Chapter 168 Hate!
This smell is very good, and even a little hot on the eyes!
Chen Feng held his breath, squinted his eyes and looked into the car. Li Wei was slumped on the seat of the van, and forced a weak smile to Chen Feng:

"Big nephew."

Looking at his appearance, if you don't know, you may think that he has some kind of cancer!

"Come down, I have to wash the car." Dabai said with some disgust.

After a while, he will not only wash the car, but also take a shower. After the whole body is disinfected, he will report to Hu Guangsan again.

Li Wei staggered up from his seat, acting like an old man whose life had come to an end.

But no one would pity him, even Zhang Lian took a few steps back with her daughter and Zhang Ping!

If Li Wei suffered from some serious illness, maybe Zhang Lian was soft-hearted and could have a good talk with Li Wei.

But it is a venereal disease, is this kind of person worthy of sympathy?
Li Wei got out of the car without saying a word, Dabai greeted Chen Feng again, but when he was about to leave, he was grabbed by Chen Feng.

"I've worked hard these two days. I paid for the car wash, and the rest is for nutrition."

Chen Feng stuffed 2 yuan into Dabai's hand, but Dabai almost threw the money away as if he had touched some hot potato!

After all, before he came, Hu Guangsan had repeatedly told him to satisfy Chen Feng!
Otherwise, don't go back!

How dare he accept Chen Feng's money!

Seeing Dabai's hesitation, Chen Feng stared deliberately, with a dissatisfied tone:
"I tell you to take it, so you can take it, and I will talk to Lao Hu."

"Then...thank you, Young Master Chen!"

Dabai chuckled, at his age, he was spending money like water, and Chen Feng's 2 yuan was not considered a small amount of money to him.

After Dabai happily drove away, Chen Feng turned to look at Li Wei:

"Have you brought everything?"

"Bring it." Li Wei nodded, but looked at the second aunt with some erratic eyes:

"Xiaoping, we have been in love for so many years, are you really... willing?"

The second aunt didn't seem to hear it, and walked towards the lobby of the Civil Affairs Bureau with Zhang Lian.

Li Wei sighed, and after taking another look at Chen Weiguo, he whispered to Chen Feng:
"Nephew, really as long as we get divorced, you will give me 20 yuan for medical treatment?"

"Don't get so close to me!" Chen Feng stepped back, and as soon as Li Wei approached, he felt like he got into a basket of rotten fish and rotten shrimp.

But looking at Li Wei's expectant expression, he still nodded:
"Yes, after the divorce, I will give you 20 yuan for medical treatment, and we will settle the matter."

"I hope you keep your word." Li Wei gritted his teeth and said, like a threat, he took out a pin from his pocket:

"The doctor said just now that my disease can be transmitted through blood. If you don't pay me, we'll die together!"

His voice was very small, but it still made Chen Feng's eyes narrow.

Nodding with a half-smile, Chen Feng said:
Li Wei breathed a sigh of relief, and took out two marriage certificates from his pocket, intending to give them to Chen Feng, but Chen Feng didn't take them, he just motioned him to follow.

Staring at Chen Feng's back for a while, if Chen Feng and Li Wei looked at each other at this moment, they would definitely see the venomous light in his eyes!

Li Wei really hated Chen Feng very much, the kind of hatred that he wished to tear Chen Feng to pieces!
Although he was a little slovenly, he had only done that kind of thing with a few women, so he was very sure that the disease he was contracting now was infected by that woman that Chen Feng took him to meet that day!
If Chen Feng didn't bring himself to meet that woman!Then I won't have sex with her!It won't be like this now, wherever you go, you will be disgusted like a plague god!
Li Wei gritted his teeth fiercely, took the pin and pricked his finger lightly, watched helplessly as the tip of the needle turned bright red, then he hid the pin and followed behind Chen Feng.

Of course the marriage has to be divorced, after all Li Wei still wants to live, but Chen Feng, he will never let it go!

Just tie it!
If he gets hit, no matter how good Chen Feng is at fighting, he will only be like the current self, becoming something that people hate as dogs!

"Can you hurry up?" Chen Feng turned his head and urged with a frown.

Li Wei's body trembled, as if he had been found guilty of something wrong, he nodded and quickened his pace with some guilt.

Chen Feng sighed, but felt a little helpless in his heart.

Before meeting Li Wei, he really felt a little guilty and planned to help Li Wei.

but now……

The divorce process was carried out in full view, so even if Li Wei wanted to play tricks, it would be difficult to use them in front of everyone.

The moment the second aunt got the divorce certificate, she couldn't help crying, while the daughter hugged the second aunt with a timid expression.

Li Wei put away the divorce certificate calmly, and followed Chen Feng to the side, with a very blunt tone:

"Okay, the marriage is divorced, now the money should be given to me, right?"

Saying that, Li Wei stretched out his hand, wanting to pat Chen Feng on the shoulder!

And in the gap between his fingers, a little blood-colored cold light is particularly dazzling!
(End of this chapter)

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