I promise, let him treat you like your biological parents in the future, let him take care of you in the same way as Xiaofeng, how about it?"


Zhang Lian threw down her chopsticks and returned to the room expressionlessly.

Wu Chunhua's face became angry, but she still smiled at Chen Feng and Chen Weiguo:

"Sister Lian, you're in a bad mood today, aren't you? I still have goji berries picked from the mountains at home, and I'll bring them to you later, to calm you down."

Chen Weiguo ate the food without saying a word, while Chen Feng suppressed a smile, wanting to see what Chen Weiguo had to say.

Chen Weimin and Wu Chunhua also looked at Chen Weiguo nervously.

Under the attention of the three people, Chen Weiguo finally put down his chopsticks, smiled and nodded to Chen Weimin.

"You promised?"

Chen Weimin was overjoyed, and stretched out his hand from his pocket to take out the prepared contract and put it on the table. Wu Chunhua also took out a pen and handed it to Chen Feng:

"Xiaofeng! Hurry up, your dad has already agreed, so hurry up and sign!"

Chen Weiguo shook his head in disappointment, stretched out his hand to press the contract, and said indifferently, "Get lost!"

"What do you say?"

Chen Weimin's smile froze on his face, and he looked at Chen Weiguo in disbelief:
"Can you say that again?"

(End of this chapter)

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