Farmhouse cooks have space

Chapter 283 Exceptions

Chapter 283 Exceptions
Seeing this, Village Chief Liu's fluke heart suddenly collapsed, and the eyes he looked at her gradually became indifferent, as if looking at a dead person.

If it was normal, for the sake of the reputation of the villagers and the lowly children, he would definitely help her cover up a bit, so as not to make things too ugly.

But now it was related to the whole village and his own livelihood, so he naturally didn't dare to be biased, otherwise he would really deny the matter of planting cumin.

Then how can he explain to the villagers? I am afraid that he, the little village chief, will not be able to keep him.

This was not what he wanted to see, so he directly confessed to Doctor Qian: "Tell the truth."

Dr. Qian nodded solemnly, then took the towel in He Miao's hand and sniffed it carefully, "It is indeed Mongolian and Chinese medicine."

"Have you smelled it carefully, can't you talk nonsense?" Grandma asked.

"If I make a mistake with such inferior Mongolian and Chinese medicine, then this doctor will not do it." Doctor Qian replied angrily when he heard that his medical skills were being questioned.

"It's really knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing their hearts. I usually see their family members are very kind, but I didn't expect to be such a person."

"Indeed, she was the most active person when saving people. When she knew that Shi Lei was not convenient to live in Dr. Qian's house, she was the first one who asked to take him home.

It couldn't be that she was planning to plot against others at that time. "

"It's very possible, otherwise, how could she be so well prepared."



The village chief's expression became more and more ugly after hearing this, and then he looked at Yu Wenxuan and said, "What's the matter with you?"

Just as Yu Wenxuan was about to speak, he felt Widow Ma tugging at his clothes and looking at him beggingly.

It was obvious that he didn't want him to tell the story of her plotting against her.

But after letting her go last time, she only stopped for less than two months.

Now he really fell in love with He Miao, in order to make her give up and to make He Miao feel at ease, he did not intend to let her go this time.

Otherwise, she would probably mess up his and He Miao's good affairs by chance.

Afterwards, he persuaded Sun Laosan to start drinking, and told him everything that happened after that.

"My God, it seems that there is no one in the Sun family who is simple, even a half-old child like the third child can plot people."

"Don't say it, I don't think so, but I really want to understand one thing after saying this. Ordinarily, Sun Laosan and this Yu Wenxuan should not know each other. Why is he alone and keeps trying to persuade him to drink.

It turned out to be waiting here. '"

"Indeed, but this kid is blessed enough. To be so missed by a little widow, it's beautiful to think about it."

"That's you. If it were me, I would only feel sick."

"Indeed, it's okay if there is love between the two of you, otherwise it would be ugly if the man was dragged and robbed like this."


All the people at the scene, following people's discussions, all stared at Widow Horse, some ridiculed, some sympathized, but most of them were Chiguoguo eyes full of evil thoughts, which made Widow Horse dizzy immediately past.

However, there are two special cases at the scene, one is He Miao and the other is He Yuchun.

And think about one thing.

The reason is because of a sentence that people said unintentionally before.

They didn't think that grandma's active rescue of He Shilei was because of today's calculation.

They think they can think further, then...

 continue in the afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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