Farmhouse cooks have space

Chapter 208 Spicy Chicken

Chapter 208 Spicy Chicken

Qin Wenyao was taken aback after hearing this, then shook her head and got busy with her own.

And this He Miao immediately bled the two pheasants after entering the kitchen, then put some salt and stirred it to coagulate into blood tofu.

Afterwards, the pheasant was killed by boiling water, but it was different from the usual chicken killing. The skin was peeled off directly. One was for the sake of speed, but the skin of the pheasant was not oily, so it made little difference whether it was left or not.

Finally, cut the pheasant into egg-sized pieces, soak it in water and add some ginger powder to remove the fishy smell.

It was only after she was busy that she realized that He Rong had left the stall, and Qin Wenyao also came in with firewood in her arms.

After seeing the pheasant soaked in the basin, he asked in surprise, "Why did you throw away all the chicken skin?"

"For the sake of speed, just turn on the fire, and I will fry this pheasant out."

"Alright." Qin Wenyao nodded and sat down to start a fire.

And He Miao went to prepare the seasoning.

After returning, I waved the chicken that had been soaked in water first, and squeezed out as much water as possible from the chicken nuggets.

Then pour oil into the small pan, wait until the oil is almost [-]% hot, put the chicken pieces into the pan and fry until golden.

Then scoop out the oil in the pot and leave the bottom oil to sauté the ginger and garlic until fragrant, then add peppercorns and chili slices, and after a while, the spicy smell hits the nose, and Qin Wenyao choked and ran out.

Seeing this, He Miao just smiled, then poured in the previously fried chicken nuggets and stir-fried for a few times, finally added some salt, continued to stir-fry, and waited for the taste to fully taste before taking out of the pan.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Qin Wenyao rubbed her nose and asked with a tiger face as she walked in from the outside.

"How come, I didn't expect you to be so afraid of spicy food, so you must pay attention in the future." He Miao replied with a smile.

Then he handed her a piece of chicken and said, "Try how about it, I guarantee you like it."

Qin Wenyao didn't like the spicy taste at first, but when she smelled the craving aroma on the chicken, she took it right away, sniffed a small piece of it gently, and began to taste it slowly.

Then he nodded and said, "Spicy and delicious, and not as spicy as imagined."

"That's right, it's spicy when it's fried. Actually, I didn't dare to add more peppers, so it's not considered spicy."

"Is your red one the pepper?"

"That's right, I used uncooked sausages when I fried them that day, and this one has a more dry taste."

"So that's how it is. If this chili really won't cause problems, we can grow more. It will definitely be popular when used as a condiment, especially for people who like spicy food."

"I think so too, and I plan to use it as a seasoning, so I will use it to make more dishes. Maybe our small village can make a fortune from chili peppers."

Qin Wenyao glanced at her in surprise. She didn't expect her to think so long-term. Then she nodded in agreement and said, "It's a good idea, then you have to set aside enough seeds."

"Yes, after autumn, I plan to go to the mountains to look for it." After He Miao finished speaking, he divided the spicy chicken into two parts, and put one on the table.

I saved one copy and planned to send it to Yu Wenxuan after it got darker. By the way, I would like to ask if there is any pepper on this mountain. If there is, then everything that follows is reasonable.

Otherwise, I have to find a place to plant some in the mountains.

 A new round of PK will start this afternoon. Please vote and support more, little ones, otherwise it will be put on the shelves soon.

(End of this chapter)

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