Become a salted fish girl

Chapter 142 Could it be that she is actually a genius! ?

Chapter 142 Could it be that she is actually a genius! ?

this day.

A fresh face has joined the Xianyushe TT group.

Art school.

Zhang Ying.

The first person to react was Senior Sister Anna.

Because it was just a few seconds ago.

She is watching animation.

It was Li Anan who spoiled her.

Before, she didn't watch anime.

Whether you are Japanese animation, or Chinese animation.

She has no interest in herself.

If I had to recall the last time she watched animation, it should be before the third grade of elementary school.

Since she was promoted to the third grade, she seemed to have no impression of animation.

When I was in junior high school, the school organized to watch American animation movies once or twice.

But to be honest, I couldn't say I had any particular interest in those movies at the time.

Don't watch anime, don't watch movies.

What do you think she usually does?
Just reading, there are many books at home.

That's why she wears glasses.

From children's books to fairy tales.

Medium to foreign classics, popular science travel notes.

As big as a novel written by Li Anan like "A Song of Ice and Fire", as well as biographies.

She has read many books.

However, in fact, it is also used to pass the time.If there is any particularly big gain, such as developing into a specialty, there is really no one.

Reading can only temporarily immerse her into another world.

So how should I put it, she should be regarded as a loyal reader of physical books.

until last week.

Li Anan recommended her to watch animation.

It is impossible to be a good salted fish without watching animation.


Because of this sentence, she went to try it.

The first one to look at first is towards Lily.


It doesn't seem to be anything special.

Then I watched sports and passion.


mere animation!

It made her react, it's impossible!



She has fallen.

"Angel Bike" is really beautiful!

Let her watch it all afternoon.

just now……

Li An'an asked her to do animation and she didn't even bother.

Because doing it yourself is not as fun as watching others!

Just when she finished watching the animation.


I saw a newcomer coming to the TT group.

Where did I find this idiot, the id is called 'Ying Bao', why does it feel lower than 'bad coal'.


"Newcomer, Academy of Fine Arts, first-year graduate student, Senior Sister Zhang Ying, welcome to join, everyone applauds."

Senior Sister Anna obviously pursed her lips.

The last time you pulled other people from your dormitory in, I haven't settled the score with you yet.Now you never know where a cat or a dog is drawn, have you considered the feelings of your members, have you considered the feelings of "bad coal".


The 'low-quality coal' she calls is also on the line.


"Newcomer, Academy of Fine Arts, first-year graduate student, Senior Sister Zhang Ying, welcome to join, everyone applauds."

Li Anan posted it again.

Senior Sister Mai Yuwen looked at the screen for three seconds, then thought for two seconds, well, she chose to ignore it.

Although Senior Sister Zhang Ying felt strange, it was not embarrassing. The most embarrassing one was Li Anan.

No one welcomes you anyway!

This is the wrong way!
Then Li Anan began to reflect on whether he had done anything bad recently.

But the problem is, no!

She also recommended Senior Sister Anna to watch "Angel Bike", and also gave Senior Sister Mai Yuwen a "Anti-Japanese Drama".It's really a drama!It is almost at the same level as "Bright Sword" and "My Leader, My Regiment".Why are you ignoring her?


Second sister.


Shen Aoqing.

very excited……

Only [-] words!

8000 favorites!
What is the concept of 8000 collections!
This time it is definitely going to be a fire!

Li An'an could only type to Senior Sister Zhang Ying: "They don't like talking very much. Let me tell you the specifics next."


Li Anan began to explain to Zhang Ying how they would draw next.

Very simple!
It is also difficult!
First of all, Li Anan will draw two original paintings before and after.

Then, the next thing Zhang Ying has to do is to draw the middle picture, also called the middle cut.

Of course, it must conform to the law of exercise.

Zhang Ying listened for about half an hour.

It soon became clear what was going on.

Like those old page-turning comics.


Turn the page with a snap, and then you can see the characters making various actions.

Just ...

How to say now!

She was used to drawing with pencils on paper, but seems that she can only draw on the computer, which may not be suitable for her.

Later, Li Anan bought another digital board for the other party.

For Li Anan's arrogance, Zhang Ying can only say that she is convinced.

While eating in the dining hall at noon, Zhang Ying also went to the printing shop to print out two casually and went back to the dormitory to try to draw.

There is no copy table, and I don't know there is such a thing as a copy table, and then... Zhang Ying can only draw according to her own feelings.

It was a struggle at first.

Because positioning is not easy.


Even fools have foolish ways.

After some hard work.

After all, ten years of painting skills are put there, after all, she still draws it.

About seven of them were drawn.

(Mainly because what Li Anan sent her is relatively simple)

Then he flipped through it by himself.

Although there are some places that feel awkward, after all, it is deformed, seems that this thing is not very difficult.

Use an eraser to erase the deformation, and then modify it for a while.

After scrolling through eight pages and looking at it, it's not over!
But when she looked at the sky outside again, it was already evening.

Another classmate in the same dormitory saw her painting when she came back, so she also came to have a look.

Curiously asked: "Why do you still draw comic strips?"

Zhang Ying replied: "Oh! Today I met a..."

Then she told what she had seen and heard.

The classmate in the same dormitory said: "Where is such a junior sister, please give me a dozen! But you really have time to spare."

Zhang Ying said: "Anyway, I'm not busy right now, just draw casually every day. Besides, it feels really difficult. It's challenging, not bad. Maybe I can do something related to it for my graduate thesis. .”

The classmates in the same dormitory have nothing to say.

Because she thinks that she should not think that the seniors and sisters in the second year of research are busy copying famous paintings and then selling them to galleries. Generally, one person can copy several pieces a day, and even those who are not familiar with them can earn 500 yuan a day. Yuan told the other party that it was okay.

Two days later.

The digital board arrived.

Zhang Ying also tried to draw on the digital board.

I have been familiar with it for three days, after all, I am a graduate student.It seems to have mastered it quickly, and Li Anan also handed over all the in-between paintings to be drawn to Zhang Ying.

If the original progress is 1.383%.

so soon...


The progress bar moved forward slowly again.

Hirasawa Yui pressed the alarm clock to stop.

This difficulty is not too great.

However, there are some small details that need attention.

For example: Yui Hirasawa's paws grabbed twice in the air, and then pressed the alarm clock to stop.If Li An'an didn't make this point clear when handing Zhang Ying the painting, it would be easy to ignore the painting, which would eventually lead to a lack of interest.This test is definitely Li Anan's level and ability as an animation director and an original artist.


Just paint every second.

Draw as much as you can.

It took Makoto Shinkai two years to make 20 minutes.

And it's still that horrible style of painting.

She still has eight months to go, hey, she doesn't know if she can do that.

During this period, something frightening happened.

Zhang Ying seemed to see that Li Anan was pretty good at painting, so she curiously asked Li Anan how long he had been studying painting.

Li Anan directly said that it was almost three months, and if you counted his own painting of Little North, it should have been four months.


Zhang Ying then sent her a 'contempt.jpg'.

Zhang Ying: "It's a ghost! It's been at least two years."

Li An'an replied: "There's no need to lie, I lied to you as a puppy."



Suddenly, something feels wrong again!
Because - Li An'an looked back and thought about it, don't say two or three months for many people, even if you teach them two or three years, how should they paint, or what.It's rubbish, it's still rubbish!
So when Zhang Ying said that, Li Anan himself felt a little confused.

Could it be that she is actually a genius! ?

Shock! !
Immediately, Li Anan excitedly ran to ask Shen Aoqing.

Shaking Shen Aoqing's shoulder: "Shen Aoqing, Shen Aoqing, do you think I'm actually a genius!?"

In fact, there is no need to describe what Shen Aoqing will say next.

Shen Aoqing would say: "Why do you say that?"

Li Anan: "Look..." Give an example.

Shen Aoqing: "Illusions are all illusions. Your IQ test is only 70 points. To put it mildly, you are mentally handicapped."

Li An'an: "...Shen Aoqing, you are mentally handicapped! I let you do it! Believe it or not, I tricked you into bed tonight."



A genius was ruthlessly killed in this way.


Westside basketball court.

The daily training of the school women's basketball team.

Li Youyou and her little friend just came back from a run, passed by, and saw it, so they squatted there and watched for a while.

After reading it, the little friend said with emotion: I didn't expect that girls playing basketball look as good as boys in terms of momentum.

Li Youyou then replied: It should be from the school team, look, there is a coach watching.

Friends: Wow!This three-pointer!In again!

Li Youyou pursed her lips: Compared with my sister, she is still far behind.

Little friend: You are blowing your sister up again.

Li Youyou: Because my sister is a genius!
Take a look!

That's the difference!
Shen Aoqing still has a long way to go to learn.

 first change

(End of this chapter)

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