Chapter 155

Xianyu Pavilion and Xianyu Groups 1 to 33.

Ever since Young Emperor Qingcheng became a missing person, the activity of the members in the group dropped to the lowest all of a sudden.

Now, most of the readers who still stay in the group to chat are chatterboxes.

It's just that I like to chat when I have nothing to do.

Maybe they are all only children, and some are autistic.

In the past, when the young emperor was still there, although the young emperor didn't show up very much, at least they felt that there was still hope.Yes!If Shao Dida popped out suddenly, they might still be able to post something like "Discover the leader of the group".

But now...

The young emperor has not overdone it for almost a year.

Thinking about it now, it is quite emotional.

this day.

Someone in the group suddenly mentioned this matter.

It is said that young people have gone to play in the group of little white tigers, but those old people, old salted fish, don't like to move, so they have to stay in the group to eat, sleep and play Doudou.

No passion!

And didn't they all eat and sleep and molested the female manager in the past?

Why are there no female managers now!
As they talked, everyone talked about Nai Ke.

"It seems that Nai Ke has become an editor of Xuan, and she is a woman!"

"Isn't her TT information written as a man?"

"Hey! You also believe whoever lies to you."

"@奶装-Is there any book that you can read recently, would you recommend it?"

Seeing that she was @, Nai Ke also came out.

Silently replied: ""Full-time Master", "The Female Anchor of League of Legends"."

"Surprised female manager!"

"I've finished reading the previous one, but what is the latter one?"

After modifying his wording countless times, Nai Ke replied: "Anyway, it's a very good book, I don't regret it if I don't read it."

Although he became an editor, Nai Ke would still maintain communication with the Xianyu crowd from time to time, especially the Xianyu Pavilion.After all, there are too many faces she is familiar with in Xianyu Pavilion, but—hey~ Now it is too troublesome to be so low-key to help the young emperor promote this book.

"Transfiguration text? Not interested."

Someone glanced at the profile and quickly typed back.

In fact, this world also has metamorphosis.And it's kind of poisonous.This big brother must have been hurt before, otherwise he wouldn't have said this immediately in terms of conditioned response.

Nai Ke said speechlessly, "You'll regret it if you don't look at it, it's super pretty."


The man was stunned.


A man can say it and do it.If you don't watch it, don't watch it, and why should he regret it.I glanced at the data of this book for a while, and although it looks quite powerful among the novels in the game category, it is still far behind the novels in other categories.


It was recommended by milk shell.

Although in Xianyu Pavilion, there are quite a few people who reject the transformation text, but many people see that it is recommended by Nai Ke, and they feel that Nai Ke will not deceive them, and it is not necessary.

What's more, this book is now number one on the list of newcomers and new books in the game category!Maybe, this book is really interesting!
So, under the boredom, many people still choose to have a look.In fact, many people still don't like "Full-time Master", mainly because the routines in the early stage are outdated, and the plot is too plain. Even if it is replaced with a keyboard game, it still cannot give people an amazing feeling.

So even in Li Anan's original world, "Full-time Master" was not popular at the beginning.

If you look through the records, you will know that it took almost a year for "Full-time Master" to reach 3000 average subscriptions from being released to the high-quality goods.

It's also thanks to Die Lan being a very good writer, otherwise, if the writing collapses in the middle, "Full-time Master" is likely to become a hit book.

It's better in this world. Although "Full-time Master" has no major innovations, at least, there is an extra book introducing the keyboard suddenly, and the update speed is good, so it seems quite different.

In addition, although the routine is outdated, and the early stage plot seems too flat, at least the rhythm of this book is still good.

Therefore, "Full-time Master" should be the kind that many people didn't want to read at first, but they finished the whole book without knowing it after watching it.

And now what about "The Female Anchor of League of Legends" recommended by her milk shell—that's right!It is a book that will make people feel amazing starting from Chapter 1.

The biggest feature of this book is not that it is better than other books, but that it creates a new subject matter.A theme that people have never heard of or seen before!Its biggest advantage should be the freshness of the readers for the new world depicted by the author!


Someone came back after watching it.

The first is the concept of 'female anchor', which many people find very interesting.

As for transforming into a game, no one has written about it before.

Chapter 1 is only the first five hundred words, and it has already attracted many people.

As for the back...

Although some people have a little hindrance in reading because the game "League of Legends" is not any game that exists in reality, but because the author wrote very detailed reasons, even readers who have never played the game, You can probably imagine what kind of game this is.

For example: Players can hide themselves in the grass so that the other party cannot see themselves.Only when the opponent also enters the grass, which is commonly known as "face detection grass", can you get the vision inside the grass.The author probably wrote down the location and range of the grass, about how many yards.How many seconds it takes for a hero to walk from the end to the front, and how many heroes can be accommodated, are all written for reference.


This allows everyone to have a clearer understanding of the setting of this game.

of course!

The most attractive thing is not this.

It's the setting of the hero.

Each hero has a fixed hero background story, as well as an attribute version and a skill version.

So when the data of the two heroes is presented, many people also start to think, if these two heroes appear together, which hero will be more dominant.

Some people say that it is clearly a desert butcher!After all, if you think about it, the ultimate move can cause 50 points of magic damage per second to the surrounding units, and it also adds 450 points of blood for no reason.


This is destined to be a novel with a lot of topics in all aspects.

"Although I don't understand it very well, it's surprisingly good."

"It's rare to see someone write such detailed hero data in the setting of the novel. This author is amazing."

"It's just that the number of words is a little less!"

At this moment, Nai Ke really wanted to type and say: "Of course it's amazing! Because it was written by the young emperor!"

But the words were not spoken in the end.

Wait, maybe when the young emperor will be willing to reveal all his vests?

By the time……

A salted fishbone!

Thousands of troops come to meet each other!
As for the big brother who refused to watch it before.Yes!After seeing everyone's reaction, I have already secretly watched it now.

After reading.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fuck! Submit it!"

"Why is it so beautiful!"

"I hope the protagonist can achieve a positive result with the senior sister."

"Sure enough, all transformation texts are poisonous."

"It feels much more exciting than other online articles."

"And the author's mind is really big."

"No! Let's post a comment first."

"Marry and die for the whole family!"

So he finally typed.

(End of this chapter)

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