No regrets ninety-two

Chapter 300 Make People Hopeful

Chapter 300 Make People Hopeful
The future is unknown.

Even if Wu Xiao is the reborn person, because of his change, many things related to him have completely changed, so this future is also full of unknowns for him.

So Wu Xiaozheng can only grasp the moment.

What he has to grasp now is Li Wei, because after all, he is Wu Xiaozheng's brother with a good relationship in his previous life, so he can't let him do whatever he wants.

After leaving the Public Security Bureau, Wu Xiaozheng grabbed Li Wei who wanted to leave.

"What are you doing?"

"You silly hat, you were almost used as a gun!"

After all, Li Wei is still young, and he is very loyal. When he can't tell the good from the bad, he is really easy to be used by others without knowing it. Wu Xiaozheng doesn't think it will be good for him to get involved with the Zhu family and his son.

"Leave me alone!"

Li Wei's words are still so annoying.

"I'll take care of you, why, you refuse to accept?"

Wu Xiaozheng replied unceremoniously, this is also Li Wei's habit of communicating, and the two of them communicated like this in the previous life.

Li Wei stopped talking.

He had to obey.

The current Wu Xiaozheng, no matter in what aspect, seems to be qualified to control him.

Because of a previous conflict, Wu Xiaozheng's dinner was completely delayed, so he simply pulled Li Wei into a small restaurant.

"Didn't you say you were going to stay without pay or resign altogether? Why are you still hanging out with that guy named Shi?"

Wu Xiaozheng brought up the topic again.

This question made Li Wei a little embarrassed, and he replied weakly: "I haven't finished my resignation yet, my father disagrees."


"My father said that your factory is a private enterprise. Although the benefits are good now, there is no guarantee in the future."

Wu Xiaozheng once again had nothing to say.

He knew what Li Wei's father thought.

Speaking of it, it’s still the same old concept: it’s better to beg for food in an iron rice bowl than to eat meat in a porcelain rice bowl.

The reason is that porcelain rice bowls are not guaranteed and are easily broken.

These people with such old ideas may not know that the iron rice bowl is about to be broken.

Wu Xiaozheng gave up and continued to pursue the matter.

The reason why he took care of Li Wei was not because Li Wei was an indispensable talent, but because of his brother in his previous life. .

In fact, because of Li Wei's aggressive personality, Wu Xiaozheng was not optimistic about his work ability at all.

But what Li Wei said next made Wu Xiaozheng restless.

"The matter between my sister and Brother Jun may not be easy."

"what's wrong?"

"My father said that brother Jun is not good enough for my sister."

Wu Xiaozheng was dumbfounded.

Wu Xiaozheng spent a lot of thought on the matter of Liu Zhijun and Li Hua.He originally thought that it should be all right when the matter has developed to this extent, but who knows that there will be unexpected twists and turns.

It seems that Brother Jun, the father-in-law, is not so difficult to deal with!


"My father said that brother Jun has a rural household registration, works in a private company, and doesn't have a house in the city. Even if his income is higher now, it's only temporary...and my sister is a state cadre..."

Li Wei spoke hesitantly, as if he was a little ashamed to say it.

Wu Xiaozheng understood again.

Li Wei's father's opinion on this issue is exactly the same as Li Wei's idea of ​​whether to resign and join Chef Wu, because he doesn't like porcelain rice bowls.

But speaking of it, Li Hua's work is really good.

She is now working in the sub-district office, so she can be regarded as a national civil servant.

Wu Xiaozheng had nothing to say again.

He knew that it would be difficult to persuade Li Wei's father by reasoning.

then what should we do?

Do you want to help Brother Jun buy a suite in the city?
Hey, this is a way!

Doesn't Li Wei's father think that Brother Jun doesn't even have a house in the city?

Then let's buy it!
Now a three-bedroom apartment of about 100 square meters in the city is less than 2 yuan, which is not a problem for Chef Wu, who is now making money every day!
In Wu Xiaozheng's view, problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

Of course, how to help is also a problem. It is definitely not possible for the company to buy a house directly for Brother Jun. This is not a rational approach.

The same is true for agreeing to help Wu Minxia buy a house in the city.

Wu Xiaozheng's thoughts turned quickly again.

What he thinks is not only about buying a house, but about Chef Wu, as a private enterprise, how to make employees have confidence in him and feel that they have long-term expectations.

This is a very serious problem, because this is still the era when the market economy was just in its infancy.

Just like Li Wei's father, no matter how prosperous Chef Wu is now and how much his employees earn, he still looks down on him.

The reason is that they feel that private enterprises have no protection and no hope for individuals.

There will be many people who have the same thoughts as Li Wei's father.

This is very unfavorable for Chef Wu, who is located in a poor county in the inland area and has an extreme shortage of talents. This will lead to a serious brain drain in the future, and it may even fail to attract useful talents at all.

This is very detrimental to the development of the enterprise.

Especially for a company like Chef Wu, its goal is a large national market. In the process of its development and growth, it needs a steady stream of talents to join.

And Wu Xiaozheng also knows that the future will be an era of fierce competition. Once Chef Wu becomes bigger and stronger, the talents he cultivated will face poaching from other companies.

This is a serious hidden danger, and Wu Xiaozheng must prepare in advance.

After thinking about it, he quickly came up with an idea, and said to Li Wei: "Go back and tell your father that the company will reward Brother Jun with a house in the county right away, and it will be a 100-square-meter junior bedroom."

Li Wei was stunned all of a sudden.

"Fuck, it won't be so good!"

Li Wei really found this a little unbelievable.

In this day and age, even in national units, the general staff is divided into a small two-bedroom apartment of [-] to [-] square meters.

As for the 100-square-meter junior room, it is more difficult even for higher-level leaders.

If what Wu Xiaozheng said is true, it is definitely a big deal.

Li Wei's thoughts became lively, and he asked: "Do all the staff of Chef Wu have the opportunity to share rooms?"

"It's possible, but it depends on the length of service and the degree of contribution to the company."

This is Wu Xiaozheng's idea.

He intends to create a long-term reward mechanism so that employees who have made significant contributions to the company can have something to look forward to, and housing is one of them.

This seems to greatly increase the company's operating costs, but Wu Xiaozheng, who has experience in business operations, knows that it is worth it.

In the company of his previous life, there were quite a few high-level talents who received rewards such as housing and cars.

But in this day and age, in the mainland where the real estate bubble has not yet appeared, the cost of housing is too low if you prepare in advance and do it right. Wu Xiaozheng believes that the future Chef Wu can afford it.

Li Wei's eyes lit up: "I can assure you, if Brother Jun can really get a room in the city, the matter between him and my sister will definitely be done!"

At this time, Li Wei was still thinking that if Chef Wu had such benefits, there would be hope for his resignation.

This is the power of hope.

Although the housing allocation belonging to Li Wei is still far away, he has seen hope and has greater motivation.

(End of this chapter)

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