No regrets ninety-two

Chapter 285 Chef Wu is about to prosper

Chapter 285 Chef Wu is about to prosper

March 3st is a festival for people in Xiangshui Village to celebrate.

This kind of celebration not only comes from the three-day and three-night flowing water banquet set up by the Wu family, but also from the continuous singing of human dramas for three days and three nights.

In the early years in the countryside of Hunan Province, when TV and other entertainment programs were still lacking, singing people's dramas became the happiest entertainment program.

Whenever there are festivals, or elders' birthdays, new houses built, weddings, new children and other big happy events, if conditions permit, in addition to serving wine, there will also be a few human dramas, that is, local flower drum operas.

Whenever singing a man's play, villagers from all over the world, no matter how big or small, will come early after hearing the news.

Singing a human drama is indeed a big scene.

Generally, before a good show begins, there are opening gongs and drums.

The opening gongs and drums often have to be beaten for a long time. One is to wait for the audience, the other is to wait for the actors to prepare, and the third is to warm up the scene.

As soon as the opening gongs and drums sounded, the common people living nearby couldn't bear it anymore.

People who are eating will put the rest of the rice in the bowl into their mouths, and run to the theater in a hurry.

The old man would keep urging the old lady: hurry up, hurry up, are you going?No, I went alone.

The child would stand outside the door, looking in the direction of the stage for a while, and calling his mother in a panic: "Hurry up, mom!"Everyone else has gone, and San Hualian is about to come out.

As for the girls and boys, they arrived at the theater early, waiting for the good show to start.

Not long after the opening gong sounded, the audience was filled with black heads.

The people waiting to watch the show are all different people with different thoughts.

The old people usually bring their own small benches to take a seat, and when the opening gongs and drums sound, they sit together and talk about the plot that is about to start.

The young lads usually gather on the periphery, in groups of three or four, making some low-level jokes and making a lot of noise.

Big girls are different.They stood or sat quietly, but their ears were not idle. While listening to the old people discussing the plot, they listened to the young men's jokes, and occasionally bowed their heads to say a few words and snicker.

As soon as the opening gongs and drums stopped, the whole theater was silent, only the children were left running around.

When a good show begins, the singers quickly enter the role, and the audience also quickly enters the play.

The elderly and middle-aged people are eating melon seeds in their mouths, their minds are all in the play, and they hum a few words from time to time.

The boys are different, their eyes are on the stage, while they secretly see if there are any girls around them, their minds are naturally half on the stage and half off the stage.

As the saying goes: A maniac who sings an opera is a fool who watches an opera.

This play can really make people obsessed.

Those who watched the play were carried away one by one.

Seeing the highlights, the crowd can't help shouting "yes".

People laugh when they see joy.

Seeing the sad place, those women and grandmothers would keep wiping away their tears, and some would even cry out.

When you see bad guys on stage, you tend to yell.


As the saying goes, there is a play on the stage, and there is a play off the stage. The people who sing the play are people, and the people who watch the play are also people.

In many cases, it is really unclear which is on stage and which is off stage, who is an actor and who is an audience.

But in the hearts of ordinary people in the early years, Huagu Opera was a part of people's life, just like eating, it became indispensable.

You can even skip meals, but you have to watch plays.

It can be said that singing people's drama is more lively than festivals.

Today, Xiangshui Village ushered in such a lively scene, which hadn't been seen in a long time.

In recent years, with the development of society and economy, modern entertainment facilities such as televisions and tape recorders have gradually entered the homes of ordinary people, and it is not difficult to watch movies...

With more entertainment methods, Huagu Opera will gradually decline.

There are fewer and fewer troupes singing operas, and singing operas is no longer a big scene that can often be encountered.

Therefore, this human drama in Xiangshui Village is very precious, especially when I heard that the theater troupe invited is still a regular troupe from Ningxiang.

When the opening gongs and drums sounded, people were already buzzing under the stage and on the big playground.

Not only the villagers from Xiangshui Village came here, but also old theater fans from neighboring villages.

The villagers in Xiangshui Village are really happy.

Because of the rise of the Wu family food processing factory, everyone has begun to enjoy the benefits it brings.

There are really many benefits, such as going to work in a factory, giving priority to purchasing agricultural products, and focusing on Xiangshui Village in the town's agricultural and business cooperation projects. These are all real benefits.

And the three-day and three-night running water banquet and singing opera that started today are rare benefits brought to the villagers by the prosperity of the Wu family.

It is said that prosperity is easy to attract people's envy.

But the prosperity of the Wu family not only does not attract people's envy, but makes everyone feel very happy. The reason is that the Wu family is kind and willing to share the benefits with everyone.

Therefore, when the three-day and three-night running water banquet and singing operas were decided, the village committee mobilized a little bit, and the whole village took action and began to be busy for this festival.

Now that the festive festival has begun, the villagers of Xiangshui Village are happier and prouder watching the lively scene of the crowds.

Didn't the Wu family say that they don't accept gifts from everyone, so let's buy firecrackers to add a little more festive atmosphere to this big festival.

Therefore, from the sound of the opening gongs and drums of the singing opera, the sound of firecrackers nearby has never stopped.

When Wu Xiaozheng took the little girl and led Yu Zixuan to the vicinity of the village primary school, they found that the road in the village was already open to traffic, and no vehicles were allowed to enter the vicinity of the village primary school except for the vehicles transporting goods from the food processing factory. .

Walking along the way, villagers who are busy working on the running water mat kept greeting them warmly.

Yu Zixuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Such a lively scene, even in the age of big pot meals, can't keep up with it!"

In fact, Wu Xiaozheng already had tears in his eyes.

This is not only moved by the big scene, but also because of the pride from the heart.

Yes, Wu Xiaozheng is really proud of himself and the Wu family.

It is said that money cannot buy happiness, but now Wu Xiaozheng has bought the happiness of the whole village with a small amount of money. How can this not make him proud?
After thanking the enthusiastic neighbors along the way, after stopping for a while at the place where people were singing in the playground, Wu Xiaozheng and the others went directly into the temporary factory.

With so many people watching the show, Wu Xiaozheng and the others couldn't hear anything clearly when they stood outside, so they could only feel the atmosphere a little bit.

But that's enough.

The production of the temporary factory was not affected by this festive atmosphere, because of the explosive growth of sales, everyone had to work overtime to meet the market demand.

The workers have no complaints about this, because everyone has seen hope and enjoyed happiness.

Yu Zixuan couldn't help but sighed again: "Chef Wu is really about to flourish."

Yes, Chef Wu is destined to thrive!

(End of this chapter)

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